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Universal acclaim- based on 4386 Ratings

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  1. Mar 25, 2015
    The first listen i honestly was kind of confused, then i listened to it again...and again and again. after a week of listening i now believe this is one of the best hip hop records of all time. there is just so much content to digest. its unbelievable the work and creativity that went into this record. congrats on Kendrick.
  2. Mar 24, 2015
    This album is absolutely astounding. I can sum up it's greatness in one bar off of the album "How can I enlighten you without frightening you?" There is no way it can be explained in a review, it is a masterpiece and none of these reviews are overexaggerated.
  3. Mar 24, 2015
    This album is not an easy listen. A strong political theme is established throughout the album, combined with Kendrick Lamar's storytelling ability, and a jazz-infused funk, old-school vibe give immerse artistic value.
    Even with this it seems that the artist valued storytelling over delivery, and appeared to value overproduction than rhythm and listenability.
    This is definitely not an
    This album is not an easy listen. A strong political theme is established throughout the album, combined with Kendrick Lamar's storytelling ability, and a jazz-infused funk, old-school vibe give immerse artistic value.
    Even with this it seems that the artist valued storytelling over delivery, and appeared to value overproduction than rhythm and listenability.
    This is definitely not an album you can sit down, listen to once, and fall in-love with. To Pimp A Butterfly seems to be the type of piece that needs to be thoroughly picked apart and digested. Unfortunately after two listens, I still don't believe Kendrick Lamar produced an album worth much more digestion.
  4. Mar 24, 2015
    Kendrick's third album will never be mistaken for the second half of GKMC. Kendrick's reluctance to roll over and take the easy way out with TPAB is something the was bound to draw mixed opinions. While the casual listener may bemoan the lack of "bangers", look deeper into TPAB and you will find Kendrick's best work as a lyricist, and storyteller. Kendrick refused to put any filler intoKendrick's third album will never be mistaken for the second half of GKMC. Kendrick's reluctance to roll over and take the easy way out with TPAB is something the was bound to draw mixed opinions. While the casual listener may bemoan the lack of "bangers", look deeper into TPAB and you will find Kendrick's best work as a lyricist, and storyteller. Kendrick refused to put any filler into the album; he takes us on a journey as he struggles with himself, and trying to change the city and the people that raised him. Kendrick incorporates things into TPAB that are rarely seen in hip-hop; the soulful sound, the free-verse poetry, these elements culminate into the excellent final track, Mortal Man. Tackling issues larger than himself, Kendrick isn't scared to appear vulnerable. Though it is the absolute opposite of an accessible album, set aside any multiple of the album's 79 minute runtime, and you will find that TPAB is perhaps the most impressive pieces of music across all genres in recent memory. Expand
  5. Mar 24, 2015
    Considering his phonographic prejudice, I would not be surprised if the gym Grammy ignore such a work of art. Something far inadmissible. By far the best album of the year (along with I Love You, Honeybear), and also the best and, why not, one of the best rap albums of all time.
  6. Mar 24, 2015
    Don't understand what people see in this. I grew up on 90s hip hop. That said, I'm a big Kendrick fan. It takes a lot to impress me. I thought his first two projects; OD and S80 were incredible efforts. Section 80 especially. And obviously GKMC was a great story and production. TPAB, however, is no where NEAR the caliber of what he's done. This album sounds like he was stuck in a studioDon't understand what people see in this. I grew up on 90s hip hop. That said, I'm a big Kendrick fan. It takes a lot to impress me. I thought his first two projects; OD and S80 were incredible efforts. Section 80 especially. And obviously GKMC was a great story and production. TPAB, however, is no where NEAR the caliber of what he's done. This album sounds like he was stuck in a studio with Flying Lotus and Thom Yorke, having pseudo intellectual and pretentious conversations about the current status of the world, their place in it, and their significance of their place. Writing on numerous topics, basically throwing his thoughts on paper, throwing it against a soundboard with odd production and hoping it sticks. Different isn't always better. And this is a perfect example of that. This is Kendrick's Yeezus. It's an experiment. An experience at best. If his message is that compelling and important, it shouldn't be hidden behind overly complicated production and song structure. And FHD gets a remarkably low critic rating, why? J. Cole created a book. With January 28th serving as the preface, and coming full circle with a reflective Love Yourz. The emotion of each song was only outdone by the perfectly fitting emotion of the production. This was as close to a 90s-esque classic storytelling album as there has been in a LONG time. And the first album I felt obligated to purchase in a LONG time. A LOT of thought went in to FHD. Can't say the same thing for TPAB. And for what it's worth, Born Sinner is imo, J. Cole's worst effort. So, needless to say, I was caught incredibly off guard by how well done FHD was. Kendrick has a BIG name, and it seems as though that's automatically granting more credit than what is deserved. It's getting to the point where he's got MJ/Tupac status -- where EVERYTHING he does is brilliant and how dare anyone question it. Wake up, people. And think for yourselves. Props to users not rating it as high as the critics. Expand
  7. Mar 24, 2015
    HIP HOP NEED THIS. Thanks to K.Dot, I have a new addition to my favorite rap albums collection. To be honest, with this album Kendrick solidifies the fact that he is a living rap legend. I appreciate an artist who shifts away from the mainstream sound and goes into the direction their heart wants to go. Listening to this album, you get the "Good Kid, M.a.a.d City" vibe in the sense of bothHIP HOP NEED THIS. Thanks to K.Dot, I have a new addition to my favorite rap albums collection. To be honest, with this album Kendrick solidifies the fact that he is a living rap legend. I appreciate an artist who shifts away from the mainstream sound and goes into the direction their heart wants to go. Listening to this album, you get the "Good Kid, M.a.a.d City" vibe in the sense of both albums being cinematic. Congrats to Kendrick on another classic and to everyone who worked on this masterpiece! Do I see an album of the year Grammy? Expand
  8. Mar 24, 2015
    I thought it was brilliant. The entire concept of it was pure genius, from the lyrics, to the delivery, the layered production-everything. One of the greatest if not THE GREATEST rap album of all time. Take a bow Kendrick, you've done us all proud!!!
  9. Mar 24, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. If your looking for GKMC 2 Prepare to be disappointed. However, what you will find is a rap album that takes every trope the genre has followed before it, being smashed by a sledgehammer Kendrick Lamar might seem too small to carry. Now his peers are playing catch up to him. An incredible work of art that deserves the praise it is recieving.

    A must buy.
  10. Mar 24, 2015
    This album embodies everything Kendrick has been working towards. It is a masterpiece that brings together everything he is and everything he has experienced. It is a beautiful work of art, and one of the most important albums of this generation, regardless of genre.
  11. Mar 24, 2015
    It feels like a solid sequel to good kid mad city.. It stays true to kendricks story and shows the effects of his fame and the power he now has being a huge artist.

    I don't think it is as good as good kid mad city but its still an amazing album. It literally just falls behind Good kid mad city by decimals of a score.
  12. Mar 24, 2015
    Best hip hop record since Nas' It Was Written... Audacious and creative. For those unaccustomed to being mentally engaged when enjoying music, it might be too much work but the musicianship is amazing as well. Must have for all serious hip hop heads and those who appreciate creative genius.
  13. Mar 24, 2015
    It’s hard to understand someone who just cleaned up the grammy’s for two years in a row can release this very private feeling poetic rap. If you like that old **** up “all about the beats” rap from a couple years back, than just don’t even try to listen to this album (I don’t wanna hear people **** about what happened to rap music that only listened to eminem and didn’t even listen to theIt’s hard to understand someone who just cleaned up the grammy’s for two years in a row can release this very private feeling poetic rap. If you like that old **** up “all about the beats” rap from a couple years back, than just don’t even try to listen to this album (I don’t wanna hear people **** about what happened to rap music that only listened to eminem and didn’t even listen to the lyrics). This album is to listen to, it wasn’t made to get clubs **** up. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised if the song ‘i’ sold a lot of alcohol to people while they danced in a club (it samples “that lady” from The Isley Brothers, try and not get a groove going). Expand
  14. Mar 23, 2015
    There are about 5 albums a year that can be called "genius". Most of the albums -- like Beck's Morning Phase or D'Angelo's Black Messiah -- require a few listens to appreciate. This is one of those albums. You must listen to it from beginning to end in the order the songs were intended to be played. A masterpiece.
  15. Mar 23, 2015
    A body of work that I truthfully consider a masterpiece. I mean this in the context of enjoying anything from a movie or any type of experience. The album is a ride!!! and one that can be enjoyed unlike any other.
  16. Mar 23, 2015
    this album puts you through so many emotions KDot goes through Such as self hate like in u, revenge in for sale interlude, anger in the blacker the berry, love in I, and much more. A other thing spectacular about this album is Kendrick's fearlessness to talk of issues that we are suffering as a society, and the best about this is that the music is still beautiful.
  17. Mar 23, 2015
    I would say that this is one of the best rap album ever made, but no, this is one of the best albums of all kinds ever made, Kendrick Lamar Duckworth dropped a masterpiece that i'm sure we will remember forever. As i told a friend before, unfortunately i was not born in time to see Tupac shine, but thank God i'm able to see Kendrick.
  18. Mar 23, 2015
    I love this album, it gets better for everytime. Cant compare it to GKMC. He must evolve and try new styles. Love this side of him. People not liking this are probably those who needs loud hiphop with naked woman and wannabee gangstas. That is so boring and i am tired of it. Hope Kendrick Lamar sets a new standard. #youaintgottalie
  19. Mar 23, 2015
    Kendrick Lamar has presented a masterpiece that is better than hip hops album of the year of 2012, Good kid MAAD city. This albums is presented with layers and the sound is soothing to the ears consisting of a soulful jazzy hip hop feel.
  20. Mar 23, 2015
    I was afraid Kendrick would not be able to live up to they hype after GKMC, but those doubts were proved wrong! This is a great album! Every song is a joy to listen to. I am not yet ready to say it is better than GKMC, but after studying it a some more that might change. GKMC is my favorite album of all time so that's saying something!
  21. Mar 23, 2015
    This album is another gem from Kendrick. Like Good Kid, Maad City To Pimp a Butterfly is socially and politically relevant without feeling preachy. The production is fabulous with a lot of influence from funk and jazz. It has feel good tracks like "Complexion" and "I", heart wrenching tracks like "U" and defiant tracks like "Wesley's Theory", "King Kunta" and the "Blacker the Berry". ToThis album is another gem from Kendrick. Like Good Kid, Maad City To Pimp a Butterfly is socially and politically relevant without feeling preachy. The production is fabulous with a lot of influence from funk and jazz. It has feel good tracks like "Complexion" and "I", heart wrenching tracks like "U" and defiant tracks like "Wesley's Theory", "King Kunta" and the "Blacker the Berry". To Pimp a Butterfly will leave you emotionally stirred trying to put it all together. Expand
  22. Mar 23, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is fantastic. It is crafted delicately, packing a dense amount of information in a concise and visceral manner. Kendrick is not interested in showing off his tricky wordplay, not to say that there isn't a great use of the language to create a dope flow. He takes us on his journey and attempts, like a teacher, to show us how he learnt what he wants to tell us rather than just speak at us from on high. This album is a classic and a masterpiece. Expand
  23. Mar 23, 2015
    Another literary masterpiece from Kendrick Lamar with interesting and unique lyrics and an underlying theme that you will not understand until you listen to it over and over and over again. Beautiful inspiration except of the reoccurring phrase, "You was conflicted" which adds aggregation to the listener after a while. Songs like "U", "i" and "Blacker the Berry" make up the best attributesAnother literary masterpiece from Kendrick Lamar with interesting and unique lyrics and an underlying theme that you will not understand until you listen to it over and over and over again. Beautiful inspiration except of the reoccurring phrase, "You was conflicted" which adds aggregation to the listener after a while. Songs like "U", "i" and "Blacker the Berry" make up the best attributes of Kendrick Lamar's talent. Expand
  24. Mar 22, 2015
    1,000/10 .............................................................................................................................................
  25. Mar 22, 2015
    This is easily album of the year. If you hate this album you hate music period. Kendrick Lamar is art. This album is masterpiece without doubt. Album has sooo many layers. Incredible. Support real music people!
  26. Mar 22, 2015
    I didn't know what I was in for man, A few people I know said it was alright but they didn't listen to the rest. Once I had some free time I got the album on spotify, and oh my god I seriously didn't know what I was in for. I instantly got this nice funk/soul vibe and I wanted to dance! It's different and I like it, no other artist would drop something like this, Kendrick is a poet and aI didn't know what I was in for man, A few people I know said it was alright but they didn't listen to the rest. Once I had some free time I got the album on spotify, and oh my god I seriously didn't know what I was in for. I instantly got this nice funk/soul vibe and I wanted to dance! It's different and I like it, no other artist would drop something like this, Kendrick is a poet and a genius. He completely changed the game, A lot of other artists should start going towards this direction. Every song on the album is a masterpiece and I've listen through the entire album at least 3-5 times a day ever since it's release. I wish I could personally thank Kendrick for releasing this amazing album to the world, we definitely needed something like this, Instant classic and this album will go down in history. Album of the year. Expand
  27. Mar 22, 2015
    This album will go down as a classic. The beats, lyrics and messages throughout this album are great with no lows. Kendrick's best album and one of the greatest albums to ever come out.
  28. Mar 22, 2015
    This record is not only musically great but actually an important in terms of message. It will be a record that kids will listen to for decades and be inspired and turned on to good music.

    It has that classic rap album vibe to it right away without regurgitating the genre. The consistent thread throughout the record with the poem that Kendrick recites and the final "interview" with the
    This record is not only musically great but actually an important in terms of message. It will be a record that kids will listen to for decades and be inspired and turned on to good music.

    It has that classic rap album vibe to it right away without regurgitating the genre. The consistent thread throughout the record with the poem that Kendrick recites and the final "interview" with the late 2Pac show that Kendrick wasn't just interested in putting out a good sounding record but one with a true message.

    The Blacker the Berry, in my opinion, is the absolute stand out track among a record full of great songs.

    Early contender for record of the year!!
  29. Mar 21, 2015
    This album blow me away because of the artistic quality of the music and the way it flows it otherwordly. I love this album. IT MAY BE ALBUM OF THE YEAR.
  30. Mar 21, 2015
    "Just because you wore a different gang colour than mine's doesn't mean I can't respect you as a black man, forgetting all the pain and hurt we caused each other in these streets. If I respect you, we unify and stop the enemy from killing us"
    I think that basically sums up the powerful ideas contained within this gem of an album. Months of hard work from Kendrick has culminated in the
    "Just because you wore a different gang colour than mine's doesn't mean I can't respect you as a black man, forgetting all the pain and hurt we caused each other in these streets. If I respect you, we unify and stop the enemy from killing us"
    I think that basically sums up the powerful ideas contained within this gem of an album. Months of hard work from Kendrick has culminated in the defining album of a decade- an incredible discussion of race, respect and culture. Oh, and the instrumentals go hard as hell. Just buy it if you like music and respect true artistry and passion.

Universal acclaim - based on 44 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 44
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 44
  3. Negative: 0 out of 44
  1. The Wire
    May 15, 2015
    Lamar offers a commitment to effect change through the work itself. Whether or not that's realistic ideal the delivery is so powerful it's hard not to get caught up in the rapture. [May 2015, p.50]
  2. The Source
    May 6, 2015
    Each song means more with reference to the project's overall concept than it does as a standalone record, which shouldn't take away from its impact, but rather speak of the courage of its creator. [Apr-May 2015, p.87]
  3. Q Magazine
    Apr 29, 2015
    It's a challenging, ambitious combination of words and music that becomes increasingly absorbing over time. [Jun 2015, p.103]