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  1. Feb 15, 2020
    It's another incredible album from Tame Impala. It's clear the evolution in his sound. There are some tracks that wouldn't deserve to be there, but the main tracks are really beautiful.
  2. Feb 14, 2020
    Die hard fans of their old rock stuff can’t seem to handle that the bands changed. It’s still an amazing record.
  3. Feb 14, 2020
    After listening to The Slow Rush three times , I can easily say I love it. I was hesitant at first when the singles came out because it sounded more pop-influenced but I was so wrong to doubt Kevin's mind. Production,lyrics,mixing are top notch,basically excellent. The album has songs to make you dance and make you cry. I seriously cant decide what are my fave songs. One More Hour ,After listening to The Slow Rush three times , I can easily say I love it. I was hesitant at first when the singles came out because it sounded more pop-influenced but I was so wrong to doubt Kevin's mind. Production,lyrics,mixing are top notch,basically excellent. The album has songs to make you dance and make you cry. I seriously cant decide what are my fave songs. One More Hour , Tommorow's Dust, Is It True and It Might Be Time are some i can pick now as favorites but I'm pretty sure that if i keep listening to the album, I'll have to rewrite this part. If this is the new Tame Impala, I'm here for it. Expand
  4. Feb 17, 2020
    Another great showing from Kevin Parker. He continues on from Currents, expanding his catalog of pop music, while still sprinkling his signature style and sonic diligence in each song. Lets Dance!
  5. Feb 14, 2020
    A culmination of styles and lessons learned from past albums, this is an evolution of Parker's sound and structure.
  6. Sep 5, 2020
    Years ago, in the beginning, Kevin Parker's nasal singing used to distract me, but when you get used to it, you start to hear the "music" instead of the "singer's voice". I'm giving this a 10 because I simply cannot think of anything or any element that you can add to this album and make it better. Definitely one of the best albums of 2020, if not THE best.

    Best songs IMO: Borderline,
    Years ago, in the beginning, Kevin Parker's nasal singing used to distract me, but when you get used to it, you start to hear the "music" instead of the "singer's voice". I'm giving this a 10 because I simply cannot think of anything or any element that you can add to this album and make it better. Definitely one of the best albums of 2020, if not THE best.

    Best songs IMO: Borderline, Lost in Yesterday, Is It True
    Bad tracks: none. all tracks are very good, at least.
  7. Feb 17, 2020
    I am loss for words to describe how much I adore work of Parker! His music is extraordinary and one of a kind! Each song impressed me from its first seconds, there is a definite progress and some new sounds in this album! was worth all the wait and I hope to hear him live!
  8. Feb 19, 2020
    This a good follow up to the album Currents. Not as good as currents BUT that’s not saying much because of how good currents is. The slow rush is a great album
  9. Feb 14, 2020
    Strong and easy to listen as well as to fall in love with. One of the best album of 2020.
  10. Feb 14, 2020
    Os singles foram maravilhosos o álbum não deixou a desejar, mais um trabalho incrível da banda.
  11. Feb 14, 2020
    O melhor album dele ate ao momento. Absolutamente master piece. A primeira musica , ouve com atençao e pode mudar a tua perspectiva da vida para sempre. Com 2 interpretaçoes do significado tem o final que tu queres que tenha. Ou tem hoje um e amanha escolhes o outro. Das 2 maneiras acaba sempre mal. Incrivel. Posthumous Forgiveness é uma musica incrivelmente pessoal, tao pessoal queO melhor album dele ate ao momento. Absolutamente master piece. A primeira musica , ouve com atençao e pode mudar a tua perspectiva da vida para sempre. Com 2 interpretaçoes do significado tem o final que tu queres que tenha. Ou tem hoje um e amanha escolhes o outro. Das 2 maneiras acaba sempre mal. Incrivel. Posthumous Forgiveness é uma musica incrivelmente pessoal, tao pessoal que pedimos desculpa ao Kevin Parker por estar a ouvi-la. O ritmo hipnotico transporta o ouvinte ate ao fim como se fosse uma desculpa para ouvirmos a letra da cançao tao intima da vida dele. A relaçao dele com o pai e nós a ouvir a musica e a fazer de conta que estamos a prestar mais atençao as noticias na TV ou ao jornal que ninguem lê porque aquela é uma "conversa" pai - filho e nós nao temos que estar a ouvir. Instant Destiny é uma cançao simples de amor , uma tatuagem para a vida daquela paixao que temos no momento apenas porque sim e depois logo se vê. Sem complicaçoes , uma afirmaçao de estar apaixonado .....porque sim. Depois desta montanha russa de emoçoes surge Breathe DeeperTime Warp como se fosse um intervalo comercial para o ouvinte recuperar da "tareia" emocional que já levou das apenas 4 primeiras musicas. Um voltar á realidade por meio minuto como que reconhecendo que manter-nos no mundo dele por um periodo elevado de tempo poderá induzir á loucura. Breathe Deeper é a musica que vem a seguir e faz de tudo para nós trazer de volta a este mundo psicadelico com obvias referencias a substancias nao muito legais e estados de espirito muito "pedrados". A batida descontraida parece dizer constantemente que esta tudo controlado e a letra avisa a amante que quando passar o efeito dos "cogumelos" tudo vai ser incrivel e inesquecivel. Mas antes da musica acabar ela tambem já esta mocada e os dois podem ser como um. Que senhor, que controlo da situaçao , o album esta a ser fabuloso e mal posso esperar para saber onde nos leva de seguida. Tomorrow’s Dust é mais relaxada, é a relaçao que se der certo: porreiro. Se der errado......porreiro tambem. E nao vale a pena chorar sobre o assunto porque amanha é outro dia. Finalmente, a nossa mente tem 4 minutos de paz e relaçoes despreocupadas. On track é uma faixa puramamente Tame Impala, é o mais Tame Impala que vao ter do album e se nao querem começar a audiçao do album pelo material pesado, comecem aqui e faz de conta que esta tudo bem. Mais uma vez é uma cançao pessoal mas desta vez com um tema mais leve , em como a vida do Kevin Parker corre bem e tudo é cor de rosa mesmo quando os problemos lhe veêm parar ao colo mas ele resolve (obvio, é genio o homem). Lost in yesterday é o single do album. É A Cançao!!! Fala das nossas memorias e de ser nostalgico e ficar preso no passado. Quem nunca??? A serio. Quem nunca?? As vezes a vida nao corre como planeamos mas é preciso seguir em frente e nao ficar refem do passado. Um tema simples e eficaz num loop pop "à la Tame Impala" que faz de um tema pesado algo mais leve pela batida despreocupada. Como diz a musica:"Does it help to get lost in yesterday?" Esta tudo dito. Is it True é a musica que se segue. Kevin avisa segundos antes: "escrevi esta batida num supermercado" ......hum....ok???!!!! Isto vai ser divertido.A batida é divertida realmente e acredito que tenha saido da mente dele enquanto comprava uma lata de feijao mas o tema e a letra mais uma vez é profundo, complicado e como sempre sem uma resposta final e firme. Tudo feito para nos destabilizar. Mais uma vez....consegue. Promessas de amor nao cumpridas, jura de "amo-te" que depois nao consegues repetir, estado de espirito de hoje que sao diferentes de amanha...porque somos apenas humanos. E aqui estamos nós , na audiçao deste album, de sentimentos esfrangalhados , de amores desencontrados e vidas perdidas. Mas queremos mais porque...... os genios quando fazem musica deixam-nos assim. It Might Be Time é o prego que se segue. Supertramp do sec. XXI. E mais uma vez a nossa existencia nao tem paz. Estas a envelhecer, é tempo de enfrentares essa realidade, os teus amigos seguiram a vida deles , tu ficas-te e continuas com o sonho dentro da cabeça...... Meu Deus , que murro no estomago. A bateria que bate forte e o loop psicadelico que embrulha este recado para a tua vida miseravel que podia ser melhor se fosses uma pessoa melhor. A ultimo tema que precisava de ouvir mas aqui estou eu a adorar cada segundo. Pareço flutuar no espaço. Este album é uma viagem.... para longe e ao mesmo tempo tao perto, dentro da nossa mente. Genial mais uma vez. Arrastamo-nos para Glimmer a proxima faixa. Esta musica parece um oasis. Um ritmo despreocupado, leve , sem intençao de nada. Como que se o autor soubesse que estamos de frangalhos e nos passa-se a mao pela cabeça a dizer que :"Deixa lá, é a vida, vai ficar melhor". Ou aceitamos ou é aqui que soltamos as lagrimas. One more hour fecha o album. Expand
  12. Feb 15, 2020
    This album is a masterpiece, a must-listen, not their best but really good, the real art, smooth, cohesive, everything
  13. Feb 15, 2020
    needed to listen twice in order to truly appreciate the album. Doesn't have a climax but what do you expect from an album called the show rush, it gives you a slow rush!!
  14. Feb 15, 2020
    You'll start adoring this masterpiece on the 3rd listen so give this album a chance
  15. Feb 14, 2020
    This is such an experience. I still haven’t recovered from it. It’s a psychedelic trip you haven’t heard from Tame Impala yet and that’s saying something!
  16. Feb 14, 2020
    Combines every emotion that a human being can possibly feel... Incredible melodies and truthful lyrics, Tame Impala’s masterpiece!!
  17. Feb 14, 2020
    Kevin Parker is a master musician. From the psychedelic, droning introduction One More Year, with the title of the song being repeatedly sung by a robot, I could tell Parker was ready to experiment with his sonics. The highlights of the album include Tomorrow’s Dust, Posthumous Forgiveness, One More Day, and so much more. The lows on the album, for example, on track, still make me want toKevin Parker is a master musician. From the psychedelic, droning introduction One More Year, with the title of the song being repeatedly sung by a robot, I could tell Parker was ready to experiment with his sonics. The highlights of the album include Tomorrow’s Dust, Posthumous Forgiveness, One More Day, and so much more. The lows on the album, for example, on track, still make me want to dance. Kevin Parker is continuing to evolve and make wonderful music. Expand
  18. Mar 27, 2020
    At first i gave this album a 7-8. But this album will grow on you the more you listen and as you dive into the lyrics. I really enjoy this album every time i listen to it.
  19. Feb 14, 2020
    As genres continue to fuse, Kevin Parker shows us how it's done. Not Parker's best but might end up being his most influential.
  20. Feb 14, 2020
    This album is an absolute masterpiece. Kevin Parker is a genius. He reimagined himself and his sound so perfectly.
  21. Feb 14, 2020
    This album is awesome! It's well produced and goes down smooth with its melodic beats and bass. There isn't a bad song on the track list. It's summer fun, relax and chill music. Congrats Kevin Parker. Posthumous Forgiveness is a two for one song...make sure to listen until the end cause if you're not feeling the first part, the second part will have you bobbin' your head.
  22. Feb 14, 2020
    Great Job. I love this album and the band. Borderline ANTHEM!!!!! But, The Less i know the better is my favorite song the life
  23. Feb 14, 2020
    This album is smooth and infectious. Kevin takes the necessary steps after Currents to create a melodic and summer fun album and executes it perfectly. Songs like Instant Destiny and Tomorrow's Dust will have you wanting to listen again and again. 10/10.
  24. Feb 16, 2020
    This man never disappoints.
    The lyrics are beautifully written. It’s relatable and brings inner piece. Album of the Year along with Rare.
  25. Feb 14, 2020
    so beautifully written with flowing instrumentals i love this album already and am ready for it to become the soundtrack for 2020!
  26. Feb 14, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Expand
  27. Feb 14, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Fantastic lyrics and sounds. It's one of their best projects for sure. I love it. Expand
  28. Feb 14, 2020
    Perfect, sjqkqskwswkswkswsjwjswsjsjwzjwzkwzkwjzw wzjwzjwzw wjzws wdjwzwjzws
    Wxkwxkwxwk IS Just perfect
  29. Feb 15, 2020
    This album is so magical. Love the production. Lyrical content is very good. Kevin never disappoints, the album is so cohesive and smooth.
  30. Feb 16, 2020
    Masterpiece, better than currents in my opinion, breath deeper os the most brilliant song in the album, the groovy is out of this world
  31. Feb 19, 2020
    Even though this album doesn’t have as much of the classic psychadelic sounds like the earlier albums, I still absolutely love it. The synth, drums, bass and everything creates such unique sound like nothing I’ve heard before. 10/10
  32. Feb 20, 2020
    Lonely perfectionism. This is what Kevin Parker endures when he is making a Tame Impala. And perfect it is. However, perfection isn't accomplished without it's imperfections. This album and Kevin Parker is 5 to 10 years ahead of everyone else. This kind of music, production and style will most definitely be emulated, copied and progressed on a lot by people in the future. This is anLonely perfectionism. This is what Kevin Parker endures when he is making a Tame Impala. And perfect it is. However, perfection isn't accomplished without it's imperfections. This album and Kevin Parker is 5 to 10 years ahead of everyone else. This kind of music, production and style will most definitely be emulated, copied and progressed on a lot by people in the future. This is an experience, a unique and special one. Straight from the heart and straight from the soul of one man. A true artist. And undoubtedly an inspiration for the next generation. Expand
  33. Feb 26, 2020
    In my opinion this is Kevin Parker’s peak. The Slow Rush is a masterpiece. This album feels like currents but with the subject focus on time and the different ways it impacts us. I also need to say you must listen to this album with good headphones. The amount of detail that Kevin put in cannot be fully appreciated without them.

    I really felt Kevin’s emotions in this album even more than
    In my opinion this is Kevin Parker’s peak. The Slow Rush is a masterpiece. This album feels like currents but with the subject focus on time and the different ways it impacts us. I also need to say you must listen to this album with good headphones. The amount of detail that Kevin put in cannot be fully appreciated without them.

    I really felt Kevin’s emotions in this album even more than currents somehow. Posthumous Forgiveness, On Track, and One More Hour are the ones that I relate to the most. For the rest of the album it is extremely groovy and rhythmic. Instant Destiny, Breathe Deeper, Borderline, and Is It True are all spectacular. And It Might Be Time is one of the greatest drum tracks I’ve ever heard. The Slow Rush exceeded my greatest expectations. I can’t wait to see what Kevin does next.
  34. Jan 26, 2023
    Hello, this is a default review because i'm forced to use 75 characters. I'll edit this review in the future talking about the game, don't worry ;)

    My final rate is: 10
  35. Jun 23, 2023
    This album is won of Kevin's greatest works breath Deeper is my personal best song in the album, the way he experiments with new sounds and ideas really makes the passion put into this album noticeable each song has its own personality making it always interesting to listen to. Overall 10/10 album can't wait for the next one
  36. Feb 17, 2020
    Once I heard 'Lost in Yesterday' and 'Borderline', I knew I was in for some alt goodness, and did the album deliver! One, if not the only, of Tame Impala's only albums I can actually listen to from start to finish. Masterpiece 9.5/10
  37. Feb 14, 2020
    This album just feels so good. Every nook and cranny of sonic space has been diligently evaluated and perfected, but in a way that still feels loose and organic. The songwriting is more emphasized on groove here than on any other Tame Impala record, and Kevin Parker's production sees these songs to their full potential. This is a borderline dance record. Kevin's vision is focused and theThis album just feels so good. Every nook and cranny of sonic space has been diligently evaluated and perfected, but in a way that still feels loose and organic. The songwriting is more emphasized on groove here than on any other Tame Impala record, and Kevin Parker's production sees these songs to their full potential. This is a borderline dance record. Kevin's vision is focused and the outcome is on point. It feels so good, I forget it's February. Expand
  38. Feb 17, 2020
    The Slow Rush is a half term between Lonerism's organic layers and Currents' electronic lapses, beyond bring great and refreshing moments
  39. Feb 17, 2020
    Kevin Parker managers to produce an (arguably) better pop album than Currents while retaining his signature psychedelic sound.
  40. Feb 14, 2020
    I, too, must echo that this isn't as good as Currents, but I'm not quite sure I ever expected it to be. Currents was my 3rd favorite album of the decade from 2010-2019, so that was quite an achievement to ask for. I must say, though, that this era of Kevin Parker (Currents and The Slow Rush) are vastly superior to Lonerism and Innerspeaker. I don't dislike those album by any means (I loveI, too, must echo that this isn't as good as Currents, but I'm not quite sure I ever expected it to be. Currents was my 3rd favorite album of the decade from 2010-2019, so that was quite an achievement to ask for. I must say, though, that this era of Kevin Parker (Currents and The Slow Rush) are vastly superior to Lonerism and Innerspeaker. I don't dislike those album by any means (I love them), but they were a bit derivative in some ways. Ever since Currents, Kevin Parker has made Tame Impala a sound of its own. So while this doesn't exactly run together like a concept album like he's done in the past, I will say that these are some of the strongest songs that Kevin has made. It starts off with a stunner and doesn't let up til the end. "One More Year," "Breathe Deeper," and "Tomorrow's Dust" are my favorites on here and are neck and neck with Kevin's best. I will say the deep cuts here are even better than the singles. Expand
  41. Feb 20, 2020
    The only song that doesn't land for me is instant destiny, the rest of this album is a psychedelic masterpiece. Make sure to listen with some good bassy speakers
  42. Jan 19, 2022
    Tame Impala com 'The Slow Rush', mostrou-se uma verdadeira banda de verdade, e que anda se destacando no estilo alternativo, com faixas que eu chamaria de 'hipnoses' o álbum traz uma magia, basta por alguns segundos ele que você viaja aos mais diferentes lugares da mente, se imaginando em lugares belos em seu campo imaginativo, além da excelente produção ao álbum, sem se prender naTame Impala com 'The Slow Rush', mostrou-se uma verdadeira banda de verdade, e que anda se destacando no estilo alternativo, com faixas que eu chamaria de 'hipnoses' o álbum traz uma magia, basta por alguns segundos ele que você viaja aos mais diferentes lugares da mente, se imaginando em lugares belos em seu campo imaginativo, além da excelente produção ao álbum, sem se prender na monotonia da música.

    Faixas favoritas: One More Year, Borderline, Breathe Deeper, On Track, Lost In Yesterday, Is It True, It Might Be Time, Glimmer e One More Hour.
  43. May 6, 2020
    "The Slow Rush" is both the most and less Tame Impala-ish album made by Kevin Parker. It is a clear evolution and departure from his signature sounds towards a much more mature, cohessive one. It would be unnecessary and uninteligent to compare this album with his past full lenght ones and EPs; if something has become clear with time is that each is its own thing and "The Slow Rush" is not"The Slow Rush" is both the most and less Tame Impala-ish album made by Kevin Parker. It is a clear evolution and departure from his signature sounds towards a much more mature, cohessive one. It would be unnecessary and uninteligent to compare this album with his past full lenght ones and EPs; if something has become clear with time is that each is its own thing and "The Slow Rush" is not the exception here. It has its own soul, sounds and lyrics grandeur. "TSR" shows Kevin Parker's masterful approach to music and sounds while delivering an interesting mix of melancholic lyrics with upbeat rythms. "The Slow Rush" is an example of how when a musician is confident enough of their own musical power and decide to take control of the whole process, the output can be extraordinary, cohesive and timeless. Expand
  44. Feb 14, 2020
    Really liked this new album, most of the songs are very good, is a little different from the old albuns, but still amazing, less guitar, yes, but it didn´t change too much, Tame Impala always been focused on pop/rock. I just think some songs didn´t have to be so long.
  45. Feb 15, 2020
    This album demonstrates just what makes Kevin Parker such great musician, and producer. It is obvious that he has a special talent. And master many genres. One of of the music worlds, finest around. A continuation of Currents. But more pop and less r&b influences from the last album.
    I seen this album getting some complaints about not having any "hits" or that the music isn´t as "catchy"
    This album demonstrates just what makes Kevin Parker such great musician, and producer. It is obvious that he has a special talent. And master many genres. One of of the music worlds, finest around. A continuation of Currents. But more pop and less r&b influences from the last album.
    I seen this album getting some complaints about not having any "hits" or that the music isn´t as "catchy" as on Currents. Maybe the reason why I like this album more, cause of it.

    I don´t agree on it not having catchy tunes however. It´s just not as "accessible" as Currents. And that doesen´t always have to be bad thing in my eyes. I would loved to give this one a 10, its beautiful produced and arranged, as you come to expect from Kevin Parker at this point. However, in some songs, it is clear. That the lyrics are lacking bit. Nothing that overall, ruins the mood or experience imo. Overall, I find that there is something for everyone on this album. Kevin Parker has also succeeded in doing what so many other artists fail. Continue to build his sound, without losing too much in the process, or making it change too fast. This is something that has followed and flown perfectly throughout all the albums so far.
  46. Feb 15, 2020
    Comparing this album to his last album, Currents, which was a great album by Kevin, I think this record has a lot of new sounds that Kevin hasn't previously explored. The single 'Lost In Yesterday' feels a lot like 'The Moment' with how it goes. The R&B influence isn't nearly as strong here as it was in Currents, although some of it is still somewhat there. Instead we have a record that isComparing this album to his last album, Currents, which was a great album by Kevin, I think this record has a lot of new sounds that Kevin hasn't previously explored. The single 'Lost In Yesterday' feels a lot like 'The Moment' with how it goes. The R&B influence isn't nearly as strong here as it was in Currents, although some of it is still somewhat there. Instead we have a record that is influenced by disco, pop and acid house and it blends together very nicely. The final track, 'One More Hour' is quite possibly my only gripe with this album. It just doesn't have the same impact as 'Sun's Coming Up' or 'New Person, Same Old Mistakes' does. Overall this album is a triumph from start to finish. and fully deserves the praise it is getting from critics. Expand
  47. Feb 16, 2020
    Kevin delivers again. I am sure it is going to be one of the best albums of the year. He has been able to re-imagine his sound while still keeping the distinctiveness that made him one of the best artists of the decade. My favorite songs: Borderline (album version is so much better), Posthumous Forgiveness, Tomorrow's Dust, On Track (best one overall), Is It True, and One More Hour.
  48. Nov 12, 2021
    'The Slow Rush' is a slow burn of a record, revealing itself over time and through repeated listens. And when it starts to take a hold, its very difficult to escape its grasp.
  49. Mar 24, 2020
    ( 89/100 )

    Chicos, no les mentiré, estoy enamorado perdidamente y el milagro que ha estrenado Kevin Parker se me hace muy generoso. "The Slow Rush" no solo me ayuda a entender mis emociones, sino a mediarlas y meditarlas. Me encanta cuando la música me inspira a hablar de lo que me hace sentir. Se me hace más valorable apreciar cada uno de los sentimientos que evoca un sonido, una
    ( 89/100 )

    Chicos, no les mentiré, estoy enamorado perdidamente y el milagro que ha estrenado Kevin Parker se me hace muy generoso. "The Slow Rush" no solo me ayuda a entender mis emociones, sino a mediarlas y meditarlas. Me encanta cuando la música me inspira a hablar de lo que me hace sentir. Se me hace más valorable apreciar cada uno de los sentimientos que evoca un sonido, una narrativa, el verso y el desenvolver de cada canción en la persona y el espíritu que desmenuzar la técnica y mecánica de la producción como parte de la crítica (que también es importante). El álbum no es excelente, pero es más que suficiente como para alimentar el alma con emoción. Parker se ha demostrado capaz de dominar su estilo y su evolución pasando de un Psychedelic puro, pesado y serio, pasando por el romance en la Balada Psycodelica semi Pop hasta llegar a este sonido emancipador con rasgos de un Pop solido, innovador, emocionante e importante que apela a un público más contemporáneo. "The Slow Rush" me hace querer amar sin estribos y con conciencia. Si lo estás leyendo, Te Amo. Eres mi Slow Rush.
    People, I won't lie to you, I'm hopeless in love and the miracle that Kevin Parker has just released it's very generous. "The Slow Rush" doesn't just help me to understand my emotions, but to deal with them and meditate on them. I love it when music inspires me to talk about what it makes me feel. It's more valuable for me to appreciate each one of the feelings that the sound evokes, the narrative, the verse and the unfolding of each song in the person and the spirit than the shred of the technique and the mechanics of the production as part of the crítique (which is also important). The album is not excellent but is more than enough to feed the soul with emotion. Parker has shown himself capable of dominating his style and evolution going through a hard, pure and serious Psychedelic, passing a romance Balad psychedelic kind of Pop until getting to this emancipating sound with traces of an innovating, exiting and important Pop that appeals to a more contemporary public. "The Slow Rush" makes me what to love with no stirrups and mindful. If you are reading this, I Love You. You are my Slow Rush.
  50. Feb 26, 2020
    Kevin Parker, conte comigo pra tudo, lenda! ele simplesmente entregou um álbum com melodias super deliciosas de serem ouvidas. confesso que de primeira não tinha gostado tanto do álbum, mas depois mergulhei de vez e é definitivamente um dos meus favoritos de 2020.
  51. Feb 17, 2020
    Fantastic album. My only problem is that it maybe doesn't have the hard hitting sound of past songs but then again this album can cater do a different audience and mood than their past albums. A must listen
  52. Feb 16, 2020
    Esse é o álbum mais comercial já feito pela banda. Kevin consegue traçar uma linha tênue entre o rock, pop e o psicodélico, fazendo um trabalho que somente ele consegue fazer no mundo, extremamente talentoso como produtor e compositor. "The Slow Rush" vem com uma sonoridade já característica dos outros trabalhos, porem o destaque do pop e do piano marcando algumas musicas traz um aromaEsse é o álbum mais comercial já feito pela banda. Kevin consegue traçar uma linha tênue entre o rock, pop e o psicodélico, fazendo um trabalho que somente ele consegue fazer no mundo, extremamente talentoso como produtor e compositor. "The Slow Rush" vem com uma sonoridade já característica dos outros trabalhos, porem o destaque do pop e do piano marcando algumas musicas traz um aroma espetacular. O instrumental casa perfeitamente om os elementos digitais o que prova o incrível dom e esforço do Kevin Parker, com faixas muito bem escritas e pensadas esse disco é, sem nenhuma sombra de duvidas, um dos melhores trabalhos da banda e uma das melhores produções de 2020 até o momento. Expand
  53. Feb 14, 2020
    Eargasm all the way through. All of them are pretty much amazing except from maybe glimmer which didn’t really need to be on the album but still very, very good.
  54. Feb 14, 2020
    This record is stunning! The production on TSR is brilliant (no surprise) as it finds its strengths in moderation. I’ve seen some posts from disgruntled psych rock dinosaurs that suggest that TSR is less cosmic and engaging than its predecessors, but this assertion couldn’t be farther from the truth! Kevin uses a much subtler hand than the blast-you-in-your-face epiphany pop of Lonerism orThis record is stunning! The production on TSR is brilliant (no surprise) as it finds its strengths in moderation. I’ve seen some posts from disgruntled psych rock dinosaurs that suggest that TSR is less cosmic and engaging than its predecessors, but this assertion couldn’t be farther from the truth! Kevin uses a much subtler hand than the blast-you-in-your-face epiphany pop of Lonerism or Currents. which ultimately leads this to be a more meaningful record. “Is it True” is a perfect example of this, as a seemingly simple baseline is syncopated to hell, and consistently changes timbre throughout the track. The overall effect leads to maybe the tightest and sleekest pop song that Kev has ever written. That being said, there is impactful and paralyzing psychedelia woven throughout this record. Whether it’s the bubbling vocoder intro on “One More Year” or the synth freak out of “Posthumous Forgiveness” TSR is undeniably a Tame Impala record. It just seems like Kevin had built up such a catalogue of crazy sounds that one specific motif or effect flourish doesn’t stay around long before evolving and morphing into something completely different.

    I loved this album immediately and I think it’s overall appreciation with the general public will grow over time as listeners get a chance to really digest what they’ve heard. Thank you Kevin!!!
  55. Feb 14, 2020
    Such an amazing album. So deep and cohesive. Love it. It's full of emotions.
  56. Feb 15, 2020
    Is interesting how Kevin uses acoustic guitars now, and how well he uses them, especially in "Tomorrow's Dust". Near the end of the song it gives a desorienting feeling, a very strong one. It reminds me of the sound Big Thief achieved on their album U.F.O.F. If I'm correct, the last time he introduced in an acoustic guitar an album was on Lonerism, in "Why Won't They Talk to Me?". But inIs interesting how Kevin uses acoustic guitars now, and how well he uses them, especially in "Tomorrow's Dust". Near the end of the song it gives a desorienting feeling, a very strong one. It reminds me of the sound Big Thief achieved on their album U.F.O.F. If I'm correct, the last time he introduced in an acoustic guitar an album was on Lonerism, in "Why Won't They Talk to Me?". But in many other songs you can hear that acoustic guitar... like in "Breathe Deeper", "On Track" and "One More Hour". And now Kevin is not alone. In Lonerism he was struggling with the feeling of loneliness, in Currents he was more alone than ever, but he was now okay with it. Finally he's on a different situation; now he's in new territory, in one he isn't used to be, yet, but enjoys being there. Now he's open to new ideas, you can see it in the variety of sounds and rhythms in his new songs. But the house influences are really clear. "Glimmer" has the same function as "Nangs", "Disciples" and "Gossip" in Currents, but only to introduce us to the last song of the album, "One More Hour" which in my opinion is one of his best, sounding like Supertramp as in the energetic and distorted "It Might Be Time". The album is pretty good, almost perfect. But I can say is a little bit dimmed but it's okay. It has the synths we loved from Currents but with the psychedelic atmospheres of Innerspeaker and Lonerism. A perfect mix, I believe. I give it a 9.1 out of 10, not as perfect as Currents but still an interesting and satisfying listening, really accessible but wihtout sacrifying his intense and perfectionist vision.

    (The new version of Borderline could have been better.)
  57. Feb 14, 2020
    Un 9 de diez los distorcionadores la ambientación y la estetica del disco kevin lo volvio a hacer UwUr
  58. Feb 15, 2020
    Fantastic album. Even better than Currents somehow. Not one weak track. It was awesome to see Kevin reinvent his sound once again. Going to be hard to beat this for AOTY. (My opinion of course)
  59. Jun 6, 2020
    My favorite album by Tame Impala. It may be the longest by the span of a couple minutes, but this album feels like it makes better use of its time than its predecessors. It gets off to a very strong start with its first four tracks- upon first listen of those, I had a good feeling we were on the way through what was now Tame Impala's best album. "Borderline" and "Lost in Yesterday" areMy favorite album by Tame Impala. It may be the longest by the span of a couple minutes, but this album feels like it makes better use of its time than its predecessors. It gets off to a very strong start with its first four tracks- upon first listen of those, I had a good feeling we were on the way through what was now Tame Impala's best album. "Borderline" and "Lost in Yesterday" are both absolutely fantastic- two of Parker's best tracks to date. My least favorite track would be either of "Breathe Deeper" or "Is It True", both of which have a very strong 70s/80s vibe to them. Despite that, I actually don't outright hate either song, they both have elements that still make them work. "Posthumous Forgiveness" and "It Might Be Time" are bangers as well. One thing about this album that I do think is why some people find it to be inferior to its predecessors is that it is probably the most accessible Tame Impala album to date. Parker's previous album, Currents, was much more experimental and strange yet still danceable. Personally, however, I prefer The Slow Rush. AOTY for me so far. Expand
  60. Mar 23, 2021
  61. Jan 20, 2023
    The best songs on this album are some of the best ever Tame Impala songs, particularly Tomorrow's Dust and Breathe Deeper, but the worst songs are some of the worst ever Tame Impala songs, especially Posthumous Forgiveness, Instant Destiny and On Track. Thankfully, the worst Tame Impala songs are still good songs because Kevin Parker is such a genius, so the album still sits as highly asThe best songs on this album are some of the best ever Tame Impala songs, particularly Tomorrow's Dust and Breathe Deeper, but the worst songs are some of the worst ever Tame Impala songs, especially Posthumous Forgiveness, Instant Destiny and On Track. Thankfully, the worst Tame Impala songs are still good songs because Kevin Parker is such a genius, so the album still sits as highly as his three other albums that were some of the best of the 2010s. Expand
  62. Aug 3, 2021
    Solid album to chill out to or drive around with playing in the background. It doesn't really break any new ground, and at least from the surface for me it doesn't necessarily invite deeper analysis into the lyrics or subject matter. But! Every track is a banger for sure.
  63. Feb 17, 2020
    It’s not revolutionary, but it’s a successfully pleasant listen with a gorgeously manicured landscape of poolside, disco-tinged, sun-drenched, summery rock. It starts off rather muddled and repetitive, but becomes a more varied and interesting record as it goes along (thus, some patience is required). There are delightful nods to Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Steely Dan, and Radiohead, whichIt’s not revolutionary, but it’s a successfully pleasant listen with a gorgeously manicured landscape of poolside, disco-tinged, sun-drenched, summery rock. It starts off rather muddled and repetitive, but becomes a more varied and interesting record as it goes along (thus, some patience is required). There are delightful nods to Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Steely Dan, and Radiohead, which make for an equally successful venture into nostalgia. Expand
  64. Mar 12, 2020
    Five years have passed since their excellent sophomore album 'Currents' was released, so 'The Slow Rush' had high expectations and a lot to live up to. Overall the album is quite good, though at times does sound like the stereotype of what a Tame Impala album should be, light breezy vocals with a repetitive melodies. Download: Borderline, Breathe Deeper, Lost in Yesterday.
  65. Feb 19, 2020
    I've been listening to this album since its release. People should not compare it to the previous ones... it's an evolution based on K.P recent collaborations (M. Ronson for example) which proves how an influential musician he's becoming. The musicality and production are amazing. The only criticism (that I have from the beginning) is that his voice and lyrics don't match his musicalI've been listening to this album since its release. People should not compare it to the previous ones... it's an evolution based on K.P recent collaborations (M. Ronson for example) which proves how an influential musician he's becoming. The musicality and production are amazing. The only criticism (that I have from the beginning) is that his voice and lyrics don't match his musical skills. He doesn't have the same charisma as a front man and vocal performances than S. Herring from Future Islands for example. It's a must-buy for sure... in the days of "soup" music, we still have true artists headlining ! Expand
  66. Feb 14, 2020
    A very good album in general! I have to disagree though with anyone who said that The Slow Rush is better than Currents. The latter is still my favorite from Kevin Parker's project. However, the new album is already one of the best of 2020!
  67. Feb 24, 2020
    Genres - Soft rock, prog pop, nu disco
    The Slow Rush is far from disappointing, but not much more than satisfying. It includes Tame Impala’s best collection of sticky basslines and incredible drum tracks thus far, but Parker doesn’t take the risks he did on previous offerings, or push certain songs over the edge into otherworldly regions. I can't help but miss the overwhelming
    Genres - Soft rock, prog pop, nu disco

    The Slow Rush is far from disappointing, but not much more than satisfying. It includes Tame Impala’s best collection of sticky basslines and incredible drum tracks thus far, but Parker doesn’t take the risks he did on previous offerings, or push certain songs over the edge into otherworldly regions. I can't help but miss the overwhelming psychedelia of their first three albums and would have definitely rated TSR a 9/10 had those not come before it. I admit I was initially apprehensive of Kevin Parker's decision to favor a more pop/disco/funk/house-oriented sound, but he was ultimately right to trust his instincts. The finished product is a masterful assortment of potent and seductive jams filled with endless piano-driven grooves that strike the perfect balance between festival-ready anthems and emotional euphoria. I also agree with some naysayers that the album feels a little samey at times, but my lasting impression is that the album's repetitiveness complements its trance-like psychedelia.
  68. Feb 21, 2020
    "The Slow Rush" may not hit the addictive highs of "Currents" but its expansiveness makes it feel cohesive, immersive and more of an experience rather than a collection of songs.
  69. Feb 16, 2020
    Doesn't have highs like Currents ( The Less I Know The Better) or Lonerism (Elephant), but it is relatively consistent in how good it is (until the end). Album is a bit clunky and doesn't flow as well as previous Tame Impala album. It might not be as ambitious as the two albums that came before, but it is a fun record. Good job

    HIGHLIGHTS: Breathe Deeper, Borderline (reworked), One More
    Doesn't have highs like Currents ( The Less I Know The Better) or Lonerism (Elephant), but it is relatively consistent in how good it is (until the end). Album is a bit clunky and doesn't flow as well as previous Tame Impala album. It might not be as ambitious as the two albums that came before, but it is a fun record. Good job

    HIGHLIGHTS: Breathe Deeper, Borderline (reworked), One More Hour, Is It True, Lost In Yesterday, It Might Be Time, Instant Destiny
  70. Feb 16, 2020
    De fato eles tentaram trazer uso de instrumentos diferentes pra esse álbum, mas ele não ultrapassa o Currents em qualidade, ele é um album bom e deu, essa vibe psicodélica da Banda me faz gostar muito dela, mas acho que por não ter de fato um "hit" no album ele não é melhor mas todas as faixas estão gostosas de ouvir sem nenhuma exceção.
  71. Mar 2, 2020
    Though rarely rising above functional on a lyrical level, Kevin Parker digs deep musically to deliver a dense, entrancing mix of prog-pop tunes, putting an intriguing glittery disco twist on his signature brain-bending psychedelia to great effect.

    Choice Cuts: "One More Year", "Posthumous Forgiveness", "Breathe Deeper"
  72. Feb 14, 2020
    After two incredible records in Lonerism and Currents, it seemed almost inevitable that Tame Impala's LP4 would be a reality check for Kevin Parker. But while The Slow Rush may lack the percussive thrust of Currents or the immersive psychedelic textures of Lonerism, as an album it is Parker's most cohesive and complete effort yet.

    While there may not be any stand-out hits on this record
    After two incredible records in Lonerism and Currents, it seemed almost inevitable that Tame Impala's LP4 would be a reality check for Kevin Parker. But while The Slow Rush may lack the percussive thrust of Currents or the immersive psychedelic textures of Lonerism, as an album it is Parker's most cohesive and complete effort yet.

    While there may not be any stand-out hits on this record (like Apocalypse Dreams or Let It Happen), the mid-section is excellent, with the three strongest tracks (Breathe Deeper, Tomorrow's Dust and On Track) adjacent in the tracklist. This is also Kevin's best effort in terms of production -- it is wonderfully mixed and full of nuance, sounding even better than the silky smooth Currents.

    The record is influenced by a number of genres, perhaps most conspicuously 70s/80s disco and house, although hip-hop styles are apparent throughout. That Parker manages to create a coherent sound with all of these components is testament to his masterful production capabilities.

    If there is a low point in the album it is the final two tracks. Glimmer sounds like a throw-away track (and Parker admitted as much in a Spotify-exclusive soundbite), and One More Hour overextends itself in places, although the outro is admittedly blissful and cathartic.

    All in all, this is another great record from Tame Impala that stands up to the rest of their impressive discography. While it may not be as groundbreaking stylistically as Lonerism or Currents, the immersive soundscapes and compelling themes make it an record worth experiencing and enjoying over and over again.
  73. Mar 9, 2020
    Not as strong of an album as the last release "Currents" but still an overall solid album in Kevin Parker and Tame Impala's catalog
  74. Feb 21, 2020
    Love it. So hypnotic .
    Disco meets dance meet chill.
    Just twigged he’s a one man band. Proud
  75. Jun 22, 2020
    De Tame Impala se espera algo nuevo ,pero que contenga lo mejor de ellos. Algo así como "Dame más de eso, pero en una forma nueva". Este álbum cumple con eso. No supre a Currents, pero está muy cerca. Las letras son más maduras, en especial la última canción.
  76. Jul 1, 2020
    For me, instant destiny and on track are not on par with the rest of tracks which let's it down only slightly for me
  77. May 18, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The Slow Rush is an existential psychedelic experience that anyone can get into. Although I feel like this album is strong both conceptually and lyrically, some instrumentation lacked in the same life and fulfillment. However, the songs that do grab your attention really pull you in with the bouncy and lighthearted electronic style that Tame Impala provides. The structure of this project is a little bit redundant, but I do not feel like it completely destroys the flow of the album.

    Favorite Tracks: Borderline, Posthumous Forgiveness, Breathe Deeper, Lost In Yesterday Is It True, It Might Be Time, One More Hour

    Least Favorite Tracks: Tomorrow's Dust, On Track, Glimmer
  78. Apr 13, 2020
    After releasing 3 albums in 5 or so years and riding their wave, Parker has obviously had a little bit more trouble in creating album number 4. I found it quite listenable but also found it to be generic and forgettable, something you could never say about either "Lonerism" or "Currents", both which were top class. It is overcooked and hard to taste the individual ingredients thrown intoAfter releasing 3 albums in 5 or so years and riding their wave, Parker has obviously had a little bit more trouble in creating album number 4. I found it quite listenable but also found it to be generic and forgettable, something you could never say about either "Lonerism" or "Currents", both which were top class. It is overcooked and hard to taste the individual ingredients thrown into the production stew. I wonder was it a case of a lack of killer songs just drenched in synths and effects to cover up the fact. Perhaps it is a grower and I'll get into it more with repeated listens as there are parts of it that I like. It could have been trimmed by about 20% and its a pity "Patience" was omitted. This would have made all the difference I think. Disappointing based on whats gone before but still better than much of what is out there in 2020. Expand
  79. May 3, 2020
    The Slow Rush is by no means a bad album, but it just chugs along in one tempo without anything really sticking with you. Some melodies verge on being forgettable, the production is consistently nice but kind of blends together, lyrically there are a few punches but often it's just repetitive. As a whole it feels drawn-out and subdued to the point where it's almost frustrating. It's goodThe Slow Rush is by no means a bad album, but it just chugs along in one tempo without anything really sticking with you. Some melodies verge on being forgettable, the production is consistently nice but kind of blends together, lyrically there are a few punches but often it's just repetitive. As a whole it feels drawn-out and subdued to the point where it's almost frustrating. It's good enough, but I've come to expect more from Tame Impala. Expand
  80. Feb 17, 2020
    The same dreamlike melodies from Current, but with lyrics that feel grounded and at times you can almost catch a glimpse of the monotonous L.A pop scene that beckons every alt musician.

    This is as close to a Hollywood sequel as any album will get. Still good, but not quite as fresh.
  81. Feb 14, 2020
    It's fresh and summery. Ever since Kevin Parker has lifted and been in the same height as the likes of Kanye, Travis Scott, and Rihanna, he's more and more sharped his musical experience. The Slow Rush is the product. But if compared with his preceding albums, you'll definitely come back and forth wondering if there's something to fill, because this album felt incomplete.
  82. May 22, 2020
    This album is far from being boring or bad, but I find it way harder to follow through all of the songs compared to his previous records. His voice is very obnoxious in the mix on some tracks and at parts hard to understand.

    The instrumental is good and I think saves a lot of tracks for the most part.
  83. Feb 14, 2020
    If you are interested in Tame Impala's earlier work, you might not like this album, but you need to listen to it for its production value.

    The production value for Tame Impala's albums increases 10X every release. This is Kevin Parkers best production work to date, and I will not back from that statement. Although some songs sound experimental and suited for background listening, you
    If you are interested in Tame Impala's earlier work, you might not like this album, but you need to listen to it for its production value.

    The production value for Tame Impala's albums increases 10X every release. This is Kevin Parkers best production work to date, and I will not back from that statement.

    Although some songs sound experimental and suited for background listening, you need to go over every song twice to really appreciate the effort that has been put into each. When I first listened to this album, I was disappointed, but on my 4th listen, songs like 'Breathe Deeper', 'It Might Be Time' and 'One More Hour' become exceptional.

    All up, I really love this album, there are some shortfalls, but I find it a joy to listen too.
  84. Feb 14, 2020
    Álbum com singles muito fortes. Têm faixas interessantes mas é no global bastante aborrecido e repetitivo. Algumas músicas demoram demasiado tempo e outras parecem um loop que nunca mais acaba.
  85. Apr 19, 2020
    I really like the chill vibes of this album. My one complaint would be that some of the songs sound pretty similar and there aren't really any standout songs for me. But the album as a whole is pretty good.
  86. May 3, 2020
    Good album, with some interesting little moments and bassy-warm sound. But wish it had bigger moments, switched the flangey effects for a more modern approach (metallic perhaps?) and less repetitive.

    Hope Kevin's highlights didn't get stucked on the 2010s! He sure can get up there up again
  87. Aug 14, 2022
    There many enjoyable moments in this album for sure. Lost In Yesterday has a great rhythm and bassline, Is It True is very groovy, Breathe Deeper has a great piano riff, and One More Hour feels like the last hour on earth.

    Production can be very great at moments, such as the refrain in Borderline and It Might Be Time's chorus. I feel like the ideas of the songs aren't as strong as
    There many enjoyable moments in this album for sure. Lost In Yesterday has a great rhythm and bassline, Is It True is very groovy, Breathe Deeper has a great piano riff, and One More Hour feels like the last hour on earth.

    Production can be very great at moments, such as the refrain in Borderline and It Might Be Time's chorus. I feel like the ideas of the songs aren't as strong as Currents, and I don't relate to the lyrics nearly as much. That doesn't really affect the enjoyable bursts of energy present in each track. I feel each track does have something about it that makes it relistenable.

    Glimmer kills the momentum built up with It Might Be Time, Tomorrows Dust doesn't do anything to make it stand out, On Track goes on too long.

    Apart from the negatives, I feel this album is consistently decent, which gives it a 7/10.
  88. Mar 4, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A good Pop album. I like the lo-fi elements in some of the tracks as well as the subtle house music influence in an album that would otherwise be too similar to Currents. Some songs are better than others. My favorite songs are Breathe Deeper, On Track and Is It True. I would recommend it to my fellow psychedelic music appreciators. Expand
  89. Feb 20, 2020
    When our politically correct reverb-hero first stepped to the scene my guess was that he was gonna release a couple of albums that all sound similar and receive varying mainstream appeal. Currents was a hit; this is a miss. But that's no reason to call this album worse than Currents yet; they're both redos of Lonerism. The man has one style, so what prevents him of sounding like a oneWhen our politically correct reverb-hero first stepped to the scene my guess was that he was gonna release a couple of albums that all sound similar and receive varying mainstream appeal. Currents was a hit; this is a miss. But that's no reason to call this album worse than Currents yet; they're both redos of Lonerism. The man has one style, so what prevents him of sounding like a one trick pony? The answer is the very same thing that made Currents work and this not: songwriting. A good songwriter can sell a the same thing or a dated thing over and over again without people complaining or even noticing. Just being a good songwriter will never make you culturally relevant though; you need something more, but that's criticism for Lonerism; this album doesn't even do the one thing that makes haters like me look bad: The fact that if you put up a song of him, it is hard to deny that it's good. The album starts with a IDM-ish beat that got me excited for what's to come, but starting from the second track it could all just be Lonerism B-sides... or Currents B-sides. It lacks those moments in Tame Impala songs that just surprise you. Not in the way of "I've never heard that before", but in the more subtle way of unexpected chord progressions or previously unheard synth sounds. On this album all songs just blend to one and it makes me wonder why he even bothered to release it. Expand
  90. Aug 7, 2020
    Singles are much better than the complete experience. Other tracks are redundant and lack creativity.
  91. Feb 14, 2020
    Parker foregoes any nuance of his previous works and releases an uninspiring neo-soul pop album. Shallow lyrics, bland instrumentation and generic structure make for an ultimately forgettable listening experience. A few stand outs such as "Breathe Deeper" make this an enjoyable listen but I don't think I'll be returning to this project voluntarily.
  92. Feb 23, 2020
    It seems there comes a time when some artists become so over produced that they remove all personality and eccentricity. I didn't care for Currents as I found it was mostly cheesy pop, with the exception of Let It Happen. This release, The Slow Rush, isn't doing anything to change that disinterest.

    I think the same release put out by a new artist without the "Tame Impala" brand or a
    It seems there comes a time when some artists become so over produced that they remove all personality and eccentricity. I didn't care for Currents as I found it was mostly cheesy pop, with the exception of Let It Happen. This release, The Slow Rush, isn't doing anything to change that disinterest.

    I think the same release put out by a new artist without the "Tame Impala" brand or a different pop artist like Post Malone or The Chainsmokers wouldn't garner nearly as much love. How would you react if U2 put this same album out today?

    Musically I'm completely bored by this. The drums have some Kevin Parker-isms but sound too much like electronic drums for my taste. The keyboards seem like just a bunch of space filler behind the drums and vocals. The guitars are practically nonexistent with the exception of Tomorrow's Dust.

    I was a big fan of Innerspeaker and saw Tame Impala on their first US tour in 2010 and loved Lonerism just as much. I won't be going back to this any time soon after giving it a week to grow on me.
  93. Feb 18, 2020
    Kevin Parker have forgotten his unique psychedelic-rock (Lonerism) and continues "Currents" path. Flappy pop remember the worst songs of ELO or Supertramp. A pity.
  94. Feb 14, 2020
    Amazing production, Kevin is an genius in terms of mixing and composition.

    The album is unfortunately less amazing. After hearing the initially released tracks 'Borderline', 'It Might be Time', 'Posthumous Forgivenesses' and 'Lost in Yesterday' I was certain it was going to be a great follow up to his past work. It's not. This is Kevin trying too hard to fit his ideas into an album. It
    Amazing production, Kevin is an genius in terms of mixing and composition.

    The album is unfortunately less amazing. After hearing the initially released tracks 'Borderline', 'It Might be Time', 'Posthumous Forgivenesses' and 'Lost in Yesterday' I was certain it was going to be a great follow up to his past work. It's not. This is Kevin trying too hard to fit his ideas into an album. It listens like a b-side/demo compilation. Each song is disconnected from the other and lacks direction.

    The Slow Rush should not have been rushed and Kevin should have been given one more year to flesh out these tracks into a coherent piece. Bonus points for using the Korg M1 piano patch though.
  95. Feb 14, 2020
    Kevin Parker is always great in terms of production and mixing, which is very good in this new album. Unfortunately, this new album lacks in songwriting terms: the lyrics sounds generic and relatively shallow for the 'deep themes' it tries to write about. Also, most of the songs are very forgettable and lack good melodical ideas, some kind of hook. Besides that, the overall aesthetics ofKevin Parker is always great in terms of production and mixing, which is very good in this new album. Unfortunately, this new album lacks in songwriting terms: the lyrics sounds generic and relatively shallow for the 'deep themes' it tries to write about. Also, most of the songs are very forgettable and lack good melodical ideas, some kind of hook. Besides that, the overall aesthetics of the album is interesting and cohesive, having a full psychedelic pop style.
    This album was an interesting concept, but it's just not that good.
  96. Feb 14, 2020
    It's alright. Not as good as the older stuff, but certainly not embarrassing. The production's better than the songwriting, and the gap between the two has widened a bit.
  97. Feb 23, 2020
    Not a single memorable song. A stunning step down from their previous albums. Everything sounds the same: washed out, cliched, dull.
  98. Feb 15, 2020
    Chato e totalmente esquecível, principalmente se comparado as antigas obras dele, espero que o próximo não seja essa radiação
  99. May 13, 2020
    The Slow Rush is the most forgettable album yet from Kevin Parker, and . This album is being labeled as his pop crossover; however, it flops at this attempt as few if not none of the tracks are catchy or memorable in the slightest. Out of the multiple listens two this album only two of the tracks were memorable in the slightest, which is likely the reason why both of them were released asThe Slow Rush is the most forgettable album yet from Kevin Parker, and . This album is being labeled as his pop crossover; however, it flops at this attempt as few if not none of the tracks are catchy or memorable in the slightest. Out of the multiple listens two this album only two of the tracks were memorable in the slightest, which is likely the reason why both of them were released as singles. It is because of this that the album's title takes on a different meaning as every time I tried to listen to The Slow Rush by itself I felt myself wanting to speed through the 57 minutes it drags on through.
    Tame Impala's five years since currents has rewarded us with nothing beyond glorified background music, which is likely the only reason people will come back for a second listen of this uninspired album.
  100. Nov 18, 2020
    Kevin "Minor Genius" Parker has invented a new genre on this album, though I haven't quite decided whether to call it psych-prog soulfunk or funkprog psych-soul.

    Music to dance and think to? Been done before. Godd Rundgren meets Prince in the lost city of Atlantis? That'll do.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. Mar 25, 2020
    Unfortunately, after years of anticipation, the reveal is an overtly tedious shell of everything Parker has ever charmed into existence. In fact, tedious may be an understatement.
  2. Mar 23, 2020
    It is immaculate music, loaded with little side roads and detours, and I will listen to it probably hundreds of times, but there’s that little something missing, that dagger to my chest, that shiver up my spine that I thought would hit me long before now.
  3. Mar 19, 2020
    His knack for alchemising an engrossing trip hasn’t deserted him yet.