• Record Label: Motown
  • Release Date: Nov 16, 2010

Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
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  1. Dec 8, 2010
    If you're willing to put up with the headaches of finding and acquiring the right version though, 5.0 is a worthy follow-up to "Brass Knuckles" that should keep his millions of fans well satisfied.
  2. Dec 8, 2010
    Nelly has recruited an all-star supporting cast and emerged with a tuneful mainstream effort that should yield a number of hits.
  3. 75
    His lyrics are vacuous as ever, but those hooks sure are sticky.
  4. Dec 8, 2010
    The rapper proves he still knows what it takes to make a solid, well-rounded album.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 16
  2. Negative: 4 out of 16
  1. Oct 13, 2013
    "Just A Dream" was a great opener to 5.0, and when I saw the critic and user reviews I was shocked. Nelly dropped a solid album, and I"Just A Dream" was a great opener to 5.0, and when I saw the critic and user reviews I was shocked. Nelly dropped a solid album, and I appreciate it much more now that the inferior "M.O." is out. A nice, smooth pop-rap sound that is very mellow. Full Review »
  2. Dec 2, 2010
    A decent comeback album from Nelly. features a few good songs but also features a few song which might not have made the cut if more time wasA decent comeback album from Nelly. features a few good songs but also features a few song which might not have made the cut if more time was spent on the album. Full Review »
  3. Nov 16, 2010
    A great comeback for Nelly. This album is on the same level as Sweat and Suit, with some of the best racks he's put out in years. ThoughA great comeback for Nelly. This album is on the same level as Sweat and Suit, with some of the best racks he's put out in years. Though there are a few disappointments such as "I'm Number 1", and the half sung "Long Gone", other tracks more than redeem the album such as "Go", "Making Movies", and of course "Just A Dream." One track that stood out in particular is Nelly's "Gone", featuring Kelly Rowland. This song brings back memories from the classic "Dilemma." Overall, this is a classic and distinct album that marks the return of Nelly. A definite buy. Full Review »