
Universal acclaim - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 10
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 10
  3. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Apr 5, 2019
    It evokes both '60s and '70s soul, whilst at the same time calling to mind the work of people like Charles Bradley (with less vocal intensity). If you're looking for the next great soul band and you're up for occasionally being challenged by well-aimed socially conscious lyrics, this is the album for you.
  2. Mar 15, 2019
    American Love Call is the first album this band has recorded in a proper studio, and though the production is cleaner and the arrangements are more ambitious than those on their self-titled 2016 debut, the addition of strings and horns don't clutter the surroundings and instead refine and focus the sound of a band that already had a good thing going.
  3. 80
    American Love Call is a timeless, optimistic listen in a time of peril one that now, and in the future, can confidently be referred to as a truly great American soul record.
  4. 80
    The album is so beautifully performed and meticulously crafted that its heartfelt, smooch-ready nature will likely result in at least a few babies born nine months after release.
  5. Mar 5, 2019
    If Durand Jones & the Indications was the party, their second album and first since signing to Dead Oceans, American Love Call, is the slow dance.
  6. Mar 1, 2019
    There simply isn’t a weak or even middling track, and the strongest can go toe to toe with the best of Al Green or Bobby Womack.
  7. Uncut
    Feb 26, 2019
    Any sense they're simply re-creating the sounds of the past is dispelled from the first notes of opener "Morning in America." ... The band set every song in the present, drawing as much from sampling and turntablism as from old-school soul. [Apr 2019, p.31]
  8. Mojo
    Feb 26, 2019
    Songs fall into two categories: those tracking matters of the heart--Don't You Know could be a forgotten Delfonics single with drummer Aaron Frazer's sweet falsetto taking the lead--and those scolding their home country. These are jolting, especially opener Morning In America, with its Curtis Mayfield and Gil Scott-Heron touches. [Mar 2019, p.96]
  9. Feb 26, 2019
    Such range and care throughout American Love Call cement Durand Jones and the Indications' place in modern music--as artists working with today and yesterday in a way that shows a true understanding of both.
  10. Q Magazine
    Feb 26, 2019
    A giant leap from their 2016 debut. Critical is the discovery of drummer Aaron Frazer's falsetto voice, leading six of the 12 songs, he's doubled the band's stylistic and emotional range. [Apr 2019, p.113]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 22
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 22
  3. Negative: 1 out of 22
  1. Nov 3, 2022
    From start to finish American Love Call is no short of amazing. Durand Jones & the Indications show why they are leading the charge of theFrom start to finish American Love Call is no short of amazing. Durand Jones & the Indications show why they are leading the charge of the soul music revival. Music that can be appreciated by an older crowd but is also tailored towards a younger audience like myself. Some standouts for me include Court of Love, How Can I Be Sure and What I Know About You, although most if not all songs are replay able. Full Review »
  2. Aug 7, 2019
    ( 90/100 )

    Podría escucharlos toda mi vida. Es esa misma sensación que Kamasi Washington me provocó el año pasado con Heaven And Earth de
    ( 90/100 )

    Podría escucharlos toda mi vida. Es esa misma sensación que Kamasi Washington me provocó el año pasado con Heaven And Earth de no querer que el álbum acabe. Descubrí este segundo álbum de Durand Jones & The Indications en la biblioteca de University Of Hertfordshire, en Inglaterra, cuando estaba de intercambio. Una biblioteca abierta las 24 horas que fue la estación central de todos mis recuerdos en Europa. La magia del álbum está precisamente en como su Rock, R&B y Soul muy retro de los 70s evoca a las memorias y alimenta la nostalgia. Sin "American Love Call" no sé qué me hubiera dado la fuerza de dejar lugares y gente detrás. Estoy seguro de que mis recuerdos revivirán en mí cada vez que esta música se cruce en mi camino. Hay grandeza en estas canciones. "Listen To Your Heart" es el sonido del imponente futuro. "How Can I Be Sure" es el grito de incertidumbre que se acalla en las despedidas con alguien o algún lado especial, mientras que "Walk Away" es el inevitable impulso de ir detrás de tus metas. "Long Way Home" es mi maldición por escupirme en la cara, el rostro de aquella persona que representó mi viaje. Fuera de lo personal, no es difícil disfrutar este álbum; es Rock es su forma más popular y amena que logra revivir los ritmos y formulas que crearon a los clásicos, a los que agregan su propia concepción de arreglos que dieron personalidad, autenticidad y furor a la música de la época. Durand Jones & The Indications solo quieren consolar al mundo y sacar lo mejor del mismo al apelar a la nostalgia y romance de la gente creando en sus baladas esos sentimientos de impotencia y conquista que honra al alma que toma el dolor con optimismo y motivación para sonreír y dar un ramo de flores. Por los eternamente enamorados.
    I could hear them all my life. Is that same sensation of don't wanting the album to end that Kamasi Washington caused in me last year with "Heaven And Earth". This is not related that much, but I found this second album by Durand Jones & The Indications in the library of the University Of Hertfordshire, in England, when I was abroad. A 24 hours library that was the central station of all my memories in Europe. The magic of the album is precisely in how their Rock, R&B and Soul of the 70s evokes the memories and feeds the nostalgia. Without "American Love Call" I don't know how would I got the strength to leave places and people behind. I'm sure that my memories will revive in me each time this music plays in my path. There is greatness in these songs. "Listen To Your Heart" is the sound of the towering future. "How Can I Be Sure" is the scream of uncertainty silenced in the goodbyes between someone or somewhere special, while "Walk Away" is the inevitable impulse of chasing your goals. "Long Way Home" is my omen because it spits to my face, the face of the person that portrays my whole journey. Leaving the personal side, is not difficult to enjoy this album; is Rock in its most popular and friendly form that succeeds in bringing back the rhythms and formulas that created the classics to which they add their conception of the details that gave personality, authenticity, and furor to the music of that time. Durand Jones & The Indications just wants to comfort the world and bring out the best of it by appealing to the nostalgia and romance of the people creating in their ballads those same feelings of impotence and conquer that honors the soul that takes the pain with optimism and motivation to smile and give a bunch of flowers. For the ones eternally in love.
    Full Review »
  3. Jun 22, 2019
    American Love Call is not an album that any fans of retro-soul or RnB should miss. Every song hits and hits differently. Morning in America isAmerican Love Call is not an album that any fans of retro-soul or RnB should miss. Every song hits and hits differently. Morning in America is a smooth groovy intro to the album with an enjoyable bass and electric guitar performance, and the vocals blend so well with the instrumental. Creating a sweet soulful song. My personal favourite, "Sea Gets Hotter", is this carefree anthem, with a parasitic chorus that will be in my head for the year. Although the song-writing in some of the tracks like the previously mentioned, "Sea Gets Hotter", or "Court of Love" can be quite cliche. But if you can look past it this album will be a good time of groovy, soulful sound, with the sweet vocals from Durand Jones. I will definitely be listening to this body of work throughout the year. Full Review »