
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. Animal Feelings is still more sweet than sweaty, and may not get indie diehards to shake what their mamas gave them. Nevertheless, it more than delivers on the promise of Rafter's earlier music and fits right in with YACHT, Dan Deacon, Bobby Birdman, and the other acts fusing electronic, pop, R&B, and indie pop elements into playful grooves.
  2. These aren't the most outlandish songs but they also aren't the most invasive either; it's all about how much you're willing to let go and enjoy pop music in one of its most honest states. And even if it doesn't move you, Animal Feelings will definitely have you grooving and shaking for quite some time.
  3. Pop lives or dies primarily on the quality of the songs, and in comparison to the commercial pop he's emulating, these songs come up short.
  4. While Animal Feelings has good instincts, it is still too cerebral and impressed with its own production flourishes to actually be fun.
  5. Despite a few instances in which it forgets that mantra toward its conclusion, the majority of Animal Feelings is a highly enjoyable slice of pop/funk grooviness.
  6. When Rafter goes the extra step and fills out Animal Feelings songs like "No Fucking Around" and "Paper" with complete thoughts and richer arrangements, he becomes the kind of sonic guru worth heeding.
  7. 90
    This is an album loosely forged in all those places where pop, rock, funk and soul congregate and it's hard to imagine it all coming together much better.
  8. Topping off this overproduced, underwhelming effort are Roberts's over-enunciated lyrics. Even at his best, he comes off like a guy crashing an Of Montreal album.
  9. Under The Radar
    Wisely, he opts for eqar-popping sounds, great humor, and good times. [Spring 2010, p.70]
  10. Uncut
    With their stuttering beats, AutoTuned vocals and cheerfully foulmouthed lyrics, these genetically modified mongrel tunes are mostly misfires, which only makes them more intriguing. [Sep 2010, p.101]

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