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Generally favorable reviews- based on 217 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 68 out of 217
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  1. Aug 19, 2022
    Viva Las Vengeance is a highly derivative album with most of its tracks sounding like shallow impressions of classic rock hits. While the production is crisp and clean, the songwriting is lackluster at best and often times lazy. Ultimately, the album boils down to a collection of bland and uninspiring songs that make a mockery of the material they drew inspiration from.
  2. Aug 20, 2022
    It makes me very sad how brendon urie has changed over the years. He has an amazing voice, but his extreme self awareness of this makes it so he thinks he has to belt and scream on every song, every possible time he can. It just doesn’t sound good anymore. Middle of a Breakup sounded like a song I would make in 7th grade, I don’t know how it was allowed to be released. The title track andIt makes me very sad how brendon urie has changed over the years. He has an amazing voice, but his extreme self awareness of this makes it so he thinks he has to belt and scream on every song, every possible time he can. It just doesn’t sound good anymore. Middle of a Breakup sounded like a song I would make in 7th grade, I don’t know how it was allowed to be released. The title track and Don’t Let the Light go Out are the only highlights, I actually enjoy those songs. Panic! At the Disco has been my favorite band for so many years, hopefully some positive changes come with the next album, if there is one. Expand
  3. Sep 24, 2022
    Boring. Just boring. Panic At The Disco hasn’t been good since ten years ago.
  4. Sep 13, 2022
    As a lifelong Panic! fan, the transformation of Brandon Urie into a weak, watered-down Scissor Sisters is incredibly upsetting. Only good song on the album is the title track
  5. Oct 1, 2022
    I made this account just because I cannot believe how washed up and overdone this album is and wanted to even the scales a bit. I have seen Panic live and enjoyed a few tracks off DOAB, but it's been a rocket going downhill since then. Someone needs to be there to tell Brendon NO on the gross sexual lyrics (sugar soaker breaking your bed??? sweet little kitten???) and the excessive highI made this account just because I cannot believe how washed up and overdone this album is and wanted to even the scales a bit. I have seen Panic live and enjoyed a few tracks off DOAB, but it's been a rocket going downhill since then. Someone needs to be there to tell Brendon NO on the gross sexual lyrics (sugar soaker breaking your bed??? sweet little kitten???) and the excessive high note wails on practically every song. It's truly a pain and a chore. The album cover is the bands worst by far as well. Queen picked Adam Lambert, not you sir!!! It's ok to move on!!! Expand
  6. Aug 19, 2022
    An ambitious desire to dazzle us theatrically falls flat. The instrumentals and vocals carry an unsettling dissonance at times. Several numbers sound the same while lacking anything memorable. Doing too much and delivering so little, I can't say I'd recommend this album to anyone.
  7. Aug 20, 2022
    The back up band tried it's best...

    I literally have nothing else to say but this needed to be 75 characters
  8. Aug 25, 2022
    As a past panic fan, I was really disappointed in this album. Most of the songs have really bad choruses that sound really annoying such as Star Spangled Banner, In the Middle of a Breakup, Something about Maggie and etc. You can hear Brenden's voice strain in most of these songs which completely takes you out of the whole experience. Adding a bit of autotuned, would go a long way ofAs a past panic fan, I was really disappointed in this album. Most of the songs have really bad choruses that sound really annoying such as Star Spangled Banner, In the Middle of a Breakup, Something about Maggie and etc. You can hear Brenden's voice strain in most of these songs which completely takes you out of the whole experience. Adding a bit of autotuned, would go a long way of making these songs bearable to listen to. Expand
  9. Aug 24, 2022
    this is one of the worst things i’ve ever heard, i miss ryan. literally who let him put this out ?
  10. Aug 26, 2022
    I'm not entirely sure what B.U. was thinking with this album after death of a bachelors incredible success. It's like he stepped back into some old P!@TD tones from early years, and tried desperately to be just like Queen. (Yes I'm aware this is quite literally what he was doing). But P!@TD as never been a rock n roll band, it's been a pop punk band for all us emo kids and this album feltI'm not entirely sure what B.U. was thinking with this album after death of a bachelors incredible success. It's like he stepped back into some old P!@TD tones from early years, and tried desperately to be just like Queen. (Yes I'm aware this is quite literally what he was doing). But P!@TD as never been a rock n roll band, it's been a pop punk band for all us emo kids and this album felt like a straight up betrayal of character. If I wanted to listen to queen then I'd just go listen to queen. Really disappointed by this album - I miss the music B.U. did with death of a bachelor and "High Hopes". This was like trying to watch Tobey Maguire try to dance in Spiderman 3... Expand
  11. Sep 14, 2022
    It felt pretty much like torture to listen to this one - and Panic! used to be one of my favorite bands. Overly repetitive hooks, generic production, sounds like it doesn't have any clear direction. Some songs seem to last even longer than necessary. It is indeed very derivative even from what the band itself had already done, but in a way it doesn't shine at all, it just feels like I'veIt felt pretty much like torture to listen to this one - and Panic! used to be one of my favorite bands. Overly repetitive hooks, generic production, sounds like it doesn't have any clear direction. Some songs seem to last even longer than necessary. It is indeed very derivative even from what the band itself had already done, but in a way it doesn't shine at all, it just feels like I've already heard all that before and in so many better iterations. Expand
  12. Sep 22, 2022
    As a long time fan of Panic! I was very disappointed by this album. It sounds like a hollow screechy attempt to pay tribute to (my all-time favorite band) Queen. Sadly it lacks the creativity and the catchiness of classic Queen songs. It's bland, boring, and the constant screeching was too much for me. I'm hoping the next album will be so much better. For now, I'll just pretend this oneAs a long time fan of Panic! I was very disappointed by this album. It sounds like a hollow screechy attempt to pay tribute to (my all-time favorite band) Queen. Sadly it lacks the creativity and the catchiness of classic Queen songs. It's bland, boring, and the constant screeching was too much for me. I'm hoping the next album will be so much better. For now, I'll just pretend this one doesn't exist! Expand
  13. Dec 23, 2022
    This album is a disgrace to the name Panic At The Disco. Brendon Urie had 4 years to make something and puts out one of the worst records ever recorded. The lyrics are meaningless, the sound is atrocious it’s a dumpster fire. You can tell Brendon was singing out of his range and straining his voice to reach notes. The only reason it’s not a 0 is there are some choruses that get stuck in myThis album is a disgrace to the name Panic At The Disco. Brendon Urie had 4 years to make something and puts out one of the worst records ever recorded. The lyrics are meaningless, the sound is atrocious it’s a dumpster fire. You can tell Brendon was singing out of his range and straining his voice to reach notes. The only reason it’s not a 0 is there are some choruses that get stuck in my head so he got us there. Viva Las Vengeance is Brendon’s Queen cover album and it falls way short and is very one note. 1/10. Expand
  14. Aug 24, 2022
    Amazing throwback album recorded to tape. It's nice to hear Panic sound like a proper band again.
  15. Aug 19, 2022
    A crítica só pode estar maluca de achar que esse álbum HORRÍVEL é melhor que toda a discografia dele
  16. Aug 20, 2022
    As a Panic fan, ive never been so disappointed in my whole life. 4 years of waitning to get this ****
  17. Aug 21, 2022
    Oh well, how can I say... inedible. Frustrating attempt to sound innovative, but sounds amateurish. It wasn't well produced, it wasn't well crafted. The main voice is just played to our ears in an aggressive way. No song is good.
  18. Aug 27, 2022
    Terrible album. There is not one good song on it. Never been a fan of this guy.
  19. Aug 19, 2022
    this is not good at all. i would never recommend this to anyone. no songs are good. none.
  20. Aug 19, 2022
    Listen. It’s not good. When you consider the way Panic lyrics used to sound - intricate, and meaningful! - this album falls flat tenfold. Not to mention that Brendon Urie has stolen idea upon idea from his former bandmates, not to mention Pete Wentz. These songs are, to me, completely unlistenable. Congrats, Brendon, you’ve finally done it. You’ve created the first ever completelyListen. It’s not good. When you consider the way Panic lyrics used to sound - intricate, and meaningful! - this album falls flat tenfold. Not to mention that Brendon Urie has stolen idea upon idea from his former bandmates, not to mention Pete Wentz. These songs are, to me, completely unlistenable. Congrats, Brendon, you’ve finally done it. You’ve created the first ever completely unlistenable album. Expand
  21. Aug 19, 2022
    The new Panic! At The Disco album sounds like Queen with brain damage. I know Freddie Mercury is rolling in his grave rn…..Freddie baby I’m so sorry.
  22. Aug 20, 2022
    this whole album that stretches on just as long as the prerequisite lobotomy appointment to listen to it is entire nonsense. filled with lyrical **** and sung by a voice more strained than lemonade, this album brings nothing new to the table besides a new-found desire to not live anymore.
  23. Aug 20, 2022
    One of the worst album I’ve ever heard in my entire life , like be serious
  24. Aug 20, 2022
    He’s screeching throughout the whole damn thing. It’s obvious he has serious vocal issues with strain and its evident throughout these songs. The only thing above mediocre on this thing was the lead single. He has single handedly destroyed the reputation of the name “Panic! at the Disco”. I was a fan a long time ago, but this was a truly a let-down.
  25. Aug 20, 2022
    I tried giving this album a fair shot, but unfortunately, it was very disappointing compared to Panic!'s previous works. I am not skilled at writing, but I still hope my points are clear as to why I feel such distaste towards the album.

    When you get past the initial strain heard on Brendon Urie's vocals, certain riffs in the songs had plenty of potential. However, with a mix of generic
    I tried giving this album a fair shot, but unfortunately, it was very disappointing compared to Panic!'s previous works. I am not skilled at writing, but I still hope my points are clear as to why I feel such distaste towards the album.

    When you get past the initial strain heard on Brendon Urie's vocals, certain riffs in the songs had plenty of potential. However, with a mix of generic lyrics and off-key high notes, all of that potential immediately falls flat. This makes the songs unbearable to listen to.

    At face value, the song titles are not nearly as creative as what Panic! was capable of before Brendon went solo. We've come a long way from "The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is Press Coverage," to their new song "Middle Of A Breakup" which, by the title alone, sounds so non-specific that it could fit neatly under most artist's names. This is just a preview of the little inspiration put into these songs. But, I understand titles aren't everything, so I will look at the style and lyrics of "Middle Of A Breakup" as an example for the album.

    When you read the lyrics of this song, Brendon uses the previous themes of comparing relationships to drugs and... beehives? (Refer to "Nicotine" and "The Calendar.") But compared to those previous songs, all creativity was replaced by an incoherent melody that contrasts heavily with the instrumental playing in the background. But hey, considering over a 4th of the lyrics contain "Makeup sex in the middle of a breakup" at least there is no confusion about what the song is about, right? At least that part makes sense, I suppose?

    This album feels like the culmination of lost passion from Urie, and a mix of pandering to as many audiences as possible by using themes that have worked for Brendon (and other artists) previously. He uses no effort to make them unique or enjoyable, instead opting to use this as an opportunity to show off his deteriorating vocals, hitting as many high notes as humanly possible within the album. There is no hiding the crack and strain as he sings each lyric, leaving me more concerned than impressed as to how his voice has evolved over the past 17 years.

    To each their own, and if you enjoy this album, there is nothing wrong with that. But, as someone who previously enjoyed Panic! At The Disco's music, I wish this album would have solely been branded under Brendon Urie's name, and I honestly wish Panic! At The Disco's name would have been left to rest in peace after they wrote "Pray For The Wicked."
  26. Aug 22, 2022
    Esse álbum eu achei o pior deles, achei sem critério é sem criatividade, fiquei desapontado com o álbum em completo.
  27. Aug 21, 2022
    Absolute garbage from start to finish, cringe-worthy lyrics with an unbearable forced falsetto.
  28. Aug 21, 2022
    After Panic! At The Disco's shift to pop with 'Pray For The Wicked', as well as the cancellation of lead singer and oldest member of the band, Brendon Urie, fans (including myself) expected something that would serve as a brilliant and well-executed know, since they've had 4 years. However, this album certainly is not fantastic, if anything, it's fantastically awful. UrieAfter Panic! At The Disco's shift to pop with 'Pray For The Wicked', as well as the cancellation of lead singer and oldest member of the band, Brendon Urie, fans (including myself) expected something that would serve as a brilliant and well-executed know, since they've had 4 years. However, this album certainly is not fantastic, if anything, it's fantastically awful. Urie wrote the songs himself and this evident by how bad they are. There are only aspects of the album that sound okay, like the music, though Urie's strained vocals makes it a painful listen for fans and people who have only heard of the band recently. I believe this to be the band's fall from musical grace. Expand
  29. Aug 21, 2022
    this is literally one of the worst albums i have ever heard. brendon *used* to be an incredible singer, but he's absolutely destroyed his voice and really just doesn't have anywhere near the same skill he used to (as in, he sounds like horse **** the songwriting is unbelievably basic, production is very average, the vocals are almost painful to listen to. i made an account just to warn youthis is literally one of the worst albums i have ever heard. brendon *used* to be an incredible singer, but he's absolutely destroyed his voice and really just doesn't have anywhere near the same skill he used to (as in, he sounds like horse **** the songwriting is unbelievably basic, production is very average, the vocals are almost painful to listen to. i made an account just to warn you to not listen to this godforsaken album. Expand
  30. Aug 21, 2022
    uninspired, generic, and boring to say the very least. as brendon urie has progressed his one man band career he only continues to stoop further and further down this predictable spiral and pop out one of the worst albums you’ll ever hear every few years. it’s a shame to associate such amazing classics with these new set of ‘songs’ that has been put out

Universal acclaim - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Aug 24, 2022
    It absolutely borrows plenty from all of Brendon’s influences – but that’s not a bad thing. Viva Las Vengeance is both consistently catchy and classic-sounding, and another fine addition to Panic!’s remarkably varied discography.
  2. Aug 19, 2022
    The album is like a wild ride in a muscle car where someone’s constantly fiddling with the radio, forever chasing the high that comes with hearing the perfect riff at the perfect moment. ... Viva Las Vengeance sounds great, its piston-like licks and soaring solos acting like time machines to a rose-colored-glasses-refracted era.
  3. Aug 19, 2022
    For those of us who love both power pop and musical theater, though, and haven’t been as much enamored of their previous emo, this is Panic!’s best album. The paradox is that this may be one-man-band Urie’s hardest-rocking collection, as well as his most stagy.