
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Jul 16, 2021
    On Blood, Juliana Hatfield has shown that she knows what all the buttons do, but in her voyage of discovery of The Wonderful World of Record Production, she’s forgotten to pack enough decent tunes.
  2. The Wire
    Jun 29, 2021
    There is a distinct lack of filler (as usual) but the best of the 11 songs is “Dead Weight”, which adopts a sideways crawl like a hermit crab in hobnail boots as our anti-hero tears herself to pieces and hurls them at the feet of an admirer. [Jul 2021, p.67]
  3. Uncut
    May 28, 2021
    “The Shame Of Love”, “Splinter” and “Mouthful Of Blood” successfully concealing Black Flag-worthy spleen behind a comforting veneer of distorted guitars, sunny Mellotron and Carpenters-compatible melodies. [Jul 2021, p.27]
  4. May 28, 2021
    All the shifting sounds and emotions lend Blood an uneasy undercurrent that counters the immediacy of her melodies, but this tension isn't merely provocative, it's nourishing. Few pop records have captured the agitation of the early 2020s as well as this homespun project, which feels a bit like a beacon in the darkness.
  5. May 28, 2021
    Blood is an undeniably fun album brimming with indie-pop sensibilities and anthemic energy that makes listeners want to sing along.
  6. May 28, 2021
    Blood is a challenging album for challenging times. But its commentary, its auditory experimentation, and, despite the surrounding noise, its dedication to melody might be exactly what we need right now.

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