Clash Music's Scores

  • Music
For 3,889 reviews, this publication has graded:
  • 57% higher than the average critic
  • 5% same as the average critic
  • 38% lower than the average critic
On average, this publication grades 1.3 points higher than other critics. (0-100 point scale)
Average Music review score: 74
Highest review score: 100 Dead Man's Pop [Box Set]
Lowest review score: 10 Wake Up!
Score distribution:
3889 music reviews
    • 74 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Valtari is glistening, subliminal and sounds as if it's balanced on a falling raindrop.
    • 76 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    It’s overwhelming in its grandiosity, and though it has its virtues, Foxygen’s latest LP is best enjoyed as a bite-size hors d'oeuvre instead of a main course.
    • 68 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Spanning an array of genres including worldbeat, jazz, classical, blues, rock and new-age, 'Duets' is an solid collection from one of the UK’s most prolific singer-songwriters.
    • 65 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    A rejig and a little more fire could have elevated this collection to something that’ll get the heart racing.
    • 63 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    It's a microcosm for the muddled thinking that holds Ludaversal back.
    • 76 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Older, wiser, still rocking: Mould’s sounding as electric as ever.
    • 63 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Begin may be more of a reverential piece of art than a novel creation, but there is enough substance here to surmise Lion Babe’s future promise.
    • 77 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    The pair still aren’t in that DFA1979 category of combatively brilliant, just yet.
    • 75 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    From opener ‘Cheap Talk’ onwards, this is never anything but the purest DFA1979, served flaming hot. Which was just fine back when--but it’s definitely a disappointment to not hear the band even hinting at an expansion of their stripped-raw sound, just deep-groove bass and heavily hit drums.
    • 72 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Rave horns echo like WW2 sirens being played on a fucked-up ghetto blaster while the cast of House Of 1000 Corpses do their best Gucci Mane impressions--an interesting, if perhaps slightly contrived, oddity.
    • 73 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Call this a mismatch, a contradiction, if you want, but only he can fully acknowledge this seriousness, this complexity. And if this is a ‘coming-to-terms-with’-type record, it does suggest he is starting that process, even if--musically--the progression remains somewhat tender.
    • 80 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    The Incessant has a wealth of great ideas baked into the sediment of a wholly unremarkable collection of songs but boasts enough personality to still be worth giving the benefit of your doubt.
    • 77 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    While this might not be the most fun album to listen to, Neil Young and Crazy Horse deliver solid performances that elevate it from seven songs of despondency.
    • 77 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    The songs are largely beautiful, the vocal performance is mostly impeccable and the recording generally captivating, but so was its predecessor.... not quite as good live album.
    • 62 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Hard to fault but not the progress we hoped for.
    • 80 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Little Fictions, in the end, though a welcome sign of elbow gently progressing with their formula, is a step forward feels too hesitant.
    • 72 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Drenched in trademark rosy glow, it’s all tender and consolatory.
    • 61 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    On the whole Encyclopedia is a bit of a misanthropic drag.
    • 69 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    It’d be interesting to hear what this band comes up with if they stepped away from a doomy signature sound, but right now this is an assured album and a satisfying follow-up.
    • 79 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    ‘The Loneliest Time’ feels a far cry from the saccharine star that launched Jepsen’s career but proves her musical pliability.
    • 62 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    This new album, then, is the perfect piece of fan service. It’s Aubrey on the mic, 21 Savage in full flow. The roll out – which pirated a Tiny Desk session and copied a Vogue cover – was pitch perfect, two artists subverting the expectations placed on them...It’s a shame, then, that ‘Her Loss’ often feels entirely predictable. The foes that punctuate their bars are well-worn – less talented adversaries trying to gain clout; love interests who leech on their wealth and prestige – and while it’s nice to hear Drake unleashed, at times 21 Savage can feel like a passenger.
    • 78 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    The undeniable influence of Krautrock in the drone, dirge and motorik beats interspersed with passages of ambiance make for a deliciously diffused, shimmering, summery psyche salad.
    • 61 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    There's a great Rick Ross album in here somewhere. If only the boss had abstained from some of his extravagant habits and used his editing sheers more cuttingly.
    • 72 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    As a musique concrète or experimental electronica album, Burials In Several Earths is an above average attempt that contains myriad intricacies and points of interest. As something to carry on a peerless lineage, however, it feels like an unnecessary move.
    • 76 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    While the playing is never less than exceptional – displaying Mark Knopfler’s assured rhythmic sensibility, and his lyrical lead styles – the arrangements on ‘One Deep River’ can sometimes falter.
    • 72 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    With an energy and ambience that ebbs and flows in waves rather than exploding in peaks and crescendos, this is edgy, kaleidoscopic lounge music for the Digital Age.
    • 58 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    It has bassline crunch, and a very distinctive space-age exterior; so why does The Vision sound like it's playing catch up?
    • 68 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Denmark's Kölsch repeats the trick of 2013's '1977', hanging on the coattails of the EDM set with a less extravagant set of fireworks but with plenty of instantly recognisable and effectively crafted signposts and set pieces.
    • 65 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    It is an interesting concept -that could have become a beacon for the perspectives of (male) feminists in music- that failed because it was executed poorly a few too many times.
    • 71 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    While casual listeners might find the overall listen a bit sparse, there’s no doubt it’s the perfect soundtrack to a Halloween party, or indeed a Halloween Movie™️.