• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Jun 26, 2020
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Universal acclaim- based on 285 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 12 out of 285
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  1. Jul 9, 2020
    My favorite album of 2020. I've also appreciated HAIM more than liked them. This is the album that converted me. Every track is great. And while I don't really like the city of Los Angeles really the song of "Los Angeles." But there's no need to even pick out a highlight track THEY ARE ALL GREAT!
  2. Jun 30, 2020
    It's their best album! Lyrics, production and vocals are on point. It was totally worth the wait.
  3. Jul 30, 2020
    HAIM displays the natural evolution of their inspirations in their best album, and one of the best of the year. A wonderful time and genre hoping journey from the beginning to end. Gasoline is my personal favorite.
  4. Jun 28, 2020
    holy **** i was already impressed with the singles but by the time 'another try' came on i was literally DEAD they did it girls they served us everything and more now i can say that i am a country b**** and im loving the ride
  5. Jun 28, 2020
    Immersive. Haim finds a rhythm to call his own! With great and deep compositions, they do their best. They are not afraid to throw themselves and do what they think should be done.
  6. Jun 26, 2020
    Just proof that females do rock better than the guys. Brilliant album, they've set the bar in the stars.
  7. Jun 26, 2020
    Hands down their best project yet. While there are some stand out songs, ever track feels very needed. It’s a beautiful, personal album.
  8. Jun 26, 2020
    Álbum incrível, um testemunho fiel de crescimento pessoal e profissional. HAIM encontra nos percalços da vida um combustível para a criação do que é o melhor registro do trio. Letras intensas, acordes impecáveis e vocais únicos. Aliás, HAIM é único. Ninguém faz música como essas meninas. De longe um dos melhores álbuns do ano!
  9. Jul 26, 2020
    My favorites: Summer Girl, The Steps, I Know Alone, Gasoline, Another Try

    Worst moment on album - clock ringing in the end of Up From A Dream :D
  10. Jul 12, 2020
    Women in music demonstra vulnerabilidade por parte das irmãs, mt bem produzido e dando destaque à The steps, I've been down e Summer girl
  11. Dec 26, 2020
    Sin duda alguna las hermanas HAIM hicieron su mejor trabajo, el cuál está lleno de empoderamiento, experiencias amorosas, historias personales y energía. Además de ser un trabajo muy experimental, todo suena muy cohesivo y cada cosa está puesta en su lugar, es muy suave, orgánico y muy bueno para un año en el que la mayoría del tiempo se debe estar en el hogar.
  12. Mar 22, 2021
    What an amazing surprise! Perfection from begging to end. A great body of work.
  13. Jun 26, 2020
    Haim have created their best work yet with Women In Music Pt lll. Album of the year!
  14. Jun 28, 2020
    Despite I've never been there, I must admit that I have a very strong weakness for any song that has the word "California" or "Los Angeles" in it. Thus, imagine how amazingly beautiful the beggining of this album is to me. I really don't know where my admiration for LA comes from. It is a sarcastic, false and plastic city and is mainly ugly but imagine riding a bike on Venice Beach orDespite I've never been there, I must admit that I have a very strong weakness for any song that has the word "California" or "Los Angeles" in it. Thus, imagine how amazingly beautiful the beggining of this album is to me. I really don't know where my admiration for LA comes from. It is a sarcastic, false and plastic city and is mainly ugly but imagine riding a bike on Venice Beach or taking a ride on the Pacific Park rollercoaster and imagining that Hannah Montana will appear soon or early through the entrace to sadly ruin Lily's birthday party even though she didn't mean to.
    Anyway, let's talk about the music. This album has been a revelation to me. I had personally heard about Haim before but I hadn't really listened to their music until now and, honestly I will never regreat the decision to start appreciating their music. "Women in Music, Part III" is an amazing record that feels like having a beer in a vintage musical café while watching the sunset a Saturday night. It has a very Mediterranean utopian sound but the kind of Mediterranean feeling from the other side of the world, you know what I mean? Musically, every song on the record is amazing and its production exquisit. Despite it is a bit too long for modern day music releases and is a bit monotone, "Women in Music, III" feels endless in the nicest way possible. I always acclaim all records that go back to real instruments instead of computer music but hey, I am not a boomer; I don't underestimate digital arrangements, I just enjoy real physical instruments much more. The use of wind instruments emphasising the trumpet really fills my heart so much that I might consider this album the best album of the year. Wait did I say consider? I can reafirm it is! Also, the way the harmonies have been added with this delicacy and precision is so beautiful to hear that I think that my ears are crying out of joy. Lyricaly I don't really understand what they are trying to tell us but it still sounds so damn beautiful it hurts.
    In conclusion, "Women in Music Pt. III" is one of (if not) the best records that has been released this tumultuous 2020. Literally a blessing for those who need a dose of joy and melancholy. The love, attention and kindness that Haim have put in this album in specific is very present in its final result, in this 50-minute bike ride in Venice Beach while the sun penetrates through those high palms and Los Angeles become a little bit more friendly, warm and loving. Pretty, consistent, warm and cohesive, I must admit I have a chrush for this record.
  15. Jul 12, 2020
    From the top to the end it takes you to that California daydream! The production is in a hole new other level and the jazz influences takes you to a ride.
  16. Jun 26, 2020
    Their best album yet. Stand outs include; Don’t Wanna, 3am, and I’ve Been Down. Album has a very Sheryl Crow 90s vibe.
  17. Jun 26, 2020
    it’s absolutely beautiful. nothing about it is bad. every song and lyric is perfect. queens!!
  18. Jun 26, 2020
    this album means so much to me and the singles alone have gotten me through so much. im so proud of these girls. truly aoty
  19. Jun 26, 2020
    Light and mature at the same time. WIMP III comes with a messier sound but with somehow much clearer messages. I love my sisters!
  20. Jun 26, 2020
    By far the best album they’ve ever released. Going back to their older records you can clearly hear a sense of evolution within both their songwriting and production. Every track has a distinct sound that echoes and crescendos towards the end for a completely euphoric musical experience.
  21. Jun 26, 2020
    So good, definitely their best album so far and my AOTY atm. If this doesn't get at least a nomination for AOTY at the Grammys, I will be shocked.
  22. Jun 26, 2020
    so perfect and precious!!!!!!! such talent, every song is incredible!!!!!!!
  23. Jun 26, 2020
    sooo good, their best album!!!! just want to walk around outside HAIM style while listening to this all day you feel me
  24. Jun 26, 2020
    Pretty consistent and definitely a fulfilling improvement and amount of change. Some of it is a little bland or repetitive but most of it is colorful, catchy, and plentifully emotional and genuine. Another nice surprise was that some of the non-singles were even better than the singles. It wonderfully surpassed my expectations, and I already had a good feeling about it before it came out.
  25. Jun 26, 2020
    Their best album, a big improvement on production and sound, risk to play with new sounds and wins, amazing result! Have a lot of topics that shows the personal and vulnerable part of HAIM, and you can hear their feelings, love it!
  26. Jun 26, 2020
    best haim album yet. it’s the best album of the year yet and it deserves several grammy nominations!!!!
  27. Jun 26, 2020
    so amazing!!! love it so much everything they did is incredible! so sonically perfect
  28. Jun 26, 2020
    It is there best ever album. The lyrics, the sounds, the vibe is HAIM. We are all HAIM!
  29. Jun 26, 2020
    their best album. better than days are gone if it's possible. maybe because it's more polish.
  30. Jun 26, 2020
    HAIM have managed to create an album full of amazing experiments that work so well sonically. This may be their best album yet!

Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 23
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 23
  3. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. 80
    Where WIMPIII’s songs don’t cleave as closely to any of the album’s declared narratives, there is still much of interest going on.
  2. Jul 9, 2020
    Sprawling and intimate, breezy and affecting, Women in Music Pt. III is a low-key triumph.
  3. Jun 30, 2020
    Overall, WIMPEE is an easy album to love, which, more than anything else, shows the trio's natural chemistry as musicians. ... Having chosen to maintain an upbeat, positive outlook to outweigh all the despair does big favors to the band—featuring a sparkling production that fits many, many moods—though it makes one wonder what could've been had they let us in just a little bit more.