Clash Music's Scores

  • Music
For 3,890 reviews, this publication has graded:
  • 57% higher than the average critic
  • 5% same as the average critic
  • 38% lower than the average critic
On average, this publication grades 1.3 points higher than other critics. (0-100 point scale)
Average Music review score: 74
Highest review score: 100 Dead Man's Pop [Box Set]
Lowest review score: 10 Wake Up!
Score distribution:
3890 music reviews
    • 79 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    At times you wish their sound was edgier, that they'd go in the direction of their zanier peers Hot Chip and BadBadNotGood. Despite that minor criticism, their unique, funky take on pop is rarely less than fascinating.
    • 75 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Despite the two opposing moods of the album, the candid and dark lyricism is the only consistent effort in the album. It’s a massive shame, considering how much headway the band made with ‘Asymmetry’, but Mallory Knox have found themselves half a step behind their peers once again.
    • 64 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    There are enough hair-raising moments here to anchor your skin and stop it crawling quite so much.
    • 79 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    ‘The Price Of Progress’ is a perfectly functional Hold Steady record, no more and no less.
    • 67 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    The sugar is here, but teeth will get itchier.
    • 68 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    ‘Five Easy Hot Dogs’ isn’t going to win DeMarco any more fans, nor will it distract from his past triumphs. ... This instrumental offering will, like most of his tunes, act as great company for those who just wanna lay back and disconnect from it all.
    • 77 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Ultimately, the Achilles heel of the whole project is how invested, how much fans will truly believe in this. To some, it’s a meme stretched to breaking point, the elasticity of his flute-playing hauled out to become an opaque sheet, void of detail. To others, it’s an excellent – almost unclassifiable – mood piece. Whether it’s the meanderings of an internet-savvy millionaire or the crucial work of a modern day ambient auteur is perhaps in the eye of the beholder.
    • 80 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    While by no means poor, this album does little to advance the reputation he has already secured, as one of the UK’s most reliable rap suppliers.
    • 81 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    There is a defining (and high-definition) period where the mix becomes less interactive, a little noodlier, and more prey to a mass observing sway.
    • 66 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    It’s not a bad record by any stretch, albeit one where the turgid does bump ugly against the terrific.
    • 75 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    On their way to maturity, YSP!WSD! lost some of the punkiness that made them exciting, but they still have hooks and groovy synths, so the growth is graceful.
    • 68 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    There isn’t much of a sense of flow to the album; the songs stand on their own as the poems were meant to stand on their own.
    • 63 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    A record that feels very much like a side-step, ‘Me vs Myself’ contains little of the soul-searching that the title suggests.
    • 78 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Bloated at 16 tracks, it could have been a genuinely strong EP that formed a platform for Dizzee’s return to the sound he helped birth.
    • 51 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    It feels like a personal journey through the past on his part, and a genuine tribute from those who've contributed.
    • 71 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    There’s still a fair amount of self indulgence, and the rare occasion on which you wish he’d stuck to the old habit of micro length tracks (‘HER’ being one such example), but on the whole it’s a well selected body of work.
    • 76 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    They're still settling in at the start line, prescribing rose-tinted glasses that could very well divide listeners.
    • 80 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Soundgarden moved admirably forward with a strong new L.P, and while the performances missed some of the vitality of their youth, they still were able to invoke a tone and vibe all of their own.
    • 58 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Although Supermodel is derivative, it’s more often inventively imitative, rather than devolving into out-and-out mimicry.
    • 66 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    No Tourists is unlikely to win The Prodigy any new fans but it’s unlikely to upset any existing ones. And really, if rave-influenced industrial dance is your thing, these old heads are still a cut above anyone else out there.
    • 64 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    While one half of Phase sounds complete and polished, the other sounds unfinished, and unsteady. But the songwriting quality of the better cuts and the raw talent that underpins their delivery brings a fire to the record.
    • 65 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    With the obvious potential fully realised, 'Improvisations’ could have become an instant cult classic, but in this raw, rushed and unfinished form it is hardly anything more than a collectible item for curious die-hard fans.
    • 73 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    It will inspire obsessive fandom and moisten a few eyes, but Henson’s voice is something of an acquired taste.
    • 65 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Compared to the previous self-titled record the features here are in sharp contrast, with less of a hip-hop emphasis. That doesn't mean they're not interesting, though.
    • 75 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    A fine line between unpredictable flair and china shop bull.
    • 73 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    It’s hard not to feel like the lead singles live in their own sonic universe. The remaining album tracks, while lyrically co-ordinated, lack sonic cohesion.
    • 72 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Playful and melodic, Clash suggests that you take this on a Norfolk country ramble ASAP.
    • 67 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Accomplished again, then, and greatly engrossing throughout. It’s just lacking that crucial aspect of singular appeal to stand aside from a fiercely competitive pack.
    • 63 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    The album is littered with so many clunky lines and cliched conspiracy talk it almost becomes laughable, but the main problem is with the narrative itself which makes next to no sense at all.... Luckily, a good sizeable chunk of this album is good enough to stand alone, stripped of the high-minded concepts.
    • 54 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Surprising and satisfying, we'll even try to forgive the spoken word interlude.