• Record Label: Verve
  • Release Date: Mar 17, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Mar 23, 2015
    This skillful interweaving of Knopfler's personal past helps give Tracker a nicely gentle resonance.
  2. 80
    Touches of Celtic, jazz, country and folk, but seldom rock, inform these lovely tunes that take their time as if on a leisurely stroll.
  3. Mar 17, 2015
    He does what he does best, delivering finely wrought, elegantly arranged songs of subtle depth and rich musicality, many extending past five minutes without overstaying their welcome.
  4. Classic Rock Magazine
    Mar 12, 2015
    Knopfler's slide into the cosy vale of rootsy retro is clearly irreversible, but he certainly makes trad a luxurious place to get pampered for an hour. [Apr 2015, p.97]
  5. Mar 12, 2015
    Tracker is seamless in both embracing technology and adapting it; recreating the intimacy of personal experiences within the confines of an uncluttered, contemporary folk backdrop.
  6. Magnet
    Mar 12, 2015
    Knopfler inhabits his tunes with an earnest intensity, a slight melancholy and an age-old wisdom. [No. 118, p.57]
  7. Mar 17, 2015
    Knopfler's quicksilver guitar is understated, and he delivers stories of stoic ache like an old watchmaker on a pub stool--quietly riveting.
  8. Uncut
    Mar 12, 2015
    His eighth solo album will no doubt satisfy dedicated fans, but for those lulled into inattentiveness somewhere along the way, Tracker also makes an excellent case for re-engagement. [Apr 2015, p.70]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 11
  2. Negative: 3 out of 11
  1. Mar 17, 2018
    This very quickly became my favourite Knopfler record (including Dire Straits ones) - not that it is the most hit-filled or anything, butThis very quickly became my favourite Knopfler record (including Dire Straits ones) - not that it is the most hit-filled or anything, but somehow it hits that string of early life memories and melancholy. I also love the use of guest vocals and the bonus tracks are big!

    Top: Laughs and Jokes and Drinks and Smokes, Lights of Taormina, Beryl, Oklahoma Ponies
    Full Review »
  2. Apr 6, 2015
    Record Collector got it best, I think, when they said "there’s effortless and effortless". I like it because it is Mark Knopfler, I don'tRecord Collector got it best, I think, when they said "there’s effortless and effortless". I like it because it is Mark Knopfler, I don't like it because it's just Mark Knoplfer. There is nothing wrong with the album but unfortunately, there is also nothing new or exciting about it. It's good, it's solid, it's Knoplfer. Sadly, on the other hand - it's just only just good, it's only just solid, it's only average Knoplfer. I know that Mark is no David Bowie when it comes to musical styles but I just so wish he would try something new and stretch himself just a little bit more. Full Review »
  3. Apr 1, 2015
    I love Mark Knopfler & his music. But this album, with a few exceptions, sounds like the same song to me. Like you picked up the needle &I love Mark Knopfler & his music. But this album, with a few exceptions, sounds like the same song to me. Like you picked up the needle & dropped it somewhere else. Back when CDs were $15, I'm still looking for that $15 song on this one. Full Review »