
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Mar 14, 2019
    To Believe is very much an experience that requires engagement if a worthwhile connection is desired; otherwise, it makes for a terrific soundtrack to a film that resides purely in the soul.
  2. Mar 13, 2019
    A core message for hope in a fragile world (delivered via singers like Moses Sumney and Tawiah) completes this delicate musical tapestry perfectly, resulting in a quietly triumphant comeback from the British masters.
  3. Mar 12, 2019
    Acts like the Cinematic Orchestra are sometimes dismissed as background music. To Believe refutes that completely. Its gentle warmth makes the work accessible. But once you've pressed play, there is no ignoring it.
  4. Mojo
    Mar 12, 2019
    To Believe doesn't rush along the cutting edge, but after 12 years absent, it hits this particular spot in time and space: sombre, tense, watchful, looking for calm, but gathering storms. [Apr 2019, p.92]
  5. Mar 12, 2019
    To Believe is a worthy return for The Cinematic Orchestra, developing their sound while keeping the trademark fusion between electronic and orchestral that Swinscoe and co. do so well.
  6. Apr 11, 2019
    They already ask us to follow them on a slow path colored by skipping, jazzy tunes like “Lessons” and deepened by the rich drones and humming strings of “The Workers of Art.” Trying to crack open a conversation about epistemology in the process is asking a lot of folks that might otherwise set this album running in the background.
  7. Q Magazine
    Mar 12, 2019
    The British collective's first album in 12 years reopens their conduit for nocturnal electronic, modern classical and tempestuous jazz, all in an engaging wash. Credit their bold selection of vocalists. [May 2019, p.108]
  8. 80
    It’s an album that takes the sombre mood of today and translates it into downtempo music that’s both refreshing and thoughtful.
  9. Mar 18, 2019
    To Believe is heartbreakingly brilliant: a collection of exquisitely assembled songs that appear delicate from a distance before revealing a close-quarters core strength. ... A triumph.
  10. Mar 19, 2019
    The entire album is a triumphant showcase on how to master percussion, and the finished result is a dreamy 53 minutes that seems to end as quickly as it began. Stunning.
  11. Uncut
    Mar 12, 2019
    Roots Manua's particularly thrilling on the poignant urgent "A Caged Bird," but while "Lessons" suggest the warm post-jazz realms of Tortoise could have explored post TNT, no-one else combines dignified grandeur and soulful romance so effectively. [Apr 2019, p.26]
  12. Apr 5, 2019
    Right from the off, the reverb-laden guitar picking of the title track, augmented by the soaring vocal of guest Moses Sumney, feels understatedly devastating. And so it builds from such august beginnings. A song, a whole album evoking thoughts and questions around belief, what is worth believing in and what difference belief in something can make unfolds, drawing in the listener ever deeper.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 21 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 21
  2. Negative: 1 out of 21
  1. Mar 20, 2019
    To Believe opens beautifully with its titular track. It’s easy to get lost in the ambient sounds, but if you give it the isolated and engagedTo Believe opens beautifully with its titular track. It’s easy to get lost in the ambient sounds, but if you give it the isolated and engaged listen, you’ll be pleased by what this British duo has given us with their 4th full-length. Tracks are wonderfully composed even within the simplicity that arises at times, but though well produced, this LP will regrettably find itself categorized as ‘really solid but somewhat forgettable’ due to the ease in which it can fade into the background. 6 out of 10.
    Tracks to enjoy “To Believe”; “Lessons”; “The Workers of Art”
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