• Record Label: Barsuk
  • Release Date: Mar 21, 2006

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. By the time the final tracks roll around and Gardner and Hammel still haven't changed their sound much, their lovey-dovey frivolity gets old.
  2. It all seems a bit too canned and contrived.
  3. There’s a really good EP waiting to be edited out of this.
  4. A cohesive whole that bursts at the seams with a barely contained exuberance, Bring It Back finds a happy family unleashing sonic sunshine, spilling out of the speakers with unchecked abandon.
  5. Plucky, precious and sometimes cloying.
  6. Blender
    Tones down the spazziness and turns up the googly-eyed lyrics about marital bliss. [Jun 2006, p.141]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Joel
    Oct 26, 2006
    Wonderful album, the duo's best record to date. These songs are as catchy as they get. Its starts with one listen then you find your Wonderful album, the duo's best record to date. These songs are as catchy as they get. Its starts with one listen then you find your self repeating the album over and over. Great sing along album. Puts me in a great mood. Full Review »
  2. SamK!
    May 12, 2006
    love it. Ive allways loved them. I get a little annoyed with "Like you Crazy" but, man. haha such a good album!
  3. AaronQ
    Apr 28, 2006
    Still growing on me with every listen. Bigger, more instrumentation, but I miss the complexity and playfulness of the older albums. However, Still growing on me with every listen. Bigger, more instrumentation, but I miss the complexity and playfulness of the older albums. However, obviously more mature. I like it more and more with each listen. Full Review »