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Generally favorable reviews- based on 306 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 34 out of 306

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  1. DanieleA.
    Jul 10, 2007
    Better than Machina I & II. Good point of start, the future is great!Sorry my english!!!
  2. LucasC.
    Jul 2, 2007
    Grande Álbum! Muito Metal praticamente em todas as músicas! Está entre os melhores do ano!
  3. MarcyC
    Aug 10, 2007
    The best band album since siamese dream!
  4. SSE
    Jul 19, 2007
    Because Billy doesn't have james and d'arcy everyones gonna moan that its not the pumpkins which i don't understand cause billy pretty much did everything! This is a solid album and I think it's one of the best albums of the year along with Year Zero and its a hell of a lot better then the "music" thats doing the MTV circuit these days....
  5. SteveK
    Jul 4, 2007
    Definitely their best effort in 10 years. A good return to the rock. and melodies that made them so great in the 90's.
  6. JuanS.
    Jul 6, 2007
    This album have the most beautiful and strong songs like 'United States'. This is not a ordinary band , they are genious.
  7. Ramirez
    Jul 7, 2007
    woow. just woow. Zeitgeist blew me away, Bring The Light/ Starz / That's the Way / Bleeding the orchid are tunes that are destined to deserve classic status..; didn't expect an album this good, very eclectic, very rocking, very good. Every single track stands on its own... album of the year so far hand down. it's hard to believe one who likes their sound, can dislike woow. just woow. Zeitgeist blew me away, Bring The Light/ Starz / That's the Way / Bleeding the orchid are tunes that are destined to deserve classic status..; didn't expect an album this good, very eclectic, very rocking, very good. Every single track stands on its own... album of the year so far hand down. it's hard to believe one who likes their sound, can dislike Zeitgeist, it's everything we could have asked for in one album! these reviews are plain ridiculous, Corgan will always get tons of s*** over him for no reason, he reclaimed his status as one of the best songwriters of all time Expand
  8. MarciaR.
    Jul 9, 2007
    love this album!
  9. WolfgangO.
    Jul 9, 2007
    A wholly satisfying album-length recall of the "Zero" single - which is a good thing. Gothy, glammy, even dancey at times.
  10. CorganR
    Jun 28, 2007
    This is going to be the best album of the year, and I haven't even heard it yet!!! All you losers who don't like it can get off this site!!!!!!
  11. RT
    Jul 11, 2007
    Easily the best actual rock album in years. From start to finish this album delivers. With hints of older Pumpkins, like Siamese Dream, but with a newer updated sound (if the same thing was done over and over it would become dull). Raw, heavy and dynamic - this album was clearly well thought out with a purpose in mind. So to those critics who rated this album low - maybe stick to the Easily the best actual rock album in years. From start to finish this album delivers. With hints of older Pumpkins, like Siamese Dream, but with a newer updated sound (if the same thing was done over and over it would become dull). Raw, heavy and dynamic - this album was clearly well thought out with a purpose in mind. So to those critics who rated this album low - maybe stick to the generic radio rock that you rated highly and has no impact what so ever. Its nice to know that to some of us, rock isn't completely dead. Expand
  12. LukeM
    Jul 1, 2007
    It's shit hot! not only just as good but some of it is even better than past efforts. Corgan is one of the most versatile musicians alive today.
  13. RobertoR.
    Jul 10, 2007
    Smashing Pumpkins're back. No zwan, no billy corgan solo album. They rock as the past. chamberlain is fantastic.
  14. FrankA.
    Jul 10, 2007
    While it isn't a masterpiece like Siamese Dream, its artistic, heavy and inspiring all in one. Do yourself a favor, get some good speakers (bose), pop in the CD, crank it and listen to Doomsday Clock........if you don't get goosebumps within the first minute, check your pulse. I've been seeing bad reviews all day about this album and its not shocking, great art is not While it isn't a masterpiece like Siamese Dream, its artistic, heavy and inspiring all in one. Do yourself a favor, get some good speakers (bose), pop in the CD, crank it and listen to Doomsday Clock........if you don't get goosebumps within the first minute, check your pulse. I've been seeing bad reviews all day about this album and its not shocking, great art is not understood by all. I think classic fans and new fans of the pumpkins will be very happy with the album. Expand
  15. RamiroS.
    Jul 12, 2007
    best album of 2007!
  16. rogerc.
    Jul 14, 2007
  17. TalonP.
    Jul 15, 2007
    An awesome, almost perfect album, receiving the same critical abuse as every other Pumpkins record ever released. Exploring new production techniques is as interesting as their exploration of new musical territory. Production in rock music has become stale and standardized; this is a break from that cement concept, which is good to hear, if a little odd at first listen. This album has An awesome, almost perfect album, receiving the same critical abuse as every other Pumpkins record ever released. Exploring new production techniques is as interesting as their exploration of new musical territory. Production in rock music has become stale and standardized; this is a break from that cement concept, which is good to hear, if a little odd at first listen. This album has captivated me entirely; the fact that NME doesn't like it (or more likely doesn't like Billy) makes not the slightest shade of difference to me. I pity those who take anothers' opinions as their own - especially taking them from the music press; the same press that has dogged pretty much all of the greatest bands and albums of all time. It is all just subjective opinion. Why not make up your own mind and stop reading reviews? Including this one. Expand
  18. MarcosS.
    Jul 10, 2007
    The Best álbum since Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadness!
  19. rogergillss
    Jul 19, 2007
  20. jasonl
    Jul 19, 2007
    This is the best Pumpkin's cd yet.
  21. [Anonymous]
    Jul 2, 2007
    I think this is the return to form without repeating the past that Billy and Jimmy needed to pull off in order to brand themselves the Pumpkins. There is a little of everything except acoustic guitar on this album, although Pomp and Circumstance is pretty mellow. If you want loud, crunchy guitar riffing and massive intricate drumming this is a great album.
  22. KelCone
    Jul 2, 2007
    They actually put out a good album!!! Hopefully its quality will put to rest the anti-Corgan press. All hail BmfnC.
  23. btcl
    Jul 2, 2007
    Solid. I feel like I'm back in the 90s.
  24. FernandoR.
    Jul 3, 2007
    That's Rock and Roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. Rob
    Jul 3, 2007
    This is a great album from start to finish. The pumpkins are the once and future kings of modern rock!
  26. FelipeP.
    Jul 3, 2007
    Fantastic Record! Better than Machina! Love SP!
  27. MonicaK.
    Jul 7, 2007
    All that I have to say is that the average score given by the critics is absolute B.S....If Kelly Clarkson and Avril Lavigne's albums are better reviewed, then it's obvious that no one should take these reviews seriously. ROCK ON SP!
  28. WilliamO.
    Jul 9, 2007
    After the 1st listen or 2 I was wondering how much I actually liked it. After 3 or 4 listenings with headphones (A MUSH FOR THIS ALBUM) it really grew on me. Then I added the 3 "bonus" tracks: Stellar, Death From Above, and Zeitgeist to make the album 15 songs and I must say it is excellent. Very hard to compare to their previous CDs, because it has a little from each in it. Please do After the 1st listen or 2 I was wondering how much I actually liked it. After 3 or 4 listenings with headphones (A MUSH FOR THIS ALBUM) it really grew on me. Then I added the 3 "bonus" tracks: Stellar, Death From Above, and Zeitgeist to make the album 15 songs and I must say it is excellent. Very hard to compare to their previous CDs, because it has a little from each in it. Please do yourself the favor of listening to this at least 3 times with decent headphones and add the 3 bonus tracks before you make a judgement. Trust me, you will love it. These idiot critics I am sure listened to it once and hate Billy Corgan anyway (all most talk about is the band's history, not the album itself). SP IS BACK!!!! Expand
  29. Frans
    Jul 9, 2007
    Good album
  30. rogergillss
    Jul 9, 2007

Mixed or average reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 29
  2. Negative: 4 out of 29
  1. Overall, Corgan's captivating effort to mine both the spirit of these turbulent times and the soul of his defining band is a smashing success.
  2. 60
    Zeitgeistā€™s orgy of avalanche rhythms, cascading riffs and sky-licking guitar is as grandiose as ever (the solo on "Tarantula" sounds like a nuke hitting a Guitar Center), but the bombast is softened as Corgan reaches out for shame-sharing community.
  3. It's best treated as a curio in the Smashing Pumpkins' legacy; and for those who grew up on 'Today', '1979' and 'Ava Adore', you're better left with your memories.