• Record Label: Ipecac
  • Release Date: Oct 30, 2020
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
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  1. Jun 15, 2021
    The most unenjoyable thrash metal album I have ever heard. Mike Patton's vocals are annoying, and his screams sound like a frog being slowly crushed to death (and not in a good way, obviously). Not a single song on this album is unique, with a few exceptions such as "Grizzly Adam" and "Hypocrites / Habla Español O Muere." Sometimes I wonder why couldn't they just make a Mr. Bungle albumThe most unenjoyable thrash metal album I have ever heard. Mike Patton's vocals are annoying, and his screams sound like a frog being slowly crushed to death (and not in a good way, obviously). Not a single song on this album is unique, with a few exceptions such as "Grizzly Adam" and "Hypocrites / Habla Español O Muere." Sometimes I wonder why couldn't they just make a Mr. Bungle album that was experimental like the ones in the 90s? It would've sounded so much better! But sadly, we have to face the fact that THIS thing exists. Good riddance that I don't have to hear this ever again.

    Overall score: 3.4/10
  2. Feb 7, 2021
    Didn't love this album at 1st but it's grown on me. It's up there with their best work. The vocal talent alone is mind boggling. I don't know how Mike Patton does it, especially after all these years. This band is tenacious. The tracks are all really hard hitting except the 1st track, but even that one gets hard by the end, and may cause you to jump out of your seat if you're not payingDidn't love this album at 1st but it's grown on me. It's up there with their best work. The vocal talent alone is mind boggling. I don't know how Mike Patton does it, especially after all these years. This band is tenacious. The tracks are all really hard hitting except the 1st track, but even that one gets hard by the end, and may cause you to jump out of your seat if you're not paying attention when it does. Best way to describe the feeling this music induces would be it's like being on a rollercoaster peaking on acid. Expand
  3. Oct 30, 2020
    How sad, to see an all-time favourite band sink so low.

    To clarify: there's absolutely nothing "wrong" with this album. If you're in the mood for an hour - a very LONG and REPETITIVE hour! - of high-quality primal "thrash", you've come to the right place. But what does this have to do with the Mr Bungle weirdos like myself came to know and love in the '90s? Well, this IS a
    How sad, to see an all-time favourite band sink so low.

    To clarify: there's absolutely nothing "wrong" with this album. If you're in the mood for an hour - a very LONG and REPETITIVE hour! - of high-quality primal "thrash", you've come to the right place. But what does this have to do with the Mr Bungle weirdos like myself came to know and love in the '90s?

    Well, this IS a re-recording of their first demo. But so what?! All bands have to start somewhere...it's about where they PROGRESS to that matters. And this album is not only a regression of the highest order, but boasts two members who simply don't belong, and never would've fit in the more official Bungle days. And I say this as someone who has great respect for Dave Lombardo, and is a HUGE Anthrax/SOD fan. Sadly, though: you're better off buying an SOD album, which this resembles far more than anything with the word "Bungle" in it.

    I understand the story that led to this release. I get that SOD and Slayer were an early influence on Bungle. I even think this album is a bit of a fun "bonus". But what it ISN'T is the new Bungle album that fans have lusted after for twenty years.

    Oh, and a clarification regarding the rating I've given this: yes, it's a pretty good album. It's worth an 8/10. But it's nowhere near a 10/10, which I'd give the three official Bungle albums that predate this. If they'd released this as a fun, in-between-real-albums product, I'd think it was pretty cool. But I dread to think that people new to Bungle will think this is what they're "about", 'cause it doesn't even come close.

    Easily their least original and creative album, period.
  4. Oct 30, 2020
    This album is an incredible timeless masterpiece. The band aged pretty well and this album gives everything Bungle always does perfectly : it´s funny, well produced and heavy as hell. i was expecting this album to be a generic thrash metal album, but I'm glad I was wrong. If you like heavy music, if you like Mr. Bungle, if you like pure chaos and madness, if you like good music regardlessThis album is an incredible timeless masterpiece. The band aged pretty well and this album gives everything Bungle always does perfectly : it´s funny, well produced and heavy as hell. i was expecting this album to be a generic thrash metal album, but I'm glad I was wrong. If you like heavy music, if you like Mr. Bungle, if you like pure chaos and madness, if you like good music regardless of any label you should give them a try. The album is not like any of their previous album, but it is as good as.
    Fav. Tracks : Grizzly Adams, Habla Español O Muere, Bungle Grind, Eracist
  5. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Incredible, and unic album and visuals. Ariana gave us the 2020 savery with this absolute masterpiece! Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Dec 8, 2020
    A weirdly uncomfortable and exhilarating listening from start to finish. [Jan 2021, p.85]
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Dec 8, 2020
    A weirdly uncomfortable and exhilarating listening from start to finish. [Jan 2021, p.85]
  3. The Wire
    Dec 3, 2020
    A further cover from that era, Corrosion Of Conformity’s “Loss For Words”, features alongside three previously unheard songs by the teenage group: “Methematics” stands out as a twisty prog-thrasher with shades of Voivod. It still amounts to a bit of a frippery, and one doesn’t have to look far to find a fan of the band cheesed off at Mr Bungle doing this rather than writing a follow-up to 1999’s California, but they don’t owe anyone anything. [Dec 2020, p.52]