
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. The album's light-fantastic orchestration, courtesy of famed songwriter and composer Parks , is equally delightfully old-fashioned--though George's decidedly contemporary lyrics recall the arch-baroque confessionals of Rufus Wainwright and Fiona Apple. [15 Aug 2008, p.67]
  2. Parks proves an ideal partner for George, who grew up studying Shakespeare and is married to a film director, Jake Kasdan.
  3. 80
    Although the daughter of Little Feat's late leader Lowell George charms with a crisp, vibrato-less chirp that suits her airy tunes, the star here is Parks, Brian Wilson's SMiLE collaborator, who surrounds George in a florid orchestral fantasia that flickers like a luscious, precisely gardened flower bed teeming with hidden fauna.
  4. An Invitation must have been a fun side project, but it may have all the permanence of the summer breeze it captures so perfectly.
  5. George dives in full bore, her voice navigating his undulating road map like so many animated bluebirds flitting through a forest.
  6. It’s one of those beguiling albums saved for times alone, times when nothing else would seem quite right.
  7. Under The Radar
    Invitation will surely add to Park's continuing influences in the pop community. [Fall 2008, p.80]
  8. An Invitation adds a new chapter to that story, told in an unmistakably American idiom fusing Broadway and Tin Pan Alley and Copland, spotlighting Inara George as a sophisticated new voice and confirming Van Dyke Parks, at 68, as an inexhaustibly vital national treasure.

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