
Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 10
  2. Negative: 2 out of 10
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  1. Jan 28, 2019
    Taken on a strictly musical terms, The Teal Album is pretty anodyne stuff. Weezer replicates the arrangements of beloved songs, adds a bit more fuzz on the guitar solos, and flattens the vocal affectations, which amounts to one weird trick: Weezer doesn't attempt to make the songs their own, yet these versions unmistakably sound like Weezer.
  2. Jan 31, 2019
    As well as they’ve delivered The Teal Album, they don’t quite hit the mark with every one of its takes, with their version ‘No Scrubs’ feeling more than a little bit uncomfortable.
  3. Jan 24, 2019
    The lifelessness of the covers ensures that it has a shelf life that isn’t much longer than your average meme.
  4. 60
    Respectful enough to rouse any struggling family gathering but knowing enough to amuse those in on the joke, The Teal Album at once satirises the covers album and makes a decent stab at perfecting it.
  5. 58
    For an album with both a Eurythmics cover AND a Black Sabbath cover it’s a surprisingly listenable, albeit pointless entry in their discography, Weezer has spent a decade becoming more interesting to read about than listen to.
  6. 60
    If you don’t want to listen to it, don’t. Weezer couldn’t care less. But for anyone that likes a good clean pop cover by a band who is very good at cover songs, hey, here’s ten songs for you.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 79 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 79
  2. Negative: 24 out of 79
  1. Jan 27, 2019
    I hate reviewers. Reviewers absolutely suck. I'm not going to review the Teal Album, because it DOESN'T NEED TO BE REVIEWED. THIS IS NOT AI hate reviewers. Reviewers absolutely suck. I'm not going to review the Teal Album, because it DOESN'T NEED TO BE REVIEWED. THIS IS NOT A SERIOUS ALBUM. Listen, I get that this is their job, but seriously, does anyone REALLY care if they put together a little fun album to improve the hype for the Black album? Nobody should. This wasn't meant to please reviewers. They've never wanted to do that. My problem is that I hate that people look at this album and decide to hate it for no reason. It's not like it's a good album, but it doesn't deserve to be BEATEN TO THE GROUND by a group of **** with no sense of humor.

    I'm aware that the previous paragraph makes me sound ungrateful and full of hatred for society, but I'm generally not. I need to vent. I'm giving it a 10 to compensate for the lousy reviews from especially lousy reviewers.
    Full Review »
  2. Jan 27, 2019
    Cher put out an ABBA covers album last year that was a horrible and blatant cash grab. Weezer on the other hand clearly don't care about yourCher put out an ABBA covers album last year that was a horrible and blatant cash grab. Weezer on the other hand clearly don't care about your money or your opinion. They're just having fun. They at least deserve some credit for that. Full Review »
  3. Jan 24, 2019
    It's really amazing to get something unexpected out of the sudden..... Screw the critic reviews they've always been harsh on Weezer, but whoIt's really amazing to get something unexpected out of the sudden..... Screw the critic reviews they've always been harsh on Weezer, but who cares people still love Weezer and love the fun. Full Review »