• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Aug 25, 2017
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 233 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 21 out of 233
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  1. Aug 25, 2017
    I don't care what the critics say, for me Villains is a major disappointment! When it was announced that the album was going to be a poppier, more danceable record I was intrigued. As a fan of EODM I thought this could be a great change of direction. What we've got instead are 9 mostly forgettable songs that outstay their welcome long before the end.

    Easily the worst QOTSA record to
    I don't care what the critics say, for me Villains is a major disappointment! When it was announced that the album was going to be a poppier, more danceable record I was intrigued. As a fan of EODM I thought this could be a great change of direction. What we've got instead are 9 mostly forgettable songs that outstay their welcome long before the end.

    Easily the worst QOTSA record to date in this fans opinion.
  2. Mar 18, 2018
    Decent album but it's really forgettable and some tracks go for far too long. The only standout track is the closer, which is a 10/10 on an album full of 3-4/10s.
  3. Jan 28, 2020
    At first I was really dissapointed... It sounded like Qotsa... but it was just all wrong somehow... Maybe it would grow on me... nah.. I just stayed dissapointed. It's flat, the guitar sometimes sounds annoying even.. its just all wrong. Just my opinion....
  4. Dec 2, 2017
    I've deliberately avoided leaving a review until I'd given the album a chance to appreciate over repeated listenings. Unfortunately it hasn't, and I'm left feeling the same as I did on first hearing it. QOTSA worst album by far.
  5. Dec 18, 2019
    This album has terribly formulamatic, predictable, and unmercilessly brief songwriting, like it regurgitates something that should have stayed in 1998. Technically this isn't strong enough to hold together as an album, and it shouldn't have been released. This is the first time a band revealed it is worse than Pink Floyd, when Jonny Rotten decried hatred upon Floyd. This band is too weakThis album has terribly formulamatic, predictable, and unmercilessly brief songwriting, like it regurgitates something that should have stayed in 1998. Technically this isn't strong enough to hold together as an album, and it shouldn't have been released. This is the first time a band revealed it is worse than Pink Floyd, when Jonny Rotten decried hatred upon Floyd. This band is too weak to carry on any further. Expand
  6. Oct 7, 2017
    I decided to give it a while to see whether I would like the album more after repeated listenings. Sadly my opinion now is the same as at the start. This is QOTSA worst album to date in my opinion.
  7. Dec 6, 2017

    Last three QOTSA albums have been quite good , but short of the quality we've been used to.
    There is no point on keeping the name on a project that has so little to do with the sound they helped to define and redifine , now it's just a mixed bag of Josh's worst musical ideas.
  8. Sep 22, 2017
    As others have said, arguably the worst QOTSA album to date. Instantly forgettable songs, and for a record that was supposed to be danceable very repetitive and ungroovy.
  9. Aug 26, 2017
    It's not that the songs are horrible, it just sounds like they made a program that generates QOTSA sounding music and sometimes it strikes gold.

    The 1 song I liked on this was 'The Evil Has Landed'. It sounds like a more professional and crisper version of the QOTSA I'm used to. It's got that ripping guitar sound, Josh getting lose with his vocals and the song changes pace often
    It's not that the songs are horrible, it just sounds like they made a program that generates QOTSA sounding music and sometimes it strikes gold.

    The 1 song I liked on this was 'The Evil Has Landed'. It sounds like a more professional and crisper version of the QOTSA I'm used to. It's got that ripping guitar sound, Josh getting lose with his vocals and the song changes pace often throughout the song.

    The other song I didn't mine was 'Villains Of Circumstance'. It has a really nice bass, again Josh sounds comfortable just using all his voice.
    I only wish that the first 7 songs had even 50% of what makes these 2 songs great.
  10. Sep 13, 2017
    I'd really like to give this album a lower rating, but I have embraced the band through its directional shifts to date after being thoroughly moved by their first three albums. This album is an exercise in "it should be liked" and "we're going to create chaotic arrangements to be different." It simply doesn't work. It is, in fact, more of a pop album than a rock album. What bothers me moreI'd really like to give this album a lower rating, but I have embraced the band through its directional shifts to date after being thoroughly moved by their first three albums. This album is an exercise in "it should be liked" and "we're going to create chaotic arrangements to be different." It simply doesn't work. It is, in fact, more of a pop album than a rock album. What bothers me more than the fact that this is a weak effort is the rabid nature of some "fans" who insist not only that it is somehow approaching masterpiece status, but you have less than zero musical taste if you disagree. Rated R, whether you view it and SFTD as "ancient" or "archaic" etc., made a far greater statement with far less fuss. No, I don't need that album or SFTD on infinite repeat. Era Vulgaris, for example, has grown on me tremendously. I like more of EV, for example, than Clockwork (I like maybe half of LC ... the piano ballads and pseudo "big" statement pieces leave me cold). I find the promo videos for Villains for compelling than the album. If this album moves you, great; but if you're a longtime QOTSA fan, you might be left scratching your head. As one reviewer stated, it seems as though some younger fans, maybe those who got into QOTSA as teens, feel they simply must view this album as the inevitable masterpiece they so desperately want it to be. It isn't. It feels like a significant nod to attempting to be more accepted by a certain element in the entertainment industry today. If it makes QOTSA a lot of money, I'm all for that. I just can't listen to the #(&(*)#*#(@*&#*$* thing. Expand
  11. Aug 25, 2017
    Homme and Co. really need to go back to the drawing board. I love the fact that no two QOTSA albums sound the same, that they experiment with different sounds. Villains however is just plain boring and after repeated listenings fails to make any lasting impression with me. Hugely disappointing.
  12. Aug 25, 2017
    Not terrible, but not great. Missing a lot of the crunch and sludge rock from earlier material, but I did notice much more synth which is a bit of a stylistic departure. I realize taste is subjective, but I can't help but feel that all the professional reviews somehow missed the mark, especially reviews of 90 or 100. Past the first song Feet Don't Fail Me, the first half of the albumNot terrible, but not great. Missing a lot of the crunch and sludge rock from earlier material, but I did notice much more synth which is a bit of a stylistic departure. I realize taste is subjective, but I can't help but feel that all the professional reviews somehow missed the mark, especially reviews of 90 or 100. Past the first song Feet Don't Fail Me, the first half of the album is filler. Half the tracks are uninspired generic rock sound that is missing that distinctive QoTSA sound. The second half it picks up with Head like a Haunted House. After listening to it 3 or 4 times back to back, the album let's you gloss over the flaws of Villains. Expand
  13. Aug 25, 2017
    I feel like I'm missing something. The critics all seem convinced that this is a huge success but to me it sound flat and plain. Missing some of the gravel and grit that other QOTSA albums have in barrels. Not really any stand out tracks and after a listening to it I'll probably shelve it for the foreseeable future. Not awful, just boring.
  14. Sep 1, 2017
    One Word... Rubbish. Queens need to go back to their roots. This album is dreadful, recycled ideas, stale formula, tinny sound, mixing is way off, all this rubbish packaged into a cd made for the mainstream. I appreciated evolution etc, this is just pure selling out. Mark Ronson is the telltale sign. Josh go back to your roots and give something back to the fans who put you here.
  15. Aug 26, 2017
    As a fan it pains me to say it but Villains must be the most over hyped and underwhelming album QOTSA have put out.

    All fur coat and no knickers to use an English idiom.
  16. Aug 25, 2017
    Instant classic. Deep, beautiful, funny, dark, slow, fast, rock, dance, pop, brutal, honest, loud, sexy,... this requires multiple listening to appreciate and to realize what a masterpiece it is.
  17. Aug 29, 2017
    I gave this record a lot of spins mainly because QOTSA used to be my favourite band. It was boring the first time I listened to it and the feeling hasn't changed since.
  18. Aug 25, 2017
    I'm not a kind of a person to dislike an album or a band just because they're taking a new direction or harnessing a new sound. Personally, i find it even more interesting than doing the same stuff all over again. That said, now that I got rid of all the "inb4 bands should change, you don't understand" stuff, I can state that the band, in it's groovier and shinier format - mostly fell flatI'm not a kind of a person to dislike an album or a band just because they're taking a new direction or harnessing a new sound. Personally, i find it even more interesting than doing the same stuff all over again. That said, now that I got rid of all the "inb4 bands should change, you don't understand" stuff, I can state that the band, in it's groovier and shinier format - mostly fell flat on their face. Yes, there are some really great tracks like the opener Feet don't fail me and Villains of circumstance and some very good tracks like The way you used to do and Evil has landed...But the rest of the album mostly runs out of steam. Except for Head like a haunted house, there isn't anything that i could actually call good...Only decent or passable. Actually, Fortress and Hideaway are two of the worst songs that the band has produced in last 10 years. As i said, kudos to them for trying and experimenting but most of the album simply sounds boring and uninspired...I know that it probably was too much to expect an album as good as the masterful ...Like clockwork, but I must admit that I was hoping for this album to be at least close...Shame. Expand
  19. Sep 1, 2017
    Hate to say this.. but QOTSA have 1 bad album. This album is so dull and lifeless it begs the question.. why do some people (who proclaim to be qotsa fans) like it. my guessing, their new kids who have only just got into the band. The songs are uninspiring, the album art is a rip off, mixing on this album doesn't showcase the talent they have within the band. AVOID AT ALL COSTS! Stream itHate to say this.. but QOTSA have 1 bad album. This album is so dull and lifeless it begs the question.. why do some people (who proclaim to be qotsa fans) like it. my guessing, their new kids who have only just got into the band. The songs are uninspiring, the album art is a rip off, mixing on this album doesn't showcase the talent they have within the band. AVOID AT ALL COSTS! Stream it if your interested, but don't buy this garbage. Expand
  20. Oct 12, 2017
    I do not know what "you" are listen to get a QOTSA album under 8/10 ... It's pure stupidity of **** , years will prove this 2 + 2 = 4.... want to criticize genius work Joshua Homme who works hard to do something new, not wanting to repeat itself, as most of the artists in this industry do, and comparing a band like Foo Fighters is an insult, the individual quality in this band isI do not know what "you" are listen to get a QOTSA album under 8/10 ... It's pure stupidity of **** , years will prove this 2 + 2 = 4.... want to criticize genius work Joshua Homme who works hard to do something new, not wanting to repeat itself, as most of the artists in this industry do, and comparing a band like Foo Fighters is an insult, the individual quality in this band is infinitely superior ... it is anecdotal compare an album of QOTSA with any album of that band, or others and if it were for those, I assure you that I was listening to Wolf Parade and others indie rock bands, hardcore , jazz or other things. instead of crap like Foo Fighters, MODERN CLASSIC ROCK is dead without QOTSA ... Expand
  21. Aug 29, 2017
    I have to agree with some of the other comments. Villains is the most uninspired and lazy album QOTSA have made.

    Hate the album cover too. An obvious rip off {yes, rip off, not homage} of The Pale Man of Pan's Labyrinth.
  22. Aug 26, 2017
    It's not quite bad, but not quite good either. Eventhough its supposed to be a new vibe and a new wind in the QTSA era, it just all feels to familiar. It's nowhere near the previous albums of Queens of the stone Age, but it's all very repetitive and very poppy music which feels very heard before. The nummers don't have any crunch, the riffs feel flattened and fake and the whole albumIt's not quite bad, but not quite good either. Eventhough its supposed to be a new vibe and a new wind in the QTSA era, it just all feels to familiar. It's nowhere near the previous albums of Queens of the stone Age, but it's all very repetitive and very poppy music which feels very heard before. The nummers don't have any crunch, the riffs feel flattened and fake and the whole album sounds like one long song. I can dig a few songs on the album, which were previously released as singles. The Way You Used to was a catchy and good represenation of the sound QTSA want to bring, but the rest of the album feels forced as it lacks what The Way You Used To brings. For me this album is nothing special. It's ok, but i'll take ...Like Clockwork or Songs for the Deaf any day. Expand
  23. Aug 30, 2017
    Anything you write here is a nothing ... someone will not like it, and they will click on do not like it, so ... like or do not like it will always be a GOOD ALBUM ... poor people need to oxygenate the brain and realize that things don´t have to be what they want, but rather as the ARTISTS want and it is they who decide the direction they want to take for the album, most of it only goes byAnything you write here is a nothing ... someone will not like it, and they will click on do not like it, so ... like or do not like it will always be a GOOD ALBUM ... poor people need to oxygenate the brain and realize that things don´t have to be what they want, but rather as the ARTISTS want and it is they who decide the direction they want to take for the album, most of it only goes by what the Media writes, they do not have their own thoughts ... Unfortunately we live a fast consumer society ... Expand
  24. Aug 28, 2017
    There are a lot of envy out there, with 20 years of career and always at the top, with excellent albums, do not please everyone, fortunately . Luckily they do not make music for fast consumption, time will give me reason ... one day when the band finishes this album will always be someone's favorite ... such as EV, or LTPL the most badly loved at the time too and time proved to many peopleThere are a lot of envy out there, with 20 years of career and always at the top, with excellent albums, do not please everyone, fortunately . Luckily they do not make music for fast consumption, time will give me reason ... one day when the band finishes this album will always be someone's favorite ... such as EV, or LTPL the most badly loved at the time too and time proved to many people that they were wrong ... Expand
  25. Aug 25, 2017
    Pure gold. I'm a new fan of theirs and I'm compleatly blown away. There is so much texture, rhythm, meanings. Favorite tracks: Fortress, Head Like a Haunted House, Villains of Circumstace.
  26. Aug 25, 2017
    I'm loving the addition of the synths. They add a new layer to their sound that is very, very welcome. This is what you get when new wave, rock n' roll and dance music have an orgy.
  27. Aug 27, 2017
    It seems Josh Homme enjoyed himself quite a bit in his ventures into 70s Highway Rock with projects like Eagles of Death Metal and Iggy Pop's Post Pop Depression, because he is now going further into that direction with his signature band, one I've always enjoyed for their heavy riffs and bangers, and Hommes' silky melodic vocals.
    So, yeah, this is an EODM album disguised as a QOTSA lp. A
    It seems Josh Homme enjoyed himself quite a bit in his ventures into 70s Highway Rock with projects like Eagles of Death Metal and Iggy Pop's Post Pop Depression, because he is now going further into that direction with his signature band, one I've always enjoyed for their heavy riffs and bangers, and Hommes' silky melodic vocals.
    So, yeah, this is an EODM album disguised as a QOTSA lp. A short, non-threatening and to the point nostalgia trip to retro hard rock with an rough but also pristine production by Mark Ronson. There are good songs here, mainly the opening track Feet Don't Fail Me with its prog structure, the leading singles The Way You Used to Do and The Evil Has Landed, and the awesome, heart-attack inducing Head Like a Haunted House. But then we have the awfully repetitive Domesticated Animals, the Katy Perry level of songwriting in the unremarkable Fortress, and a bunch of forgettable dad rock songs like Hideaway. Is it bad? No, their craftsmanship and frenetic energy still shows, but it would not be ludicrous to say that the quartet (Now a five-piece) is beginning to lose steam as time goes on.
  28. Aug 25, 2017
    Love it. It reminds me of Era Vulgaris, in that the directions the songs go in seem odd at first, but then become such a treat after repeated listens.
  29. Aug 25, 2017
    This album is glorious. It sounds like a "Best Of" of their last three albums (Clockwork, Era Vulgaris and Lullabies). It's not as 'dancy' as a lot of the critics suggest – rest assured, this is QOTSA doing what they do best. There are enjoyable robot-rock moments ("Feet Don't Fail Me", "Head Like A Haunted House") and addictive experimental, simmery rock ("Domesticated Animals, "The EvilThis album is glorious. It sounds like a "Best Of" of their last three albums (Clockwork, Era Vulgaris and Lullabies). It's not as 'dancy' as a lot of the critics suggest – rest assured, this is QOTSA doing what they do best. There are enjoyable robot-rock moments ("Feet Don't Fail Me", "Head Like A Haunted House") and addictive experimental, simmery rock ("Domesticated Animals, "The Evil Has Landed") but for me, the best tracks are the mellower arrangements. "Fortress" is just about as sentimental as Josh Homme can get, and "Hideaway" is a gorgeous throwback to Lullabies/Era Vulgaris' softer rock tracks. However, the real masterpiece and highlight of the album lies at the very end of the record – "Villains of Circumstance" is an epic, atmospheric stunner. There's something to love about each track, and it's probably QOTSA's most accessible album to date. It's a must-listen if you've been craving some real rock, which is something the world has unfortunately been starved for a while now. Expand
  30. Aug 26, 2017
    While the shift in style is a pretty hard one that many QotSA fans would not like, despite the band's constant evolution throughout their discography, Villains is a solid effort that, while not the bands best nor is as good as Like Clockwork, is still another worthwhile effort from Homme and friends. With Mark Ronson at the helm, Villains is a true blue dance rock record with gnarly stonerWhile the shift in style is a pretty hard one that many QotSA fans would not like, despite the band's constant evolution throughout their discography, Villains is a solid effort that, while not the bands best nor is as good as Like Clockwork, is still another worthwhile effort from Homme and friends. With Mark Ronson at the helm, Villains is a true blue dance rock record with gnarly stoner rock guitars trademark to the band's sound with an added twist of old school boogie rock, ala Skynyrd and ZZ Top, and a dash of funk rock on the same planet as Funkadelic's Maggot Brain (the song not the album), Villains is another solid hit from the band. Inconsistent at times with song quality, this is a must listen! Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. Magnet
    Sep 18, 2017
    The results are both vintage QOTSA and something unnameable at the same time. [No. 146, p.58]
  2. Sep 12, 2017
    This record is strong from top to bottom, and another great entry into Queens of the Stone Age’s catalog.
  3. 75
    Even though it doesn’t do nearly enough to distinguish itself from the band’s earlier albums, it’s an enjoyable enough listen that it’s not too hard to excuse its flaws.