
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Mojo
    Jun 28, 2012
    This is haunting, atmospheric and intelligent introduction. [Jan 2012, p.99]
  2. Jan 27, 2012
    Equal parts rock, hip-hop and experimental, it's one of the most interesting records of the year thus far.
  3. Jan 27, 2012
    Despite seemingly throwing everything but the kitchen sink and every ounce of digital equipment they could muster at it, +Dome's spellbinding amalgam of jittery electronics, playful samples and conventional instruments--entirely charming rather than overbearing--strikes a fabulous pose.
  4. 70
    The album's overall trajectory feels directed by human hands. But just as often elements feel like they've been left to lie where they fall.
  5. Jan 27, 2012
    What the trio lack in pure, ear-fizzing originality, they happily make up for in solid listenability.

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