• Record Label: La Face
  • Release Date: Nov 12, 2002

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Perhaps 3D doesn't blaze trails like their other albums, but it never plays it safe and it always satisfies, and it's one of the best modern soul albums of 2002.
  2. Blender
    3D's sheer creative vibrancy is itself a testament to Lopes's live-wire charisma. [#12, p.155]
  3. features several career-defining turns by superstar producers such as the Neptunes ("In My Arms Tonight"), Babyface ("Hands Up"), Missy Elliott and Timbaland ("Dirty"), with all the group's playfulness and silky-smooth funk intact.
  4. 3D feels a little incomplete, like much of their work.
  5. Dozens of like-minded female acts have followed the trio into the R&B arena, yet 3D demonstrates how wide a gulf there is between the originals and their imitators.
  6. Mojo
    A sophisticated set of cutting edge R&B.... TLC's best, most consistent LP. [Dec 2002, p.106]
  7. The album isn't the romp it might have been had Lopes survived, but 3D solidly embodies black pop in a year in which it has lacked a center.
  8. But in spite of a slim body of songs and an occasionally half-finished feel, the group stakes a solid claim to the riches of future-soul with 3D, leaving a distinct stamp on even its weakest material with gorgeous singing built around the understated grace of '60s girl groups.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 17
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 17
  3. Negative: 4 out of 17
  1. AshaA
    Oct 11, 2004
    This album is the best TLC album ever
  2. MelissaL
    Jun 1, 2003
    i give it a 10 ofcoarse cuz this is a great Cd. such a variation to the music. Exactlly what u need threw out the day. luv songs yet with the i give it a 10 ofcoarse cuz this is a great Cd. such a variation to the music. Exactlly what u need threw out the day. luv songs yet with the toss of an up beat r&b simply perfect to listen too. Full Review »
  3. NseE
    Nov 30, 2002
    Yes,I am a big TLC fan,and yes,I miss Left eye, and yes, still this is brilliant. 'So so dumb', 'Good love', 'In Yes,I am a big TLC fan,and yes,I miss Left eye, and yes, still this is brilliant. 'So so dumb', 'Good love', 'In your arms tonight', 'Damaged'. Diverse songs, fantastic. Full Review »