• Record Label: Concord
  • Release Date: Feb 21, 2020
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Apr 15, 2020
    I have followed Best Coast, album by album, plus EP's since their debut. "Crazy For You" was such a breath of fresh air and one of the most fun records I had heard in a long time. While I have always checked out and often physically bought their records since, the fun has only been there is glimpses on Best Coast records and "fresh" is one of the last words that comes to mind. "CaliforniaI have followed Best Coast, album by album, plus EP's since their debut. "Crazy For You" was such a breath of fresh air and one of the most fun records I had heard in a long time. While I have always checked out and often physically bought their records since, the fun has only been there is glimpses on Best Coast records and "fresh" is one of the last words that comes to mind. "California Nights" was an improvement on sophomore effort "The Only Place" but with a sizable gap of 5 years since I was interested to see how Best Coast would emerge in 2020. The answer is exactly the same. It's meat and potatoes powerchord pop with little or no flair. It's pleasant and very listenable but one dimensional. To use a food comparison, its like eating a fast food meal. Enjoyable at the time but your aware what your eating has no nutritional value. Tastes decent and almost addictive but when its gone you feel nothing except regret because you know you've just consumed lots of sugar, salt and fat and not a lot else. I say this as someone who likes both trips to fast food places and Best Coast records. "Always Tomorrow" is fine. Expand
  2. Mar 30, 2020
    ( 80/100 )

    Aunque al principio se notaba un poco cliché, la valor principal de este álbum está en la extensión y cuidado de la ambientalización o el tamaño del ambiente musical. A lo que me refiero es que la música de "Always Tomorrow" se siente bien explorada, bien compuesta y hay cierta aura de grandeza que se le agradece a la energía de la voz de Bethany Cosentino y la euforia que se
    ( 80/100 )

    Aunque al principio se notaba un poco cliché, la valor principal de este álbum está en la extensión y cuidado de la ambientalización o el tamaño del ambiente musical. A lo que me refiero es que la música de "Always Tomorrow" se siente bien explorada, bien compuesta y hay cierta aura de grandeza que se le agradece a la energía de la voz de Bethany Cosentino y la euforia que se nota en los instrumentos de Bobb Bruno. Junto a una producción de Carlos De La Garza, Best Coast juega con el cliché del Rock y presentan un grupo de canciones que se moldean a la intención y emoción de este duo.
    Even if in the beginning it can be noticed a little bit cliche, the main value of this album is in the extension and the carefulness in the size of the musical ambient. What I mean is that the music of "Always Tomorrow" feels well explored, well composed and there is a certain aura of bigness thanks to the energy in Bethany Cosentino's voice and the euphoria in the instruments of Bobb Bruno. Along with a production of Carlos De La Garza, Best Coast plays with the cliche of Alternative Rock and presents a group of songs that mold to the intention and emotion of this duo.
  3. Mar 3, 2020
    Vastly improved lyricism and flirtations throughout with new genres like '60s-style Flower Power pop and Go-Go's-esque new wave see Best Coast lent a new lease on life, largely succeeding in walking themselves back from the brink of creative bankruptcy.

    Choice Cuts: "Everything Has Changed", "For The First Time", "Graceless Kids", "Seeing Red"
  4. Mar 16, 2020
    Following a five-year hiatus after their critically acclaimed 2015 release California Nights, the low-fi beach-goth California duo have returned with Always Tomorrow. A less ambitious, yet more cutting and intimate collection, Best Coast deliver their trademark plainspoken lyrics and 60’s flower power-pop musicianship to pleasing effect.

    Bethany Consentino’s vocals emit a Suzanna Hoffs
    Following a five-year hiatus after their critically acclaimed 2015 release California Nights, the low-fi beach-goth California duo have returned with Always Tomorrow. A less ambitious, yet more cutting and intimate collection, Best Coast deliver their trademark plainspoken lyrics and 60’s flower power-pop musicianship to pleasing effect.

    Bethany Consentino’s vocals emit a Suzanna Hoffs soulful and sunburnt vibe while guitarist/multi-instrumentalist Bobb Bruno’s guitar work cleverly sets the scene, never outshining the vocals or breaking the shared bond.

    When the focus is on a simple groove and soulful melody, the sonic experience really escalates. Tracks like “Roller Coaster,” “Everything Has Changed,” and “True” exemplify this focus. “Master Of My Own Mind” is a standout track reminiscent of 2015’s hit “Feeling OK.” The lyrics are positive and inspiring, evoking the struggle and ultimate overcoming of one’s own demons and low self-esteem. It also includes some very clever tempo changes which, when combined with the different pop textures of the song, make it a compelling listen.

    There are also moments when Always Tomorrow seems a bit too ambitious. When you put too many different fruits in a smoothie, you end up unable to identify which individual fruits are in it. It ends up being a fruit smoothie. Songs such as “Graceless Kids,” “Different Light,” and “Make it Last” suffer from one too many ingredients. When Best Coast use fewer ingredients, the end result is the tastiest of treats.

    As a whole, Always Tomorrow is a terrific album. The music and lyrics accompany each other like best friends, and the infectious hooks sink deeper into your consciousness after every listen. This reviewer especially enjoys and respects bands who take a revisionist approach to modern music. At their best, Best Coast taps into the surf and pop sensibilities of the ’60s and ‘70’s and inject a female perspective, which was so rare during that time. What that means for their fans is that we get to realize what it would be like if female artists had more opportunity back in the day. It may have unearthed bands like Best Coast to give fans of the Beach Boys, The Four Seasons, and others a unique and visceral alternative.
  5. Aug 17, 2020
    This album is far superior across the board lyrically to anything Bethany has put out in the past. These songs are polished and ready to be heard on a broad scale. This takes what California Nights did and ups the ante. The whole album is a fun and cool listen. Just really enjoyed it and it will be in the running for my Album of the Year, I'd bet, come December. Put me down for a 9 out of 10.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. Mar 9, 2020
    Ultimately, the band move beyond their lo-fi surfer pop origins and deliver an empowering statement about personal growth that hits differently with each listening.
  2. Mar 2, 2020
    If the album has any disadvantages, it is that many of the songs sound similar. However, subsequent listens reveal layers previously unheard and the uniqueness of many of the songs comes out. It wouldn't surprise me if, at the end of the year, this will be a favorite.
  3. Feb 28, 2020
    Unfortunately, the music doesn’t do the lyrics any favors, a real surprise coming from an artists whose earlier LPs established her as one of indie-pop’s sharpest melodists.