
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Q Magazine
    Dec 14, 2011
    At 14 tracks long, it could have done with some editing: there are too many soggy R&B diversions. [Oct 2011, p.113]
  2. Sep 23, 2011
    Overall, Wretch 32 gives us a fresh take on a common story.
  3. Uncut
    Sep 15, 2011
    Stuffed full of prospective hits, Wretch's desire to rank beside Kanye and Jay-Z may not be that far fetched. [Sep 2011]
  4. Sep 15, 2011
    Black and White is a refreshingly personal, authentic, and fresh take on a British urban scene that was starting to become slightly stale.
  5. Sep 15, 2011
    Across these varied tracks we hear Wretch 32 in all of his lyrical glory, making good on the promise he's shown since day one.
  6. The beats aren't always the best, but Wretch, who lives on the notorious Tiverton Estate and whose "mum's still living in the ends", has a self-awareness lacking in many of his peers.
  7. Sep 15, 2011
    A grime mixtape veteran, Jermaine Scott combines plenty of chart-friendly tracks on his mainstream debut ("Traktor" and "Unorthodox" have already been hits) with just enough erudite self-examination ("Forgiveness") to warrant more than a passive listen.
  8. Sep 15, 2011
    So par for the course, it should come with its own small pencil and scorecard.
  9. 50
    Sadly, such pop bluster is largely missing from this debut album, which is over-long and obsessed with pained R&B choruses--precisely the reasons we all went off American rap in the first place.
  10. Sep 15, 2011
    It's performance, too, and about the dance of the music as much as words. When these align, his is a voice that sounds vital. But while Black and White is undoubtedly a relevant album to 2011, it's not always a good one.
  11. 80
    It's Wretch's determination to find success by finding his own voice that's most impressive here.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. Apr 25, 2013
    After a couple of listens to this album I must say it has become a favorite of mine, Wretch 32 has delivered an album with hits: Don't Go,After a couple of listens to this album I must say it has become a favorite of mine, Wretch 32 has delivered an album with hits: Don't Go, Unorthodox and Traktor All scoring in the top 5. A shame it couldn't achieve even more with Hush Little Baby and Forgiveness both missing out on top 30 spots. Something Wretch 32 delivered perfectly with his second album though was some of the lyrics, some made me smile and some really made me think, not something every artist these days does (Unless you count drinking and champagne lyrical genius).

    1 Black And White The only song on the album that is just Wretch 32 (Aside from Let Yourself Go) Wretch 32 opens with a decent rap, some nice drumming and some decent guitar backing 7/10

    2 Never Be Me Feat. Angel With Angel, known for his top 10 single 'Wonderful', singing the hook, the track goes for a much more different vibe then the rest of the album, the instruments and overall style seemed pretty different from the other tracks on the album, It covers Wretch 32, his street life and his dreams, those parts not so different then the rest. 7/10

    3 Traktor Feat. L The first single from the album and with it's catchy hook and some fun lyrics from Wretch 32 "Your'll never catch me on the Jeremy Kyle show" Just to mention one, the track goes for a much more club style then most other tracks and achieved Wretch 32 his first top 5 single. 9/10

    4 Please Don't Let Me Go Feat. Darren Boachie With a piano and some random accompanying noises and Wretch 32's rap being interrupted nicely by Darren Boachie belting out the title of the song, this is probably one of the less memorable but yet still decent tracks on the album. 6/10

    5 Unorthodox Feat. Example Sampling the Stone Roses Fools Gold, Wretch 32 teams up with Example, who has 2 UK number 1 singles under his belt, it's defiantly one of my favorites on the album from the catchy chorus to Wretch 32's good rap it's no wonder it only just missed out on UK number 1. 10/10

    6 I'm Not The Man Feat. Chip(munk) & Angel Angel returns to sing another hook, this time with Chip(munk) joining the party, another favorite of mine on the album, the song covers how some people may have thought what Wretch 32 may be because of where he came, "In a town where Robin could rob Batman" is my lyrical pick. 9/10

    7 Anniversary (Fall In Love) Feat. Alex Mills Wretch 32 on form with his rap and lyrics again. The song is about the miracle of staying together trough all the things that can happen and try to tear you apart, Alex Mills does her job on the chorus and the track goes together nicely. 8/10

    8 Sane's The New Mad The only other track which could be classed as a rave one, Wretch 32 still going with top notch lyrics. The intro reminds me of something out of Doctor Who, whether that's a good thing I don't know. Something pestering me is who the other vocalists are. 7/10

    9 Forgiveness Feat. Etta Bond & Labrinth Wretch 32 has called this his favorite track from the album, from Labrinth starting the song off before handing it to Etta Bond and Wretch 32, this track is one of the best on the album, production from Labrinth, vocal from all 3 artists brings together a very strong song, how it only charted at 49 in the UK is a shame really. 10/10

    10 Long Way Home Feat. Daley Wretch 32 keeps the strong tracks coming with Daley backing him up this time round. It's a more mature song then Traktor. It's about someone who's lost but doesn't even realize it. 9/10

    11 Let Yourself Go Another strong track, Wretch 32 raps about how you see the most popular people in school who had the best clothes or the best at sport and years later see that they aren't a glimmer of their former self. 9/10

    12 Don't Be Afraid Feat. Delilah At this point I'll admit the strong tracks don't stop till the album is over, some may know Delilah from her track with Chase & Status (Time) or her UK top 20 hit Go. The song is about carrying out and achieving what your want. As some people say Impossible is two letters to long. 9/10

    13 Hush Little Baby Feat. Ed Sheeran With Ed Sheeran known for his international hit The A-Team on vocals this is another highlight of the album. A great rap and chorus result in this should have been smash hit that only charted at 35 in the UK. From the drums to the guitar this is a great track all round 10/10

    14 Don't Go Feat. Josh Kumra The Big track from the album, the smash hit if you like. Don't Go pipped Emeli Sandé to the post to score Wretch 32 and Josh Kumra their first UK number 1, from the infectiously catchy chorus to Wretch 32's warming rap this was a nice way to end the standard edition of the album. 10/10

    Bonus Tracks
    14 Breath (Sha La La) Feat. Corry En De Rekels 7/10
    15 Air Feat. Owen Cutts 9/10

    Overall This Album is a must buy for anyone who likes UK rap, while worth checking out at least the singles if you want some fresh music. A solid 9/10 looking forward to the follow up.
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