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Generally favorable reviews- based on 2238 Ratings

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  1. Feb 14, 2016
    whatta hell is this auto-tune overkill? Kanye doesn't have a voice anymore? The samples sound obnoxious. everything sound put together with no clue. There are so many better artists on this genre today, Kanye can retire.
  2. Feb 24, 2016
    A genuine mess with no substance. Really disappointed on this one compared to other tracks by the notorious arrogant, megalomanian "god". I think Taylor Swift made Kanye famous.
  3. Feb 14, 2016
    A l'écoute de la piste d'ouverture - Ultralight Beam - on pouvait penser que Kanye West était de retour à ses débuts et qu'il allait nous proposer un album solide après cette première piste et surtout l'excellent No More Parties In L.A. . Au final, on se retrouve avec un album qui oscille entre le médiocre et le catastrophique sur un fond d'autotune. Remercions le nombre excessif deA l'écoute de la piste d'ouverture - Ultralight Beam - on pouvait penser que Kanye West était de retour à ses débuts et qu'il allait nous proposer un album solide après cette première piste et surtout l'excellent No More Parties In L.A. . Au final, on se retrouve avec un album qui oscille entre le médiocre et le catastrophique sur un fond d'autotune. Remercions le nombre excessif de collaborations sur son album qui essaient de sauver l'album du naufrage (et qui chantent bien plus que West au passage).

    Avec The Life Of Pablo, West prouve définitivement qu'on parle plus de lui pour sa mégalomanie et sa femme que pour sa musique.

    Les seules pistes à conserver: Ultralight Beam, FML, Real Friends, No More Parties In L.A.
  4. Feb 14, 2016
    The only song i really enjoyed was "Fade". Most of the album sounds like a bunch of inadequate minimalist beats and lyrics pieced together trying to pass for some kind of higher artistry.
    It's by far the worst work of Kanye West.
  5. Feb 14, 2016
    Kanye brings back horribly weird car crash Death Grips rip-off moments, like Feedback. He brings back lazy Freestyles like "Freestyle 4," the beat of which is white noise, probably made in 15 minutes. He has some insanely stupid lyrics that try any listeners patience. The Taylor Swift line was stupid, and I don't even like Taylor Swift's music but that line sucked, and the line aboutKanye brings back horribly weird car crash Death Grips rip-off moments, like Feedback. He brings back lazy Freestyles like "Freestyle 4," the beat of which is white noise, probably made in 15 minutes. He has some insanely stupid lyrics that try any listeners patience. The Taylor Swift line was stupid, and I don't even like Taylor Swift's music but that line sucked, and the line about bleached **** ouch. He should really consider QUITTING. This album had 4 good songs. That's it. 4. Expand
  6. Feb 14, 2016
    What a mess. It's 11 songs in before he even gets warmed up. Kendrick Lamar's verse is the best thing on this album. 4 good songs. Stop focusing on shoes and fashion. Too much distraction.
  7. Feb 19, 2016
    Seriously? This is decent at best. The first 4-5 tracks to introduce the album is great the rest is meh.. Travis Scott did a much better job with the same theme and received much lower ratings smh. The bias opinions need to stop.

    We'll see how many of you still listening to this in a month that's the true rating.
  8. Mar 8, 2016
    2010's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy was an incredible album that should have gotten at least an Album of the Year nomination and most likely, the award itself. 2013's Yeezus, while decisive, was a brilliant fusion of electornic/house/industrial and rap. I personally listen to these two albums in their entirety very few weeks. Unfortunately, 2016's TLOP is a dissonant mess with at2010's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy was an incredible album that should have gotten at least an Album of the Year nomination and most likely, the award itself. 2013's Yeezus, while decisive, was a brilliant fusion of electornic/house/industrial and rap. I personally listen to these two albums in their entirety very few weeks. Unfortunately, 2016's TLOP is a dissonant mess with at least 7/18 tracks being entirely worthless and almost no redeeming factors.
    These 7 tracks are around 2 minutes or less including a phone call from imprisoned rapper Max B(Silver Surfer Intermission) and a woman talking slowly about her love for Jesus(Low Lights). Freestyle 4 is a boring adlib with a boring beat. I love kanye is funny the first time you hear it but you will groan every time you hear it after.
    While I could dance or rock out to most of the tracks of his two previous albums, the only song that makes me feel like moving at all is Waves, a beautiful song featuring Chris Brown. I once put Waves on Repeat for an hour I loved it so much. Waves is the only highlight for me.
    After 20 listen throughs(what a waste), Waves is the only song I want to hear again from this album. How anyone with two functioning ears enjoys this album is a mystery to me.
    Do yourself a favor and get the trail version of Tidal. Don't subscribe as you can find most albums, including brand new albums on Youtube.
    Cheers, this is my first time using metacritic.
  9. Apr 15, 2016
    Wow, what a mess. How would I describe this album in one word? ANNOYING. And I'm a fan of most Kanye's albums but this one is just sloppy. There's nothing special about any of these songs, there isn't much soul, there's nothing here really. I only liked "Real Friends" but it's mostly good because of the sample anyway. If it wasn't for this song I would have given Pablo a 1/10.
    I can at
    Wow, what a mess. How would I describe this album in one word? ANNOYING. And I'm a fan of most Kanye's albums but this one is just sloppy. There's nothing special about any of these songs, there isn't much soul, there's nothing here really. I only liked "Real Friends" but it's mostly good because of the sample anyway. If it wasn't for this song I would have given Pablo a 1/10.
    I can at least understand being a cocky **** if you have the goods to back it up. It's now apparent that he is a shadow of his former artistic value. Funny how his ego has grown and his music has devolved. What a waste.
  10. May 7, 2016
    Most of it in my opinion is trash. It literally sounds like something I would make using my microphone app on my iPhone. I absolutely hated it, however according to some, you have to listen to it in a certain order and if you do apparently it's incredible. That is the only reason it is not a 0. Plus it came out late, was only on tidal for the longest time, and he changed the album nameMost of it in my opinion is trash. It literally sounds like something I would make using my microphone app on my iPhone. I absolutely hated it, however according to some, you have to listen to it in a certain order and if you do apparently it's incredible. That is the only reason it is not a 0. Plus it came out late, was only on tidal for the longest time, and he changed the album name multiple times which I think rubbed everyone wrong, especially because he settled for the name "The Life of Pablo." Album cover looks awful too. It in my opinion is the most overhyped album to ever be released, and many like it simply just because it is Kanye. I am a big fan of his older music, but this was just terrible. Expand
  11. Jul 25, 2018
    No, just no. I was just about to get interested in Kanyes's music, and then this popped out. He often quotes himself as a genius beyond our world, but, for example, the track "I love Kanye" suggest everything but that.
  12. Feb 26, 2016
    I'm sorry, this sucks. Listened to it on Tidal and three observations:

    1. anyone who uses autotune so liberally is immediately disqualified from being labelled a 'genius.'
    2. half the songs sound like something you could throw together on ProTools in a matter of hours.
    3. this is tuneless, derivative ****

    Other than that, TOPNOTCH!!
  13. May 3, 2016
    a dead album... kanye west really sold us dreamzz, and gave us a nightmare of an album.... look like kim produced dat shii
  14. Feb 18, 2016
    A bunch of unfinished drafts shuffled together don't make a good album. I listened to this album twice - the second time around it got even worse so I deleted it to where it deserves to be.
  15. Feb 17, 2016
    All these ten reviews are completely absurd. Either people have been paid to promote this drivel or the kanye bandwagon has officially made people lose their minds and act like a religious cult. This is Kanye worst work yet as he drifts closer and closer to ending up in a psych ward.
  16. Feb 19, 2016
    Kanye is real gangsta. In this album he disses the toughest gangsters of the bussiness like Taylor Swift. He is still god s gift to the music, dont wait, buy his new album and shoes and stuff.
  17. Feb 25, 2016
    the album is very bad. the track produced by madlib is good. but some of the lyrical content on here is a mixed bag. some talking bout gospel stuff others full of derogation towards woman, making fun of Taylor Swift for some reason again and how big kanye's ego is. the lack of balance of subject matter really throws the album off. not sure y an album wit the score it has supports thethe album is very bad. the track produced by madlib is good. but some of the lyrical content on here is a mixed bag. some talking bout gospel stuff others full of derogation towards woman, making fun of Taylor Swift for some reason again and how big kanye's ego is. the lack of balance of subject matter really throws the album off. not sure y an album wit the score it has supports the horrible content is displays. the fact that kayne is disrespecting women and Taylor again shows how low hes sinking the bar with his music nowadays. kanyes past work is better than this garbage. Expand
  18. Feb 16, 2016
    Unfinished. Get back to the studio, Kanye. This isn't what you need to release after saying you are the greatest artist of all time. This is full of fillers and had a lazy production.
  19. Feb 15, 2016
    Tired of all the Kanye CULT stans think this is good. It's awfull. Complete garbage a with three decent songs the rest is trash. I made account just to say this. STOP MAKING MUSIC KANYE
  20. Nov 19, 2020
    Generic music, nothing special, typical Kanye egomania top to bottom, not worth the time.
  21. Apr 9, 2016
    'TLOP' is everything that is wrong with the current 'fast food' style of pop music of the present. It's a heartless, soulless effort designed to trick the masses into thinking it's much better than it actually is. Kanye is a product and nothing more; Not an artist, not a genius, and not even worth my time to finish this senten
  22. Feb 18, 2016
    I remember people loving "Metal Machine Music" Too. I also know way more people disliking it. You know when a performer isn't that good when he has to do one media tantrum after another to get attention and not just let His Albums do the talking
  23. Feb 18, 2016
    This album does not contain even one track worth listening to twice.
    The so-called 'freestyle' sounds like an insult to everyone. Not only is the production on this record mediocre, there is absolutely no value to any of the words spit out by West. All in all I treat this as a final nail to the coffin to his productions and I hope to never hear about another album of his again for our
    This album does not contain even one track worth listening to twice.
    The so-called 'freestyle' sounds like an insult to everyone. Not only is the production on this record mediocre, there is absolutely no value to any of the words spit out by West. All in all I treat this as a final nail to the coffin to his productions and I hope to never hear about another album of his again for our sake. Do not believe the reviews. This album deserves a 2/10 at best. It's an insult to society and real music lovers around the world. There are obviously too many paid trolls around here that write fake reviews to try and save this lousy and failed attempt at music making. Avoid at all costs.
  24. Apr 7, 2016
    ...this is for ten years from now.... in....
    .....this record is trash.....
    .....for a trash can.....
    .........ain't hatin....just sayin.......
  25. Mar 3, 2016
    **** garbage lyrics fell off hard my god, yeezus was much better than this garbage. I can't believe people think kanye is still hot this **** fell of years ago...
  26. Mar 29, 2016
    I can't believe Kanye recorded an album like this and wanted to tell everyone in the world that this is good. Well, that's just awful and I can't listen to this because this "music" gives me headache.
  27. Aug 30, 2021
    La mayor porquería que he escuchado en toda mi vida, asco la burla del rap
  28. Feb 15, 2016
    Très clairement l'un des disques les plus faibles de kanye, absence de cohérence artistiques, paroles lamentables, production largement en dessous que ce qu'il nous offre d'habitude, beaucoup de chansons très mauvaises, aucune excellente chanson, passez votre chemin...
  29. Feb 14, 2016
    A disc full of autotune jingles juxtaposed on edm trap music layered up with pseudo gospel chorus' and auto tune whining. Not even listenable. The emperor has no clothes.
  30. Feb 16, 2016
    This album is complete and utter, unforgiving trash. There's absolutely no content on this whatsoever. I'm real sick and tired of all these Knaye cultist hypebeasts losing their minds over absolute trash. I don't care if the sound is great, although it's basically autotuned nonsense that sounds like an angry child banging on a trash can, he should go and PRODUCE then. Calling this a RAPThis album is complete and utter, unforgiving trash. There's absolutely no content on this whatsoever. I'm real sick and tired of all these Knaye cultist hypebeasts losing their minds over absolute trash. I don't care if the sound is great, although it's basically autotuned nonsense that sounds like an angry child banging on a trash can, he should go and PRODUCE then. Calling this a RAP album is insulting to real MCs like Kendrick Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 35
  2. Negative: 0 out of 35
  1. Apr 6, 2016
    There is plenty here to suggest that West's magic has not entirely left him, but as a statement of art or true intent, this is a significant misstep from an artist with so much to praise.
  2. 60
    There is much to be admired here, rather less to be enjoyed.
  3. Uncut
    Mar 22, 2016
    For better or worse, no-one else is making records quite like this. [May 2016, p.82]