
Mixed or average reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Nov 1, 2019
    Altogether is perhaps the lightest and most pop-oriented release in the band's canon, doubling down on bright guitar tones and jazzy chord voicings, and relying even more heavily on lush synth parts to augment their sound. While its feather-soft tone flirts with the smooth banality of easy listening, parts of the album are far more clever and well-structured than first impressions might suggest.
  2. Nov 1, 2019
    A laid-back album Altogether may be, it still leaves a sense of anticipation as to where the group will head next.
  3. Nov 1, 2019
    Anxiety, anguish and unrest can often produce great art, but so can spiritual harmony. It's just a shame that in the case of Turnover, contentment sounds so bland.
  4. Nov 4, 2019
    Even when Turnover try spicing things up with congas, a violin, and a couple of ill-fitting saxophone features, Altogether tastes incredibly vanilla, like a playlist of department store slow jams.
  5. Nov 1, 2019
    While Altogether is a pleasantly enough constructed record, it suffers a similar problem to Nothing's Dancing On the Blacktop from last year – it's just not particularly enthralling for older fans.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 6 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 2 out of 6
  1. Apr 30, 2020
    Turnover kind of flopped on this one. Their last record felt much more cohesive and focused in tone and theme. Here, they're using the sameTurnover kind of flopped on this one. Their last record felt much more cohesive and focused in tone and theme. Here, they're using the same guitars but throwing in the odd bongos or saxophones and it just doesn't mesh for me. It feels like a baby step forward that resulted in a trip/fall instead of an actual progression for the band's sound. Pretty disappointed. Full Review »
  2. Dec 18, 2019
    This album isn't bad, I just want more. I do appreciate the variety in tracks in this album. It is simple, which was there intent, however itThis album isn't bad, I just want more. I do appreciate the variety in tracks in this album. It is simple, which was there intent, however it was a little too simple, definitely an easy listen. I feel that this is far better than Good Nature, even though many disagree with that statement. I feel there is a better overall production and variety. Full Review »
  3. Nov 2, 2019
    I'm by no means a professional critic. But I definitely think this album is the weakest of the 3 full release albums Turnover has made.I'm by no means a professional critic. But I definitely think this album is the weakest of the 3 full release albums Turnover has made. However, I still think it's pretty good. Other than the weird tonal shift of Ceramic Sky, and Parties feeling very lacking and simplistic in terms of lyrics, this album is rich with good vibes and a very nostalgic feel. Reminds me of home and I think that's why I like listening to it when I'm in a nostalgic mood. Full Review »