
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. There is definitely some promise in Laetitia Sadier's solo work, but the material here feels more like rough sketches than finished product. That said, if you were a Stereolab fan and have withdrawal symptons, this will definitely satisfy your curiosities.
  2. If you want to hear this sort of thing done properly, you'll find happiness in the more sedate moments of the peerless Saint Etienne, but there's little to recommend The Trip. It's not much more than a Christmas bauble: shiny and polished on the surface, but with little of substance on the inside.
  3. The Trip is Laetitia Sadier's most confident sounding work apart from Stereolab. Melodic throughout and arranged with her eyes on the fullness of the sound, it is leavened with highlights. In truth, the biggest flaws are that, though it's thematically taut to begin with, any threads that link the album dissolve as it progresses, and that Gershwin cover is a slight disappointment.
  4. Q Magazine
    It all makes for an engaging and frequently charming solo debut. [Nov 2010, p.114]
  5. Uncut
    Sadier's intonation can be awkward, but her compassionate yet detached voice remains as affecting as ever. [Nov 2010, p.97]

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