
Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Jun 27, 2011
    Their third album, The Taking, is a perfectly respectable riff and hook delivery system.
  2. Apr 28, 2011
    Despite this lingering scent of stale nicotine, alcohol, and leather, The Taking does make a brute impression, McKagan's Loaded playing with a vitality that almost compensates for how they fetishize the past.
  3. Apr 22, 2011
    The Taking is the sound of a man with no corporate or musical responsibility simply doing what sounds and feels right.
  4. Kerrang!
    Apr 21, 2011
    Anthemic opener Lords Of Abbadon, Indian Summer and the gutter-sleaze of Cocaine are the crowd-pleaser, but the main thing is that Loaded sound like a proper band now. [16 Apr 2011, p.51]
  5. Apr 20, 2011
    The album tells a loose story about a man breaking up with his girlfriend but the songs are written in a way that work outside of the narrative, too.

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