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  1. Mar 20, 2015
    This album is very well crafted, kendrick was not kidding when he said he was REALLY putting time in for this project. I feel like since it's been a minute this sound (neo-soul, jazz, rhythmic) has been on a mainstream album, people forget its origins. I feel like this album is a tribute to the roots of hip hop. It is also a look of how urban society ignites people to show wisdom, courage,This album is very well crafted, kendrick was not kidding when he said he was REALLY putting time in for this project. I feel like since it's been a minute this sound (neo-soul, jazz, rhythmic) has been on a mainstream album, people forget its origins. I feel like this album is a tribute to the roots of hip hop. It is also a look of how urban society ignites people to show wisdom, courage, and understanding. I feel like this album is the soul searching hip hop lovers have been doing for a while. Although, i feel like kendrick shouldn't have been the one to do it. Each track is a revision of the grace of ingenuity in zulu nation. His story is a brave execution by the way though. Expand
  2. Mar 20, 2015
    I'm sorry, but this album is untouchable. From the mixing, to the production, to the lyrics, and finally to the overall concept of the story. Kendrick has not only topped the album no one thought was possible, but he progressed Hip Hop to the next level with this one. This is not only musically enough to feed Africa for the next 3 years, but it also carries a potent and important message.
  3. Mar 20, 2015
    In regards to Art, this album is good and is on par with Andre 3000 skill sheet. Although, in regards to Rap music this album is boring, dull and offers me nothing to stay interested in it, basically it's "lounge music" having subliminal lyrics and lounge instrumentals.

    For those who claim Kendrick is better artist than Tupac, they might be correct in regards to making "Art" but in
    In regards to Art, this album is good and is on par with Andre 3000 skill sheet. Although, in regards to Rap music this album is boring, dull and offers me nothing to stay interested in it, basically it's "lounge music" having subliminal lyrics and lounge instrumentals.

    For those who claim Kendrick is better artist than Tupac, they might be correct in regards to making "Art" but in regards to making "Music" and connecting with millions of people around the globe with his raw lyrics and unchallenged flow, to this day there is no one who can top Tupac, Nas and Eminem would be the only one's who are close, albeit they still fall short of the greatest Rap Artist of our generation.
  4. Mar 20, 2015
    I didn't think Kendrick would top his last album, Good Kid, Maad City. Well, with his new release, he exceeded my expectations and beyond! This album is an instant classic. Support real art.
  5. Mar 20, 2015
    GKMC was a coming of age story, filled with the sort of production and lyricism which gave Kendrick the recognition and widespread appeal he deserved. On the other hand, TPAB is an album for coming to terms with the challenges that accompany talent and fame, fighting to maintain an identity and level of integrity which puts the average rap artist to shame.

    As important as GKMC was, his
    GKMC was a coming of age story, filled with the sort of production and lyricism which gave Kendrick the recognition and widespread appeal he deserved. On the other hand, TPAB is an album for coming to terms with the challenges that accompany talent and fame, fighting to maintain an identity and level of integrity which puts the average rap artist to shame.

    As important as GKMC was, his new album is on an entirely different level, with different themes and an entirely different sound, but that being said it is undeniable that Kendrick's latest contribution to the genre is just as deep and beautiful as any previous work he has done. It has been less than a week since the release and I have already listened to TPAB nearly a dozen times, I can tell countless others will be listening to this compelling and engaging work of art for years to come.
  6. Mar 20, 2015
    This is a complex album. So many layers to it i hasten people to not make quick judgements. After a few listens you get to appreciate how cohesive this album is. That is truly resembles the times and the sheer lyricism that make it truly a great album. It maybe too early to call but i doubt this will fail to be considered album of the year.
  7. Mar 20, 2015
    This is one of the most unique and innovative albums I've ever heard. It's a masterpiece of the 21st century, is all I can say. His lyrics and fluidity with which he moves through different flows, along with the many different flows he exhibits, shows that he's just on another level.
  8. Mar 20, 2015
    Kendrick is a true modern day artist. Avoiding the sophomore slump, he drops a record that could easily go toe-to-toe with his debut effort Good Kid, Maad City and every other highly regarded hip-hop album of this decade.

    From the DJ Quik type hard-hitting banger "King Kunta" to the depressing and dark mental battle "u", it's all about becoming a butterfly from a caterpillar and
    Kendrick is a true modern day artist. Avoiding the sophomore slump, he drops a record that could easily go toe-to-toe with his debut effort Good Kid, Maad City and every other highly regarded hip-hop album of this decade.

    From the DJ Quik type hard-hitting banger "King Kunta" to the depressing and dark mental battle "u", it's all about becoming a butterfly from a caterpillar and reaching out of our cocoon to become enlightened. This album is a true masterpiece, and it ends in one of the most chilling, touching, and empowering outros I've heard in quite some time. He has definitely solidified himself as one of the best rappers out right now (as if it wasn't already evident).
  9. Mar 20, 2015
    Sonically, Lyrically and Creatively Kendrick has attained a consistently developing high from the previous Good Kid, Maad City Album. This album is not only a great one to experience but I believe he has achieved to make an album with topics that have the stronger more impact-ful to hip hop which sets him aside from other Rappers. Production Is also Cohesive on this Record and feels likeSonically, Lyrically and Creatively Kendrick has attained a consistently developing high from the previous Good Kid, Maad City Album. This album is not only a great one to experience but I believe he has achieved to make an album with topics that have the stronger more impact-ful to hip hop which sets him aside from other Rappers. Production Is also Cohesive on this Record and feels like A picturesque jazz funk album. Expand
  10. Mar 20, 2015
    This is the most unique and innovative album I've ever heard. Instant classic. Kendrick is on top of the game and nobody can reach him. I wonder whats next?
  11. Mar 20, 2015
    I don't have words to be honest. This is one of the greatest works of art I've ever experienced in hip hop. It's unique and different from all that horrible banger music, better than GKMC and Section 80 in my opinion.
  12. Mar 20, 2015
    Easily one of the best rap albums I've ever heard in my lifetime. The literal and metaphoric meaning behind each song is so powerful that is rocks you to your core. No one nails society and their beliefs, social norms and global issues like K-dot does in this masterpiece that will go down as a classic and one of the greatest.
  13. Mar 19, 2015
    I am amazed by this album. Amazed by its diversity, by its technicality, by its modernity yet with deep old-school influences... And I am especially amazed by the fact that the album is in the end a good surprise, despite extremely high expectations. With "To Pimp a Butterfly", Kendrick is clearly creating new standards to refer to.
  14. Mar 19, 2015
    The best rap album I have ever heard. This album is quite simply a masterpiece of modern expression, dabbling in questions of contemporary racism, suicide, and relationships. No spoilers, but the last few lines are harrowing.
  15. Mar 19, 2015
    And here we are all surprised by Kendrick Lamar and his third studio album named "Pimp To a Butterfly". What about this magnificent work? It's a masterpiece of the 21st century, is all I can say.

    The evolution of Kendrick is striking because it is not so easy to make rhymes so good, powerful, pass messages and experiences, share part of life with others, their own feelings facing
    And here we are all surprised by Kendrick Lamar and his third studio album named "Pimp To a Butterfly". What about this magnificent work? It's a masterpiece of the 21st century, is all I can say.

    The evolution of Kendrick is striking because it is not so easy to make rhymes so good, powerful, pass messages and experiences, share part of life with others, their own feelings facing society. All this in classic beats as Funky, Jazz, Blues and Hip-Hop style 80's and 90's like seeing a contemporary retro coming from one of the best and most revolutionary Rappers of the decade and, excuse me if I'm wrong, of the century.

    This album is already a classic, at least for me. I'm proud to hear that heavenly design everyday tirelessly.
  16. Mar 19, 2015
    With To Pimp A Butterfly, Kendrick Lamar has created an album that far exceeds good kid, m.A.A.d city sonically and lyrically, making the predecessor seem almost 'small' in a sense. A perfect execution of maximalism, Butterfly is the best rap album of the decade and one that should be revered for years to come.
  17. Mar 19, 2015
    Kendrick Lamar delivers an album transcending the ambition and scope of his previous project, Good Kid M.A.A.D City, and delivers in spectacular fashion. Deep and layered, the story of "Butterfly" is wrapped up in a complex web of thematic strings. It may seem somewhat disjointed at first, but the songs eventually lead into a brilliant and powerful ending that tie all loose ends. AlmostKendrick Lamar delivers an album transcending the ambition and scope of his previous project, Good Kid M.A.A.D City, and delivers in spectacular fashion. Deep and layered, the story of "Butterfly" is wrapped up in a complex web of thematic strings. It may seem somewhat disjointed at first, but the songs eventually lead into a brilliant and powerful ending that tie all loose ends. Almost never are we privileged enough to hear a hunk of music so dense that even after 7 listens I'm still finding new intricacies that I haven't noticed before. For any fan of hip-hop, or any fan of music, or any fan of simply experiencing a good story unfold, this is a can't miss. Expand
  18. Mar 19, 2015
    Kendrick Lamar exceeds everyone's expectations yet one more time proving that sky is the limit! I never thought that he could make an album half as good as G.K.M.C., but he's proven me and millions of people wrong with this truly amazing work of art. To Pimp A Butterfly is probably the greatest album of the last 20 years that achieves to fuse Jazz, Funk, Soul and Hip-Hop in a way that anyKendrick Lamar exceeds everyone's expectations yet one more time proving that sky is the limit! I never thought that he could make an album half as good as G.K.M.C., but he's proven me and millions of people wrong with this truly amazing work of art. To Pimp A Butterfly is probably the greatest album of the last 20 years that achieves to fuse Jazz, Funk, Soul and Hip-Hop in a way that any other album has ever before! You might not love it from the first listen and most certainly won't understand everything he raps about, but listening to it again and again will help you digest what Kendrick Lamar talks about. The production once again is over the top with Lamar making great choices about the musicians he chooses to work with, "keeping it in the house" as he's told, managing to get features from legends like George Clinton and Ronald Isley, but also experimenting with innovative artists like Flying Lotus and Thundercat! Kendrick Lamar being versatile as ever, shows storytelling abilities similar to the legendary Andre 3000 proving why he is about to become the King of Hip Hop and this generation's spokesperson, if he isn't already ! Expand
  19. Mar 19, 2015
    "To Pimp a Butterfly" is a true masterpiece. It pulls from the listener a multitude of emotions and points of view. I have never listened to an album that caused me to have the emotional reaction that I have had while experiencing, "To Pimp a Butterfly." Best album of the decade.
  20. Mar 19, 2015
    Kendrick Lamar has out done himself with this album. After the critical acclaim of GKMC, many speculated if he would have hit his peak but he has not. The story telling, the lyrical structure of each verse is done so well, especially the experimental production with jazz, and soul influence to make this album even more unique.
  21. Mar 19, 2015
    One of the best albums in our generation that speaks to you and tells a story beautifully. A truly masterpiece. The poem that the album is trying to communicate is so necessary and special... something that kids need to listen.
  22. Mar 19, 2015
    Easily the best album of the year so far, drawing influence from a myriad of sources the music sounds like a tribute to what black music is, and has been. Kendrick has crafted a beautiful album, one I believe will stand the test of time.
  23. Mar 19, 2015
    Aspiring Album that will lead to a much needed change in Hip Hop. Kendrick Has become the Hip Hop Neo saving us all and keeping it real and true to himself at the same time. Awesome work from one classic to another you are truly an Artist.
  24. SWQ
    Mar 19, 2015
    Amazing album, have been playing only since it came out. Wesley's Theory is probably the best intro from the 10's. I LOVE every song from this album. Kendrick really came thru on this one.
  25. Mar 19, 2015
    This album is simply incredible. I say album, it is a revolutionary poem with a g-funk backdrop. To Pimp A Butterfly is not any ordinary "album." Kendrick lets us know his voice is that of his dead brothers and Tupac himself. He lets us know what it looks like when a Butterfly refuses to be pimped any longer.
  26. Mar 19, 2015
    There are few rappers who can make a classic and followed it up with something even better and Kendrick Lamar is one of those rappers. I personally did not believe that there would one that is as good as good kid, m.A.A.d city but To Pimp a Butterfly proved me wrong. I could basically see no album topping this one this year. Well done, Kendrick and keep up the good work.
  27. Mar 19, 2015
    Masterpiece, the best album that has been released in 10 year along with D'Angelo's Black Messiah,timeless music , cant wait to grab the physical copy, it gets all my money , blood, sweet,and tears and pain into this project... respect King Kendrick
  28. Mar 19, 2015
    You can't compare to kendrick to the rappers of today! He is truly the complete rapper (musician) compared with the likes of qtip, andre 3000, nas, etc. Lamar is truly an enigma in the world of hip-hop today that is truly from another planet. Don't get me wrong I love me some drake, kanye, etc but these past couple albums really blow theirs out the water completely. Only three albums towerYou can't compare to kendrick to the rappers of today! He is truly the complete rapper (musician) compared with the likes of qtip, andre 3000, nas, etc. Lamar is truly an enigma in the world of hip-hop today that is truly from another planet. Don't get me wrong I love me some drake, kanye, etc but these past couple albums really blow theirs out the water completely. Only three albums tower this one during the current decade; the suburbs, my beautiful dark twisted fanstasy, and good kid mad city!! I would give this a ten but I only have one gripe with the song "u" which sound blasphemous. Hopefully later on though I can truly appreciate the song on this album would be a perfect 10!!! Expand
  29. Mar 19, 2015
    Loved this album, since the first to the last verse, with this album he has grown like an artist. Keep on a good work Kendrick, hope this album will be nominated to best album at the Grammys this year!
  30. Mar 19, 2015
    If »good kid, m.A.A.d city« was a self-proclaimed short film, then its successor is nothing less but a fascinating Spike Lee drama with everything from justifications about black righteousness, Tupac-predicted blood baths and discussions on Afro-American identity and its history in the land of opportunity and abomination. Not often has a project with such amount of expectation fromIf »good kid, m.A.A.d city« was a self-proclaimed short film, then its successor is nothing less but a fascinating Spike Lee drama with everything from justifications about black righteousness, Tupac-predicted blood baths and discussions on Afro-American identity and its history in the land of opportunity and abomination. Not often has a project with such amount of expectation from mainstream media and fans had the courage to take the most non-commercial route and manage to surpass those expectations by a landslide at the same time. Kendrick Lamar is not bothered about a sophomore jinx or album of the year debates, he is aiming to be amongst the most influential musicians of all time. »To Pimp A Butterfly« will shift not only the landscape of hip hop, but at best also that of its audience. This album is exactly what was needed. Not what was wanted. Thank you. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 44 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 44
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 44
  3. Negative: 0 out of 44
  1. The Wire
    May 15, 2015
    Lamar offers a commitment to effect change through the work itself. Whether or not that's realistic ideal the delivery is so powerful it's hard not to get caught up in the rapture. [May 2015, p.50]
  2. The Source
    May 6, 2015
    Each song means more with reference to the project's overall concept than it does as a standalone record, which shouldn't take away from its impact, but rather speak of the courage of its creator. [Apr-May 2015, p.87]
  3. Q Magazine
    Apr 29, 2015
    It's a challenging, ambitious combination of words and music that becomes increasingly absorbing over time. [Jun 2015, p.103]