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Generally favorable reviews- based on 217 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 68 out of 217
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  1. Aug 22, 2022
    Brendon has a lot of haters for no reason so take the 0s with a HUGE grain of salt.

    This album ROCKS. Brendon's new sound suits him and these songs are extremely musical and creative. I love this album and it gets better with each repeated listen. I love the queen vibe and the power rock style. Brendon excels strongly in this niche and has put out a bunch of AWESOME tracks here.
    Brendon has a lot of haters for no reason so take the 0s with a HUGE grain of salt.

    This album ROCKS. Brendon's new sound suits him and these songs are extremely musical and creative. I love this album and it gets better with each repeated listen. I love the queen vibe and the power rock style. Brendon excels strongly in this niche and has put out a bunch of AWESOME tracks here.

    Track of the album is "Say it Louder", amazing rocky tune with an infectious groove and a ton of power. Shout out to Sad Clown, Middle of a Breakup, Viva Las Vengeance, God Killed Rock and Roll, and Local God!

    This is an album I'm going to continue listening to and loving for a long time
  2. Aug 20, 2022
    de primeira é estranho, mas conforme vai ouvindo ele desce melhor. O Brendon acertou nesse.
  3. Aug 20, 2022
    I love how Panic! always changes so much, and yet one thing you can always rely on is that you'll get a high energy album, which is always exactly what I need. xD
  4. Aug 24, 2022
    i love the album so much. it has a classic rock sound that i am very much enjoying. Brendon's voice is so amazing! he is the best vocalist out right now. I love all the songs, they all bring a great energy! the theatrical element of the album is very Panic at the disco which i love it. This is definitely my favorite album. Brendon is a special artist who can give a different sound to eachi love the album so much. it has a classic rock sound that i am very much enjoying. Brendon's voice is so amazing! he is the best vocalist out right now. I love all the songs, they all bring a great energy! the theatrical element of the album is very Panic at the disco which i love it. This is definitely my favorite album. Brendon is a special artist who can give a different sound to each album and that is why Panic at the disco is my favorite band. i don't get bored. Expand
  5. Aug 19, 2022
    This is one of the best albums of the band, with inspiration from bands such as Queen, it has done something different and amazing, the brendon's voice it's unique.

    The best album from Panic! At The Disco in a very long Time.

    The las albums were good, but Viva Las Vengeance it's fresh and different.
  6. Aug 20, 2022
    Welcome back theatrical tragedy + pretty odd era. i dont get it why lots people hate it. this is very beautiful & so much catchy theatrical sound just like their older stuff. every p!atd album has unique sound and different.
    very well done!
  7. Aug 21, 2022
    A great continuation to the Panic! discography. Nothing else to add really.
  8. Aug 19, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Absolutely amazing a masterpiece beginning to end no dull song songs like the title song, don’t let the light go out, god killed rock and roll Expand
  9. Aug 19, 2022
    The album itself is good but not all songs are good, unlike Pray for the Wicked and Death of a Bachelor where all songs were bangers. I think he made a mistake when going back to Vices & Virtues with this.
  10. Aug 19, 2022
    I really did not feel the first singles released from this album at first, although they all grew on me, i think rest of the album is far better. I really like the songs "Star Spangled Banger" "Say It Louder" "God Killed Rock n Roll" "Sad Clown" "All by Yourself" and "Do It to Death". I really like the overall sound of the album, it's like very retro, also very well done mix of theI really did not feel the first singles released from this album at first, although they all grew on me, i think rest of the album is far better. I really like the songs "Star Spangled Banger" "Say It Louder" "God Killed Rock n Roll" "Sad Clown" "All by Yourself" and "Do It to Death". I really like the overall sound of the album, it's like very retro, also very well done mix of the instruments, and strongly gives Queen vibes. AOTY i say!!! Expand
  11. Aug 19, 2022
    This album is a fun not so polished album that I have really enjoyed. It has a good mix of fun upbeat tracks and good lyrics.
  12. Aug 19, 2022
    Brendon entregou musicalidade aqui! Todas as faixas poderiam tranquilamente fazer parte de um musical, acho até que a proposta é essa mesmo. Vocais cristalinos, arranjos diferentes e que até podem
    Ser estranhos num primeiro momento mas depois tudo faz sentido. Depois de anos sem nada novo esse foi um grande presente para os fans
  13. s_e
    Aug 20, 2022
    People keep going on about how this isn’t how Panic! used to be… Ryan Ross this and Ryan Ross that… just accept the fact that bands change and evolve, and members come and go. Brendon is and always has been the voice of Panic! at the Disco, and he always makes sure that every album sounds different than the last. This is definitely his most unique album and I’m all here for it. Not onlyPeople keep going on about how this isn’t how Panic! used to be… Ryan Ross this and Ryan Ross that… just accept the fact that bands change and evolve, and members come and go. Brendon is and always has been the voice of Panic! at the Disco, and he always makes sure that every album sounds different than the last. This is definitely his most unique album and I’m all here for it. Not only does he call back to the bands of the 70s and 80s that inspired him, but he does it with a musical theatre flare unlike anything we’ve ever heard before. The instrumentals are some of the most creative and beautiful that we’ve heard from him, and really add to the depth of the album. Overall, this album is a breath of fresh air coming from the mainstream pop sound of Pray for the Wicked, and will surely go down as one of Panic!’s most diverse, creative, and all-around enjoyable albums. Expand
  14. Aug 20, 2022
    A masterpiece.
    This album is a look to the past with a lot of feelings, a little bit of drama and a lot of rock’n roll.
    Had such a great time listening to it (and now it’s on repeat).
  15. Aug 20, 2022
    This album its full of fun e beautiful nostalgia. Even though this is kind of a solo album brendon manage to put so much importance on the instruments. He has a CRAZY range, but on this album is everything so well done that his voice is just a plus. I loved the classic rock vibe and it’s a cool new era for panic!
  16. Aug 20, 2022
    I'm listening to this album on repeat all day long. It has everything I love in it: amazing vocals, beautiful instrumental, a lot of theatrics and lyrics that i truly love. From Viva las vengeance to Do it to death, there's not one single track that i didn't enjoy or love. Brendon Urie, Mike Viola and Jake Sinclair did an amazing job. Chapeu
  17. Aug 22, 2022
    It's very cohesive and being recorded to tape gives it a very distinctive sound. Fantastic instrumentation and great vocals. Absolutely wonderful.
  18. Aug 20, 2022
    This album is masterpiece. Brendon is really channeling his musical style and talent
  19. Aug 20, 2022
    The album is taking me back to te past, so nostalgic especially the rock n' roll element and ofcourse the obvious Queen vibe
  20. Aug 20, 2022
    forever a god killed rock and roll stan. all by yourself?? say it louder???? sad clown??? don't let the light go out?? they ATE
  21. Aug 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. You can hear that this album is made from the heart, Brendon's vocals are INSANE in it, and it just sounds like something Brendon was meant to write in his life!! I can't wait to hear the songs live next year Expand
  22. Aug 20, 2022
    This album is musically amazing, you can hear brendon had a lot of fun with this one. Lyrically it's good but his vocals blow it all out of the park. Especially during sad clown. It's one of his better albums.
  23. Aug 20, 2022
    It is as much a masterpiece as any other album by the band. It feels like a trip through a musical about the artistic life of Brendon and Panic! We waited 4 years for a new album and got gold for the long wait.
  24. Aug 20, 2022
    On the first time, I personally didn’t really enjoyed the album, but after giving it more tries, It sounds so cool, “Sad Clown” is the greatest example of this and right now is my favorite song from it. It is so different compared to the recent albums, but I like the idea of doing an album with some heavy influences on the 70s and 80s most successful rock bands.
  25. Aug 20, 2022
    this is the band's best work yet, aiming at complexity and ambitious takes on theatrical 70s rock and remembering Brendon's teenage years. Being a simple emo pop rock band with average generic music in the past had me with low expectations, but I loved it. I reckon haters are driven by nostalgia from their rock&emo phase ngl
  26. Aug 20, 2022
    With odes to classic bands of the 70's and 80's while remaining true to the big band broadway-esque sound [2016's Death of a Bachelor] and high energy vocal delivery [2018's Pray for the Wicked] that they are known for, Panic! at the Disco manages to effortlessly knock out another classic sounding and arguably their best record to date that further compliments their already enjoyableWith odes to classic bands of the 70's and 80's while remaining true to the big band broadway-esque sound [2016's Death of a Bachelor] and high energy vocal delivery [2018's Pray for the Wicked] that they are known for, Panic! at the Disco manages to effortlessly knock out another classic sounding and arguably their best record to date that further compliments their already enjoyable discography.
    Must Listen: Sad Clown, Local God and Viva Las Vengeance
  27. Aug 20, 2022
    I really don't get where all this hate is coming from. I mean, de gustibus non est disputandum, but a "0" as score is complete bs.

    I love this album. It's not what I expected, but that didn't change my final opinion. "Viva Las Vengeance" sounds like a throwback to "Pretty. Odd." mixed up with '70s rock. "Viva Las Vengeance", "Don't Let The Light Go Out", "God Killed Rock and Roll",
    I really don't get where all this hate is coming from. I mean, de gustibus non est disputandum, but a "0" as score is complete bs.

    I love this album. It's not what I expected, but that didn't change my final opinion. "Viva Las Vengeance" sounds like a throwback to "Pretty. Odd." mixed up with '70s rock.

    "Viva Las Vengeance", "Don't Let The Light Go Out", "God Killed Rock and Roll", "Say It Louder", "Sad Clown, "All by Yourself" and "Do It to Death" are the best songs he released since "Death of a Bachelor".
  28. Aug 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. As a fan since the beginning, it’s perfectly Panic! Favorite songs, God Killed Rock, Something About Maggie, Sad Clown. Expand
  29. Aug 21, 2022
    I LOVE this album! it has definitely surpassed my expectations, it’s so different from anything in the modern music industry! Well done Panic!
  30. Aug 21, 2022
    I really love this album. It has an interesting vintage 70's rock/Broadway vibe that can be rarely found nowadays. The lead vocals are tremendous and the structure of the back vocals really reminds you of Queen's music from the 70's, which I love!
  31. Aug 21, 2022
    As someone who grew up listening to Queen from a very young age this album is one of the band panic at the discos best projects to date, with the theatrical retro rock aspect to the album, while i do not think this album will be a success commercially it’s definitely one of panics most artistic projects
  32. Aug 21, 2022
    This album has some of the most diverse tracks out of all their discography. Knowing their motives and inspirations behind making this new sound helps understand why it came out the way it did. From using a tape recorder, to the similarities to old music he listened to growing up, this whole project was meant to be something fun and unique. Everyone compares their new albums to their olderThis album has some of the most diverse tracks out of all their discography. Knowing their motives and inspirations behind making this new sound helps understand why it came out the way it did. From using a tape recorder, to the similarities to old music he listened to growing up, this whole project was meant to be something fun and unique. Everyone compares their new albums to their older ones, but it should be judged as its own thing. Sound changes, people change! This is the best theater rock sing-along ever. Expand
  33. Aug 21, 2022
    This album is just a masterpiece, when you think that Brendon has surprised you then he comes and surprise you more, this man is just not human. His vocals, his lyrics, his music is just so unique. Im in love with this man and his music.
    He doesn't care about the ratings, its true the this album is not very commercial as Pray for the Wicked or Death of a Bachelor, his only interest is to
    This album is just a masterpiece, when you think that Brendon has surprised you then he comes and surprise you more, this man is just not human. His vocals, his lyrics, his music is just so unique. Im in love with this man and his music.
    He doesn't care about the ratings, its true the this album is not very commercial as Pray for the Wicked or Death of a Bachelor, his only interest is to tell what he wants and thats so brave in music.

  34. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's an amazing album witha deep meaning.
    The lyrics, the instrumentals, the beats, everything.
    I love it so much and I listen to this album over and over and over again AND I CAN'T STOP!!!
    this album is the best thing that has ever happened to me in the last three years.
  35. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Viva Las Vengeance is a masterpiece! It’s a rock opera and should be listened as a whole. The catchy hooks playing in my head on repeat, the vocal harmonies and the guitar riffs will take you on a ride to Brendon’s memories, like a time traveling machine into the past. I rate it 10 because I still couldn’t find a song that I don’t like! Are you ready for it? Ready to be blessed? Although I feel I’m not worthy of so much talent, all I can say is thank you Panic! At The Disco Expand
  36. Aug 21, 2022
    the most creative and unique sounding album that’s been released in the past 10 years. truly his best work, a masterpiece. brendon is a musical genius.
  37. Aug 21, 2022
    It's absolutely one of the best Panic! At the Disco album. Lyrical masterpiece, production is piece of art. Lyrics so personal for Brendon but you can feel lyrics personel for you too. This album screaming Queen vibes and it's best thing about this album. Brendon's vocals perfect as it usual. All songs are so good and precious but my favs are say it louder and sad clown. In my opinionIt's absolutely one of the best Panic! At the Disco album. Lyrical masterpiece, production is piece of art. Lyrics so personal for Brendon but you can feel lyrics personel for you too. This album screaming Queen vibes and it's best thing about this album. Brendon's vocals perfect as it usual. All songs are so good and precious but my favs are say it louder and sad clown. In my opinion Viva Las Vengeance is one of the best album of this year. Expand
  38. Aug 21, 2022
    Brendon has really outdone himself on this album. The raw tape-recorded vocals give such a powerful feeling to the listener. Every song is filled with Queen influence and takes you on a journey through Brendon’s entire musical career. This is his most personal album and us vros can’t thank him enough for sharing. My personal favorites are Middle of a Breakup, Don’t Let the Light Go Out,Brendon has really outdone himself on this album. The raw tape-recorded vocals give such a powerful feeling to the listener. Every song is filled with Queen influence and takes you on a journey through Brendon’s entire musical career. This is his most personal album and us vros can’t thank him enough for sharing. My personal favorites are Middle of a Breakup, Don’t Let the Light Go Out, and Sugar Soaker. We love you Brendon Expand
  39. Aug 21, 2022
    one of the best albums ever created by the sweetest human being ever. i adore this album so much (:
  40. Jan 18, 2023
    This album gets better with each listen. Urie has outdone himself on this one! It is not what I was expecting but that’s Panic, always trying new things. I love what they have done with the sound, playing homage to other greats, the instrumentality is just incredible, and the emotion in Urie’s vocals is just outstanding. You can’t help but dance and sing along!
  41. Aug 21, 2022
    Loved the seventies homage. The vocals are amazing and reminds me of the late great Freddie Mercury. I will be playing don’t let the light go out on repeat for some time
  42. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Very refreshing and nostalgic both at the same time. Great art by the entire team at Panic! Thankyou Brendon and Co. for this masterpiece! P.S. This is my first album as a Sinner and I am so happy that my first album is the one most personal to Brendon to date! to Brendon to date! Expand
  43. Aug 21, 2022
    sugar soaker yum that’s all i really have to say but i have to fill at least 75 characters
  44. Aug 21, 2022
    Álbum coeso, bem teatral e mostra a potência vocal do Brendon Urie. Uma mistura dos dois primeiros álbuns, com um apoio vocal muito bom, guitarras marcantes em algumas faixas, muitas referências musicais e quem era de Queen (como eu) vai amar o álbum.
    Tem pessoas que falam que o Ryan Ross faz falta, mas não faz não, o Brendon se sai muito bem e é inegável o crescimento do vocalista.
  45. Aug 21, 2022
    Amazing Job , I have been a fan of this band for many years and each album is better , brendon is a genius
  46. Aug 22, 2022
    It is probably P!ATD's best album to ever release, the songs have such in depth meanings and it leaves you wondering many things. Who is Maggie or What is Maggie? Viva Las Vengeance has no skips and can leave you feeling like you have just come out of a dream
  47. Aug 22, 2022
    An absolute masterpiece of theatrics, passion, and joy. Brendon Urie's voice is sensational, he passion and artistry really shines through in this album.
  48. Aug 22, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Imagine being petty enough to review bomb this wonderfully made album. Can't be me. Get a hobby. Listen to something else. Have some warm milk idk. VLV is a great album, people are just mean. Expand
  49. Aug 22, 2022
    Not many people will understand this album.
    I’m happy this album exists. I get you Brendon Urie! I really liked the album!
  50. Aug 25, 2022
    Perfectly imperfect. Unique and complex, as is every patd album, but this one’s on a whole other level. I gotta admit tho some tracks are lacking depth in terms of the lyricism but the music and brendon’s voice most definitely make up for it. Some tracks on the other hand are *chef’s kiss*. Some faves are: vlv, god killed rock and roll, all by yourself, & don’t let the light go out. ForPerfectly imperfect. Unique and complex, as is every patd album, but this one’s on a whole other level. I gotta admit tho some tracks are lacking depth in terms of the lyricism but the music and brendon’s voice most definitely make up for it. Some tracks on the other hand are *chef’s kiss*. Some faves are: vlv, god killed rock and roll, all by yourself, & don’t let the light go out. For those who haven’t listened to the entire album yet, prepare for a wild ride. Expand
  51. Aug 25, 2022
    It's a masterpiece!!! I love it soo muchh. Can't wait too see them in Antwerp in February
  52. Aug 25, 2022
    Viva Las Vengeance is about healing your inner child. It's about returning to your roots, re-exploring your old haunts. It's the spark found only in familiar sounds & fading places.
    It's about how, sometimes, it CAN hurt to try.
    And how you have to.
  53. Aug 25, 2022
    i love this album. it pays homage to classic rock of the 70s and 80s. it is brilliantly done. Brendon Urie has the best vocals, he really is very versatile in the type of music he can do. his voice conveys emotions very well and it moves me. i love the lyrics as well and i find it interesting to contrast the sad lyrics with the upbeat sound. this is my favorite album of Panic at the disco.i love this album. it pays homage to classic rock of the 70s and 80s. it is brilliantly done. Brendon Urie has the best vocals, he really is very versatile in the type of music he can do. his voice conveys emotions very well and it moves me. i love the lyrics as well and i find it interesting to contrast the sad lyrics with the upbeat sound. this is my favorite album of Panic at the disco. i don't have time for wasting my time on people who hate this music and who hate Brendon, they simply are not worth it the air that they breath. i love Brendon for showing his vulnerability and ability to move on when people try to destroy your voice simply because you make a mistake in the past. we are all imperfect humans and are striving to be better people. thank you Brendon for this beautiful and diverse album. i love all Panic at the disco albums for not sounding the same. they are all so diverse but i love Viva Las Vengeance as my ultimate favorite. i cannot wait for the concert to see these beautiful songs performed live. i love you Brendon! Expand
  54. Aug 30, 2022
    Arguably their best work. Not one for those who only enjoy TikTok music but a rewarding listen for the rest.
  55. Sep 20, 2022
    Really good listen would for sure recommend a emotional and a slow ride with a few highs in the middle and ending in a slow way
  56. Sep 23, 2022
    I love it so much! Didn't like it at first sight, but my god it's so good. When you analyze the lyrics, it actually turns into a very melancholic thing, even the most danceable musics. Sugar Soaker and MOAB might just be cool fun tunes tho, and honestly that's okay. This album is underrated!
  57. K_B
    Jan 18, 2023
    This record is so fun! Not one skip for me and you hear something new everytime you listen.
  58. Aug 20, 2022
    A massive vocal performance and a sprawling array of throwback rock themes keep this album always fresh, surprising, fun, and like a warm rock-hug.
  59. Aug 19, 2022
    This was an incredibly solid album, I love the vocals from Brendan, the 70s rock aesthetic was very cool, and overall, every song on here slapped. A couple hiccups here and there, but overall, very good album.
  60. Aug 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I really like it! I had no idea where this album was going. But it has much potential. Tracks like Say it louder, Sugar Soaker and Sad Clown are such a vibe. Good job! Expand
  61. Aug 19, 2022
    At the same time that this album feels very different for the Panic we were used to, It's still great to see that they are able to bring new facets and innovation. Overall the quality is super high, it gave me very much musical vibes, drama, joy and a lot of references to past eras of rock and pop music.
  62. Aug 20, 2022
    I've been listening to Panic! at the Disco for quite awhile now and this album has been a long time waiting. It has been over 4 years since their last album and I am not disappointed. Brendon's voice is very unique in a way that he feels not of this time. 70's rock feels like where he belongs and, oh boy, does this sound suit him. Panic! at the Disco, from my perspective, always changes upI've been listening to Panic! at the Disco for quite awhile now and this album has been a long time waiting. It has been over 4 years since their last album and I am not disappointed. Brendon's voice is very unique in a way that he feels not of this time. 70's rock feels like where he belongs and, oh boy, does this sound suit him. Panic! at the Disco, from my perspective, always changes up their sound. Ever since 2005 as they released their debut album, they have changed it up every single album but kept what makes them Panic! in tact. Its a different type of sound and music but you just know that its Panic! This feels like a passion project that I feel lucky that I'm listening to. I can't wait for any future music that Brendon has got brewing and hopefully it's not a long wait like this one was. Expand
  63. Aug 20, 2022
    This album is a beautiful mess, and I love it for that reason. The songs are all over the place, and for some reason people can't realize it's not meant to be "musically sound." Brendon Urie wants to make fun music that can make someone smile, and I think he achieved that in this album.
  64. Aug 20, 2022
    A great return for Panic! Brendon’s vocals are wonderful as usual, the musical/baroque style is a great callback to AFYCSO. The running story of Maggie is interesting and sad.
  65. Aug 21, 2022
    I was disappointed when I heard the first couple of singles out of VLV, they eventually ended up growing on me. But when I heard God Killed Rock and Roll, I just felt my heart burst from how incredible it is. The instrumentals on it are just gorgeous and the changes in the song keep you on your toes. it really is a musical roller coaster. I truly feel like this album could be turned intoI was disappointed when I heard the first couple of singles out of VLV, they eventually ended up growing on me. But when I heard God Killed Rock and Roll, I just felt my heart burst from how incredible it is. The instrumentals on it are just gorgeous and the changes in the song keep you on your toes. it really is a musical roller coaster. I truly feel like this album could be turned into some kind of Broadway musical. It's so theatrical. Say it Louder was also riveting. I noticed a lot of people complaining about the lyrics, but he wouldn't be the first or will be the last in making music with not so great lyrics. And at least it's not a dozen writers writing something super generic. People need to give credit where credit is due Expand
  66. Sep 13, 2022
    As someone who has never been a huge fan of this band I must say this album blows my mind. This is musical mastery. It is such a vibe. The guitar rifts and piano are exceptional. These songs all take you on a ride. They are absolutely excellent. I can honestly say the artisry of this album is brilliant. Some lyrics cn be a bit cheese. An there was a couple dudsThis is right up there withAs someone who has never been a huge fan of this band I must say this album blows my mind. This is musical mastery. It is such a vibe. The guitar rifts and piano are exceptional. These songs all take you on a ride. They are absolutely excellent. I can honestly say the artisry of this album is brilliant. Some lyrics cn be a bit cheese. An there was a couple dudsThis is right up there with Arcade Fire as best albums of the year. By far. If anyone has any thing to say otherwise, they clearly dont know much about music. It is an about masterpiece. Expand
  67. Sep 29, 2022
    They're back. Beautiful and fantastic as ever. It's been a long year without hearing from P!ATD. I was so hopeful for this new album and afraid that for some reason it may not be the old good Brandon.
    I'm so happy that this is what as a fan I could ever ask for. I absolutely love it and can't wait to hear those songs live multiple times. There are so many songs that I can rate as my
    They're back. Beautiful and fantastic as ever. It's been a long year without hearing from P!ATD. I was so hopeful for this new album and afraid that for some reason it may not be the old good Brandon.
    I'm so happy that this is what as a fan I could ever ask for. I absolutely love it and can't wait to hear those songs live multiple times. There are so many songs that I can rate as my absolute Tier S (Middle of a breakup, Sad Clown) and a strong Tier A+ (Viva Las Vengeance, Say it Louder, Sugar Soaker and more!). As always, there are a few that didn't work so well (Something About Maggie) but overall I'm over the moon to hear that Brendon is back. Strong and wonderful like always. With fantastic theatricals that make this bend so unique and amazing. Thank you for being back Brendon, you did again you beautiful beast!
  68. Oct 1, 2022
    Very interesting album by Brendon Urie and a really change of pace because DOAB and PFTW were really different compared to the old stuff P!ATD used to release and yeah I give this a solid 9 because it's so much fun listening to this album.
  69. Aug 19, 2022
    Came here to laugh at all the pop fans hating on this album. PATD! has always moved with whatever was trending.. baroque pop... pop... rock/alt...

    This album isn't bad. The songs aren't very conventional, but I invite you to go back to their first three records and listen to them, you will find very heavy similarities. Chord progressions, little quirks and tricks... everything in the
    Came here to laugh at all the pop fans hating on this album. PATD! has always moved with whatever was trending.. baroque pop... pop... rock/alt...

    This album isn't bad. The songs aren't very conventional, but I invite you to go back to their first three records and listen to them, you will find very heavy similarities. Chord progressions, little quirks and tricks... everything in the PATD! formula is still present on this album.

    I have a suspicion that most people disliking this album started listening to them once Brendon became the only member. I think their previous two records were fantastic, though a little bit more mainstream.

    The 80's are obviously the trend right now, and this album just follows that flow. Once again. PATD! delivers some good pop tunes.
  70. Aug 20, 2022
    This album has some good songs I think. Other than that it's going to take me quite a while to get used to. The mixing seems off almost like it was rushed to get made even though I think it took longer than normal. It's the worst album by far. Not every experiment works out and that's ok. He's got some great vocals but the pitchy high vocals need to stop. He can hit high notes and soundThis album has some good songs I think. Other than that it's going to take me quite a while to get used to. The mixing seems off almost like it was rushed to get made even though I think it took longer than normal. It's the worst album by far. Not every experiment works out and that's ok. He's got some great vocals but the pitchy high vocals need to stop. He can hit high notes and sound good but there's some vocals that i don't know how to describe them other than i call them the squawking vocals. Expand
  71. Aug 21, 2022
    Truly a fresh and fun project. I never know what to expect from the band when each album has a different sound, and this one was a nice surprise.
  72. Aug 30, 2022
    Not very Panic!-esque but still very very good! Might even be a grower! Some great songs to get you through the album without being a slump for too long.
  73. Aug 19, 2022
    It's like a tribute to old rock bands with a little bit of musical theatre and make it louder! It could be a mess and I think it really is, but it's a good mess! Really interesting and surprising in my opinion, much better than the last album (pray for the wicked). I'm listening to it on repeat and really enjoying it more and more.
  74. Aug 26, 2022
    I really enjoy this album! I think it’s better than the last. It’s interesting, theatrical and kinda experimental.
  75. Aug 31, 2022
    Brendon hits some nostalgia points with vintage sound and a return to some rock. Fun spin, but some odd lyrics here and there. Nothing is really under the surface, but the return to form, in the form of Panic!’s signature switch-ups keep this record heavy in my current rotation. Massive talent showcase, if nothing else.
  76. Sep 4, 2022
    As a P!ATD fan, I was skeptical about this release. Brendon Urie isn't nearly as good as he used to be vocally, the songwriting was sub-par, and a lot of the songs sounded the same. However, there's an old school, nostalgic feeling about this album that makes me love it so much. The hooks in most of the songs are amazing, like Sugar Soaker, All By Yourself, and Viva Las Vengeance. It had aAs a P!ATD fan, I was skeptical about this release. Brendon Urie isn't nearly as good as he used to be vocally, the songwriting was sub-par, and a lot of the songs sounded the same. However, there's an old school, nostalgic feeling about this album that makes me love it so much. The hooks in most of the songs are amazing, like Sugar Soaker, All By Yourself, and Viva Las Vengeance. It had a lot of highs and lows, but I personally loved this album and I'm ready for the next release. Next time, it better not have a crappy album cover like this one.


    PERFECT - n/a
    AMAZING - God Killed Rock And Roll
    GREAT - All By Yourself, Don't Let The Light Go Out, Viva Las Vengeance, Local God, Say It Louder, Something About Maggie
    GOOD - Sugar Soaker, Sad Clown, Do It To Death
    OKAY - n/a
    BAD - Middle Of A Breakup, Star Spangled Banger
    HORRIBLE - n/a
  77. Sep 20, 2022
    It isn't quite the return to the harder-hitting early days of Panic! older fans may have been hoping for, and individual listeners' tolerance for Brendon Urie's high school drama club theatrics will likely vary wildly, but the singer's decision to home in on his personal experiences in and feelings towards his home city helps keep "Viva Las Vengeance" relatively grounded amid all the gaudyIt isn't quite the return to the harder-hitting early days of Panic! older fans may have been hoping for, and individual listeners' tolerance for Brendon Urie's high school drama club theatrics will likely vary wildly, but the singer's decision to home in on his personal experiences in and feelings towards his home city helps keep "Viva Las Vengeance" relatively grounded amid all the gaudy excess and bombast and strong musical and vocal performances help work to bridge [however imperfectly] the gap between old and new and bring something for everyone to enjoy. Expand
  78. Aug 26, 2022
    As a big fan of Panic! At The Disco, this album is very enjoyable, over all I dig it - it's silly but at the same has an autobiographical level to it. Although it's not the best in terms of writing in some places and could have been more original, but it's all because Brendon was intentional with making something like the music he had grown up listening to. Give a listen to VLV.
  79. Oct 6, 2022
    I honestly think this album isn't bad, but I wouldn't say it's their best work. There's some good songs and there are some that are meh.
  80. Aug 21, 2022
    Objectively speaking, this is a very well written and well made album. For many listeners, Viva Las Vengence will likely come off as too theatrical and the overuse of Urie's high register vocals can be grating on the ears. He has seemingly ditched mixing multiple vocal styles in favor of theatrical belting. This album is Queen meets Broadway. It's not for everyone. Highs: Viva LasObjectively speaking, this is a very well written and well made album. For many listeners, Viva Las Vengence will likely come off as too theatrical and the overuse of Urie's high register vocals can be grating on the ears. He has seemingly ditched mixing multiple vocal styles in favor of theatrical belting. This album is Queen meets Broadway. It's not for everyone. Highs: Viva Las Vengeance, Middle Of A Breakup, Sugar Soaker

    Lows: God Killed Rock And Roll, Something About Maggie, Say Ot Louder
  81. Mar 1, 2023
    Respectable album, glad to see it performed well critically but it wasn't really for me. That being said, Local God is one of my favourite P!ATD songs of all time!
  82. Aug 20, 2022
    I didn't want to hate this album, I had removed my feelings I have for this band and ranked all the songs as impartial as I could, with Say It Louder as an exception, 4 years ago when Pray for the Wicked released I ate all the songs up with no filter. Unfortunately growing up you start noticing all the little details. Whatever happened to Brendon is none of my concern at the end of the dayI didn't want to hate this album, I had removed my feelings I have for this band and ranked all the songs as impartial as I could, with Say It Louder as an exception, 4 years ago when Pray for the Wicked released I ate all the songs up with no filter. Unfortunately growing up you start noticing all the little details. Whatever happened to Brendon is none of my concern at the end of the day he's a celebrity who has everything, but man when I first heard the teaser I was so excited, and it honestly wasn't until Middle of a Breakup released when I realized just what was coming. Expand
  83. Aug 24, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is an amazing album, a real anthem to 70s Rock N' Roll, songs like Sad Clown are so chaotic Expand
  84. Sep 17, 2022
    The worst Panic's album! Why? Because it's a radical and awful change. The rythms are so weird in the bad way,
  85. Sep 1, 2022
    The problem with P!ATD started when it became a personal vanity project for Brendan Urie, but this album takes those problems that have been building and unleashes them further. This album is loud, but not in the way you'd want it to be and Brendan seems more concerned with proving to people that he can sing as high as possible without creating any real sense of dynamic. Honestly, off allThe problem with P!ATD started when it became a personal vanity project for Brendan Urie, but this album takes those problems that have been building and unleashes them further. This album is loud, but not in the way you'd want it to be and Brendan seems more concerned with proving to people that he can sing as high as possible without creating any real sense of dynamic. Honestly, off all of their/his albums, this one is borderline un-listenable. Filled with songs that come across as rip offs of famous classic rock bands rather than loving homages to them. Avoid this one. Expand
  86. Aug 21, 2022
    I'm really happy that Panic's new album is out. However, this album is very disappointing and no major advantage.

    “Middle Of A Breakup” sounds only s*x , and “Local God” was maybe one of those songs that Brendon didn't want to work on. "Sugar Soaker" is s**t of "come on” and other songs didn't feel good either. On the other side, ”Viva Las Vengeance” has great melody, “Don’t let the
    I'm really happy that Panic's new album is out. However, this album is very disappointing and no major advantage.

    “Middle Of A Breakup” sounds only s*x , and “Local God” was maybe one of those songs that Brendon didn't want to work on. "Sugar Soaker" is s**t of "come on” and other songs didn't feel good either.

    On the other side, ”Viva Las Vengeance” has great melody, “Don’t let the light go out” and “Say It Louder” is nice combination of musical sounds and pop rock. The last part of "Do It To Death" felt like de-ja vu from "Viva Las Vengeance", giving it a very much musical ending. And at the this album, Brendon’s vocal is so crazy.

    Panic abandoned the pop style and brought a “classical change” in this new album. However, "change" is not always good. This change felt “awkward”. Especially, sinners who flowed into their 5th and 6th albums would have felt that way more. The most important thing is that we've been waiting for 4 years, and compared to that time, this album can only be very disappointing.
  87. Aug 26, 2022
    This is one of the most controversial albums of the year, and Panics! (Brendon's) latest offering has split both critics and audiences almost down the year. There is, admittedly, a lot to dislike about it. The lyrics aren't exactly brilliant (the infamous 'make-up sex in the middle of a breakup), in fact, some of them read as if they were written by someone attempting to write their firstThis is one of the most controversial albums of the year, and Panics! (Brendon's) latest offering has split both critics and audiences almost down the year. There is, admittedly, a lot to dislike about it. The lyrics aren't exactly brilliant (the infamous 'make-up sex in the middle of a breakup), in fact, some of them read as if they were written by someone attempting to write their first track! Everything is a bit... stretched. Done to death, if you'd like! Star Spangled Banner made me cringe in all the wrong ways, overly serious for what it was and lost in its importance as being an anthem for the outcast. Urie's voice felt strained at times, as if he was attempting too much for what he has.

    However, strangely enough, there are positives! Viva Las Vengeance is a lot of fun. The music behind the ever contrevertial lyrics of 'Local God' reminisces on Panic!'s youth. There were points in the album where I found myself enjoying the albums bombast.

    But the sad thing is that I never lost myself in it completley. The climaxes felt... false at times, forced. Brendon's latest effort, despite trying all the tricks in the book, resluted in painful medeocracy.
  88. Aug 19, 2022
    Viva Las Vengeance is a highly derivative album with most of its tracks sounding like shallow impressions of classic rock hits. While the production is crisp and clean, the songwriting is lackluster at best and often times lazy. Ultimately, the album boils down to a collection of bland and uninspiring songs that make a mockery of the material they drew inspiration from.
  89. Aug 20, 2022
    It makes me very sad how brendon urie has changed over the years. He has an amazing voice, but his extreme self awareness of this makes it so he thinks he has to belt and scream on every song, every possible time he can. It just doesn’t sound good anymore. Middle of a Breakup sounded like a song I would make in 7th grade, I don’t know how it was allowed to be released. The title track andIt makes me very sad how brendon urie has changed over the years. He has an amazing voice, but his extreme self awareness of this makes it so he thinks he has to belt and scream on every song, every possible time he can. It just doesn’t sound good anymore. Middle of a Breakup sounded like a song I would make in 7th grade, I don’t know how it was allowed to be released. The title track and Don’t Let the Light go Out are the only highlights, I actually enjoy those songs. Panic! At the Disco has been my favorite band for so many years, hopefully some positive changes come with the next album, if there is one. Expand
  90. Sep 24, 2022
    Boring. Just boring. Panic At The Disco hasn’t been good since ten years ago.
  91. Sep 13, 2022
    As a lifelong Panic! fan, the transformation of Brandon Urie into a weak, watered-down Scissor Sisters is incredibly upsetting. Only good song on the album is the title track
  92. Oct 1, 2022
    I made this account just because I cannot believe how washed up and overdone this album is and wanted to even the scales a bit. I have seen Panic live and enjoyed a few tracks off DOAB, but it's been a rocket going downhill since then. Someone needs to be there to tell Brendon NO on the gross sexual lyrics (sugar soaker breaking your bed??? sweet little kitten???) and the excessive highI made this account just because I cannot believe how washed up and overdone this album is and wanted to even the scales a bit. I have seen Panic live and enjoyed a few tracks off DOAB, but it's been a rocket going downhill since then. Someone needs to be there to tell Brendon NO on the gross sexual lyrics (sugar soaker breaking your bed??? sweet little kitten???) and the excessive high note wails on practically every song. It's truly a pain and a chore. The album cover is the bands worst by far as well. Queen picked Adam Lambert, not you sir!!! It's ok to move on!!! Expand
  93. Aug 19, 2022
    An ambitious desire to dazzle us theatrically falls flat. The instrumentals and vocals carry an unsettling dissonance at times. Several numbers sound the same while lacking anything memorable. Doing too much and delivering so little, I can't say I'd recommend this album to anyone.
  94. Aug 20, 2022
    The back up band tried it's best...

    I literally have nothing else to say but this needed to be 75 characters
  95. Aug 25, 2022
    As a past panic fan, I was really disappointed in this album. Most of the songs have really bad choruses that sound really annoying such as Star Spangled Banner, In the Middle of a Breakup, Something about Maggie and etc. You can hear Brenden's voice strain in most of these songs which completely takes you out of the whole experience. Adding a bit of autotuned, would go a long way ofAs a past panic fan, I was really disappointed in this album. Most of the songs have really bad choruses that sound really annoying such as Star Spangled Banner, In the Middle of a Breakup, Something about Maggie and etc. You can hear Brenden's voice strain in most of these songs which completely takes you out of the whole experience. Adding a bit of autotuned, would go a long way of making these songs bearable to listen to. Expand
  96. Aug 24, 2022
    this is one of the worst things i’ve ever heard, i miss ryan. literally who let him put this out ?
  97. Aug 26, 2022
    I'm not entirely sure what B.U. was thinking with this album after death of a bachelors incredible success. It's like he stepped back into some old P!@TD tones from early years, and tried desperately to be just like Queen. (Yes I'm aware this is quite literally what he was doing). But P!@TD as never been a rock n roll band, it's been a pop punk band for all us emo kids and this album feltI'm not entirely sure what B.U. was thinking with this album after death of a bachelors incredible success. It's like he stepped back into some old P!@TD tones from early years, and tried desperately to be just like Queen. (Yes I'm aware this is quite literally what he was doing). But P!@TD as never been a rock n roll band, it's been a pop punk band for all us emo kids and this album felt like a straight up betrayal of character. If I wanted to listen to queen then I'd just go listen to queen. Really disappointed by this album - I miss the music B.U. did with death of a bachelor and "High Hopes". This was like trying to watch Tobey Maguire try to dance in Spiderman 3... Expand
  98. Sep 14, 2022
    It felt pretty much like torture to listen to this one - and Panic! used to be one of my favorite bands. Overly repetitive hooks, generic production, sounds like it doesn't have any clear direction. Some songs seem to last even longer than necessary. It is indeed very derivative even from what the band itself had already done, but in a way it doesn't shine at all, it just feels like I'veIt felt pretty much like torture to listen to this one - and Panic! used to be one of my favorite bands. Overly repetitive hooks, generic production, sounds like it doesn't have any clear direction. Some songs seem to last even longer than necessary. It is indeed very derivative even from what the band itself had already done, but in a way it doesn't shine at all, it just feels like I've already heard all that before and in so many better iterations. Expand
  99. Sep 22, 2022
    As a long time fan of Panic! I was very disappointed by this album. It sounds like a hollow screechy attempt to pay tribute to (my all-time favorite band) Queen. Sadly it lacks the creativity and the catchiness of classic Queen songs. It's bland, boring, and the constant screeching was too much for me. I'm hoping the next album will be so much better. For now, I'll just pretend this oneAs a long time fan of Panic! I was very disappointed by this album. It sounds like a hollow screechy attempt to pay tribute to (my all-time favorite band) Queen. Sadly it lacks the creativity and the catchiness of classic Queen songs. It's bland, boring, and the constant screeching was too much for me. I'm hoping the next album will be so much better. For now, I'll just pretend this one doesn't exist! Expand
  100. Dec 23, 2022
    This album is a disgrace to the name Panic At The Disco. Brendon Urie had 4 years to make something and puts out one of the worst records ever recorded. The lyrics are meaningless, the sound is atrocious it’s a dumpster fire. You can tell Brendon was singing out of his range and straining his voice to reach notes. The only reason it’s not a 0 is there are some choruses that get stuck in myThis album is a disgrace to the name Panic At The Disco. Brendon Urie had 4 years to make something and puts out one of the worst records ever recorded. The lyrics are meaningless, the sound is atrocious it’s a dumpster fire. You can tell Brendon was singing out of his range and straining his voice to reach notes. The only reason it’s not a 0 is there are some choruses that get stuck in my head so he got us there. Viva Las Vengeance is Brendon’s Queen cover album and it falls way short and is very one note. 1/10. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Aug 24, 2022
    It absolutely borrows plenty from all of Brendon’s influences – but that’s not a bad thing. Viva Las Vengeance is both consistently catchy and classic-sounding, and another fine addition to Panic!’s remarkably varied discography.
  2. Aug 19, 2022
    The album is like a wild ride in a muscle car where someone’s constantly fiddling with the radio, forever chasing the high that comes with hearing the perfect riff at the perfect moment. ... Viva Las Vengeance sounds great, its piston-like licks and soaring solos acting like time machines to a rose-colored-glasses-refracted era.
  3. Aug 19, 2022
    For those of us who love both power pop and musical theater, though, and haven’t been as much enamored of their previous emo, this is Panic!’s best album. The paradox is that this may be one-man-band Urie’s hardest-rocking collection, as well as his most stagy.