
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Essentially, Blood Bank is one pretty song--the titular, opening track settling somewhere close to what Damien Jurado’s doing these days--and two similarly pretty experiments in stretching Bon Iver’s sound.
  2. The Blood Bank EP is a fine appendix to the Bon Iver story, so far, and in its subdued elegance, the title track has all the emotional generosity of giving blood, tinged with the awareness of mortality.
  3. Nothing here really rivals For "Emma" but this is a lovely and worthy EP.
  4. Vernon is great at seizing on something simple and spinning it out to reveal its innner beauty and this EP shows that there's more than just heartbreak to the 27-year-old. The title track, however, does sound like something by Coldplay.
  5. Blood Bank certainly dispels concerns that Vernon's accomplishment was somehow environmental--that "For Emma's" poetic circumstances, and not its contents, were responsible for its success.
  6. Blood Bank leaves something to be desired--namely the fragility and unplanned expansiveness that defined Emma. Fortunately, this set's remaining songs benefit from feeling slightly incomplete.
  7. His new EP, “Blood Bank,” is due out on Tuesday on the same label, and three of its four songs abide by similar prescriptions [as “For Emma, Forever Ago."]
  8. It sees Vernon moving things on a touch, artistically, while still retaining much of what made his debut such a delight to so many.
  9. The record sounds, appropriately so, as if it were made by a band experimenting, rather than by one man alone, heartbroken, in his so-often-talked-about Wisconsin cabin.
  10. The Vocoder on the a cappella track 'Woods' puts forth a robotic wooziness that's more about technical expression than personal sentiment. With full-band backing, Vernon also seems more social on the title track and 'Babys.' What remains from "For Emma" is a dizzying and ethereal beauty.
  11. Although it teases at the contrary for its first half, the idea that we really have no idea quite what to expect from the future of Bon Iver is the greatest gift this four-song breath gives us.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 74 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 69 out of 74
  2. Negative: 1 out of 74
  1. Sep 9, 2012
    One of the greatest and moving EP's released during the last decade.
  2. Dec 7, 2021
    a fine appendix to the Bon Iver story, so far, and in its subdued elegance, the title track has all the emotional generosity of giving blood,a fine appendix to the Bon Iver story, so far, and in its subdued elegance, the title track has all the emotional generosity of giving blood, tinged with the awareness of mortality Full Review »
  3. Jun 13, 2020
    Listening to this 10 years on, it's a nice mix of where Bon Iver were and where the sound would go and fits in better with the whole backListening to this 10 years on, it's a nice mix of where Bon Iver were and where the sound would go and fits in better with the whole back catalog now than it did at the time, as a direct follow to the incredible "For Emma, Forever Ago". The ambience and folk are nicely blended with hints of folktronica coming in. The additional live versions of the original 4 tracks makes this even more appealing, especially for those who may have missed the physical version first time around. Full Review »