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  1. Jun 9, 2017
    This album raised the hip-hop bar to the sky and above. No one in the game right now can touch Kendrick Lamar. Taylor Swift winning album of the year is the single largest mistake in Grammy history.
  2. Jun 4, 2017
    The greatest hip hop album of all time. Production is funky, jazzy, tear-jerking, banging and philosophical all at once. Lyrics are poetic, deep, and playful. So much meaning behind it, and it is conveyed in a beautiful way. I'd say it's the only hip hop album to be in the top 20 albums of all time.
  3. May 23, 2017
    To Pimp a Butterfly by Kendrick Lamar makes me proud to be black... and I'm white. Absolute art in every way.

    Best songs: How Much a Dollar Cost / u / Alright
  4. May 14, 2017
    This is a great album. I was enjoying myself through every song and interlude. This album had a great concept, and I can't wait to see what's next for Kendrick.
    Favorite tracks: Wesley's Theory, King Kunta, Institutionalized, Momma, Hood Politics, How Much a Dollar Cost, The Blacker the Berry
    Least favorite track: Mortal Man
    Rating: 10/10
  5. May 11, 2017
    This album was so rich and so soundfull, i love how Kendrick mixed between smooth jazz and rap and i loved the lyrics they were so deep, i think thats the best album of 2015 or i can the best album of the decade so far.
  6. May 8, 2017
    Kendrick Lamar is at the peak of his craft with this album. The beautiful mix of jazz and hip-hop along with the story and issues he attempts to and successfully tackles in this introspective, social commentating masterpiece solidify his place as one the genre's all-time greats.
  7. May 7, 2017
    I can't fault the ambition or creativity of To Pimp A Butterfly, nor the willingness to eschew the sound that launched Kendrick's career in favour of original, genre-breaking experimentation. I can't fault his subject matter, either.
    What I can fault, however, is just how ugly this album sounds. Flanged, nasal vocals, stale funk production with messy mixing, corny crass bars with subpar
    I can't fault the ambition or creativity of To Pimp A Butterfly, nor the willingness to eschew the sound that launched Kendrick's career in favour of original, genre-breaking experimentation. I can't fault his subject matter, either.
    What I can fault, however, is just how ugly this album sounds. Flanged, nasal vocals, stale funk production with messy mixing, corny crass bars with subpar wordplay...
    There's only one song I'll ever return to, and that's The Blacker The Berry, which is the singular moment the stars are in alignment on this album. The production is crunchy and heavy, Kendrick brings energy to every verse and his voice is mixed nice and clean, the hook by Assassin is huge, the boom bap beat is like crack. Unfortunately, I love it because it's unlike pretty much everything else off TPAB.
    I understand this is an unpopular, dissenting opinion, and I'm in the minority here, but this album just sounds bad. I really wanted to enjoy this, but no amount of artistic merit in the world can force someone to enjoy music that sounds awful to them.
    Score: 4/10 [Below Average]
  8. Apr 27, 2017
    The best album of 2015, and probably the decade. So rich in sounds, so deep in lyrics, so well enginereed that even though I didn't think that Kendrick could not ever top Good Kid, M.A.A.D City, he certainly did it with TPAB.
  9. Yis
    Apr 23, 2017
    This is by far my favourite hip hop album of all time, and I might not be the most educated on the hip hop side of music, but damn if this album isn't a great listen! On one hand it gives us amazing lyrics, that give us incredible insights into K-Dot's mind, and he meditates on the meaning of self-worth and his own self-worth on most of the tracks on the record. I feel like I can usuallyThis is by far my favourite hip hop album of all time, and I might not be the most educated on the hip hop side of music, but damn if this album isn't a great listen! On one hand it gives us amazing lyrics, that give us incredible insights into K-Dot's mind, and he meditates on the meaning of self-worth and his own self-worth on most of the tracks on the record. I feel like I can usually choose a favourite song from an album after having listened to it a couple of times, but I cannot do it with this record. Every single song is so incredibly amazing, and has a great message. The P-Funk and jazz influences on this record sometimes make it a challenging listen for most people, but for someone like me, who loves both those genres I find it an absolute blast to listen to. Wesley's Theory kick off the album with a great funky bass and beat, which hooks you right from the start. For Free? is an amazing interlude filled with wordplay, and great jazz. King Kunta is amazing funk, and has an amazing hook. Institutionalised gives us some amazing Kendrick voice changing, and a great feature from Snoop Dogg. These Walls has an amazing feel to it, and gives me more of the Kendrick I love, and has another amazing hook. u is one of my personal favourites off of the album, and has a great meaning of dealing with depression, and self-blaming and self-hatred. Alright is another incredible song! I could go on and on, but I'll stop by saying that the four song How Much A Dollar Cost, Complexion (A Zulu Love), The Blacker The Berry and You Ain't Gotta Lie (Momma Said) talks about discrimination, and the fact about being a black man in America with amazing detail, and incredible rhymes.

    Kendrick has really created a masterpiece, that I don't think will ever be outdone by another rap album, because of it's flow, production, Kendrick's lyrics and meaning that I have not heard any other hip hop record.
  10. Apr 22, 2017
    This album combines elements of hip-hop, jazz, funk, rock, trap and much more, while sound incredible throughout. Kendrick's lyrics, flow, rhymes and concepts are astonishing. 10/10
  11. Apr 19, 2017
    Kendrick delivered the greatest piece of art in hip hop history. The production is amazing, storytelling is amazing, his lyricism is always amazing. The concept of the album blows your mind when the whole album is unraveled. No doubt my favorite album of all time.
  12. Apr 19, 2017
    There's nothing I can say about this legendary album that hasn't already been said before. This is a beautiful project that promotes self love and unity amongst the black community. Definitely a classic, and solidifies Kendrick as one of the best to ever do it.
  13. Apr 17, 2017
    One of Kendrick's best albums, no doubt. A mixture of Jazz and Blues beats over hard hitting, passionate rap and powerful messages about race and equality that can move even the most racially indifferent person.
  14. Apr 16, 2017
    This album is a masterpiece... there is nothing more to say. From the first track Wesley's Theory where Kendrick introduces the new sound of this jazz/funk/rap album which is like nothing i've ever seen before in hip hop to the last track Mortal Man where Kendrick finishes off telling a poem he had been slowly telling at the start of a lot of the tracks throughout the record and you findThis album is a masterpiece... there is nothing more to say. From the first track Wesley's Theory where Kendrick introduces the new sound of this jazz/funk/rap album which is like nothing i've ever seen before in hip hop to the last track Mortal Man where Kendrick finishes off telling a poem he had been slowly telling at the start of a lot of the tracks throughout the record and you find out his telling it to 2Pac where Kendrick interestingly took audio from an old 2Pac interview and wrote out the questions to ask that made it sound like Kendrick and deceased rapper Pac were conversing in the booth together about real world issues. To a lot of the people saying this album is pure trash the only reason i can understand that would be maybe the beats aren't what you expected coming off the successor to Kendrick's good kid m.A.A.d City and the first time i gave this album a listen i wasn't really a fan the album was an average score for me... but then i listened to the whole thing again and it became about a 7.5... then i listened to the whole thing again and it became a 9... in this album Kendrick has so much to say that to fully digest it and make up a constructive criticism on the entire body of work you need a good 4-5 full listens, now i've listened to this album in its entirety probably close to 300-400 odd times and it's amazing it is within my top 5 favorite rap records of all time, it may even be number 1. I urge people to really sit down and listen to this masterpiece i can understand that a lot of people didn't like the new jazz direction with the beats and were expecting something more GKMC like in terms of rap beats but this album really becomes a classic if you push past the original beat shock and give it a few chances and **** you may still not like it after that. I've heard people say that Kendrick Lamar is too real on this album, with subjects like politics and race and really the whole delving deep into those track themes, which is another plus for it in my opinion because the lyrics are smart lyrics, K-Dot isn't just saying random **** his making a statement, his weighing in on an opinion, his delving deep into the nitty gritty of real issues in an intelligent manner and i find to really enjoy the album you have to have a sense of intelligence to get his perspectives and understand the art that is To Pimp A Butterfly, this isn't just a masterpiece of an album it's the most IMPORTANT album i've ever heard, like there is a lot of albums out there that i can say are good or even great even masterpieces or must-listens, but i can't think of any record that i would explain as needing to exist, not just because i think it's a good album but i mean truly needing to exist in this world... a lot like oxygen, To Pimp A Butterfly is one of the only albums that really needed to have been created and the production TDE have done on this record combined with the lyrics and issues Kendrick has chosen to speak on and how the whole album is set out is a pure work of art, this album shouldn't be in people's homes, it should be like the Mona Lisa, framed and hung in an art gallery with only one single copy available, it's truly astonishing. Don't even do yourself a favor and go out and buy this, just buy it! you should already own this album, TPAB is very, very, VERY important. Expand
  15. Apr 16, 2017
    This album is unquestionably one of the best hip-hop albums of the 2010s and possible of all time. Kendrick describes his experiences as a black man in the music industry and in America, both the universal problems of black people and Kendrick's own personal conflicts are addressed across the album over jazzy, soulful instrumentals. It may take a while to adjust to this blend of spokenThis album is unquestionably one of the best hip-hop albums of the 2010s and possible of all time. Kendrick describes his experiences as a black man in the music industry and in America, both the universal problems of black people and Kendrick's own personal conflicts are addressed across the album over jazzy, soulful instrumentals. It may take a while to adjust to this blend of spoken word and jazz but once the message of the album clicks then it is clear that it truly is a masterpiece. Expand
  16. Apr 15, 2017
    This album is the greatest i have ever listened to, this album is the reason why i love rap, this album is PERFECT. Every song fits and its all interesting and it makes you engaged and every song leads up to a MIND blowing ending.
  17. Apr 15, 2017
    This is a 10/10 album. Kendrick had it all, language - theme album - perfect composition - nice mix - wonderful cooperators, excellent choices and perfect mixed genres. Also Kendrick shows us some characters with his voice. This album is made outside of the box. Respect.
  18. Apr 15, 2017
    The best rap album ever made. The lyrics, the instrumental, the metaphors, everything in the production of this album is so good that when we put it together to listen, it is nothing but a masterpiece, definitely an album that if you like it, you won't hear one time. Contributors such as Thundercat and Flying Lotus made the instrumental become so good as the singing. This is just anThe best rap album ever made. The lyrics, the instrumental, the metaphors, everything in the production of this album is so good that when we put it together to listen, it is nothing but a masterpiece, definitely an album that if you like it, you won't hear one time. Contributors such as Thundercat and Flying Lotus made the instrumental become so good as the singing. This is just an wonderful album. Nothing less than that. Expand
  19. Apr 14, 2017
    Simply a phenomenal and complete work of art that will go down in history as one of the smartest and most well structured albums ever made. Not just a hip hop album, but a hip hop album bathing in the waters of every other constructed genre out there
  20. Apr 12, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is maybe the best Hip Hop album of all time. Kendrick Lamar has amazing flow combined with ridiculous political awareness and it call comes together on this album. My top moment is definitely the 2pac thing at the end that feels so genuine and also so right. Top 10 of all time Expand
  21. Apr 7, 2017
    This was an amazing Album, Kendrick yet again makes music for an album like he's writing a book. would recommend it to anyone who likes hip-hop that paints a picture and tells an engaging and interesting story of trials and tribulations and personal suffering.
  22. Mar 27, 2017
    Just perfection. You can't do anything but love the beats, the delivery, and the story behind every single song. When I first listened to this album, I didn't like it. It was too weird, but the more I opened my ears to how meticulous every words is how unique the beats are, it's seriously hard to say "what could have done more?"
  23. Mar 24, 2017
    Too many times is Kendrick given a pass for boring music because of the message he presents. While the message and lyricism on this project are notable, the music itself is quite lacking.
  24. Mar 11, 2017
    I rarely give 10s or even 9s to rap albums, but this one's special. Kendrick talks about the issues his people back home are facing. Not much else to say, this album is just fantastic.
  25. Mar 8, 2017
    Kendrick Lamar's 'To Pimp a Butterfly" is without a doubt a masterpiece. It is definitely Kendrick's best album yet and perhaps the best Hip Hop/Rap album of the decade. "To Pimp a Butterfly" will be recognised as a definitive moment in Hip Hop'Rap history. To the funky and catchy "King Kunta", the jazz influenced, dark and disturbing "u", the aggressive, heart-pounding vibes of "TheKendrick Lamar's 'To Pimp a Butterfly" is without a doubt a masterpiece. It is definitely Kendrick's best album yet and perhaps the best Hip Hop/Rap album of the decade. "To Pimp a Butterfly" will be recognised as a definitive moment in Hip Hop'Rap history. To the funky and catchy "King Kunta", the jazz influenced, dark and disturbing "u", the aggressive, heart-pounding vibes of "The Blacker the Berry" and to the Grammy Award winning "i', this album is an absolute astounding masterpiece. A must buy for Hip Hop/Rap fans or anyone that just loves music. Expand
  26. Mar 6, 2017
    This album has created its own genre. Rap is heading in a different direction from the ballsy gangster rap and for good reason. Conscious, politically charged and introspective.
  27. Feb 16, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Kendrick Lamar produces another life changing album! Kendrick Lamar captures the passion, energy, and love of rapping in this album. Kendrick Lamar is now the best rapper right now and puts himself in consideration as one of the best rappers of all time! Expand
  28. Jan 9, 2017
    This is the greatest album I have ever listened to. Without a doubt. From the amazingly layered and perfectly mixed jazz-based production, to the deep lyrics and even deeper concept. everything about this album is perfect. Something I've only ever been able to say about one other album. This album brings its listener to another level of thought while also being pretty accessible and atThis is the greatest album I have ever listened to. Without a doubt. From the amazingly layered and perfectly mixed jazz-based production, to the deep lyrics and even deeper concept. everything about this album is perfect. Something I've only ever been able to say about one other album. This album brings its listener to another level of thought while also being pretty accessible and at many times very catchy. This album has impacted my life on a personal and spiritual level. It had an impact on how I now perceive the world as well as in my own art. Listen to it. You will, at the very least appreciate the artistry of this album. And that's what this album is. A work of art. Expand
  29. Dec 19, 2016
    This isn't a typical rap album. This isn't even a typical excellent rap album. Rather, this album exemplifies the current times we live in, when racial inequality exists, especially when unarmed black men are killed by white people in disproportionate numbers. Not to mention, income inequality still exists, although the black community are making progress. That's not mentioning theThis isn't a typical rap album. This isn't even a typical excellent rap album. Rather, this album exemplifies the current times we live in, when racial inequality exists, especially when unarmed black men are killed by white people in disproportionate numbers. Not to mention, income inequality still exists, although the black community are making progress. That's not mentioning the musicality of this album, which takes influences from jazz, but with a palpable gusto on alerting people about current affairs. As for the musicality, this album has made an influence on David Bowie's "Blackstar," which is also critically acclaimed as this album. I say, To Pimp a Butterfly isn't an album to ignore. Expand
  30. Dec 9, 2016
    The Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band of Hip-Hop/Rap. Instant classic and definitely a benchmark in music history. I have no more words to explain how legendary this piece of art is. 11/10.

Universal acclaim - based on 44 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 44
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 44
  3. Negative: 0 out of 44
  1. The Wire
    May 15, 2015
    Lamar offers a commitment to effect change through the work itself. Whether or not that's realistic ideal the delivery is so powerful it's hard not to get caught up in the rapture. [May 2015, p.50]
  2. The Source
    May 6, 2015
    Each song means more with reference to the project's overall concept than it does as a standalone record, which shouldn't take away from its impact, but rather speak of the courage of its creator. [Apr-May 2015, p.87]
  3. Q Magazine
    Apr 29, 2015
    It's a challenging, ambitious combination of words and music that becomes increasingly absorbing over time. [Jun 2015, p.103]