• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Dec 13, 2019

Universal acclaim - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Dec 18, 2019
    At times the production is marred by brevity and unevenness, which can make ‘BUBBA’ sound more like a mixtape in places. Thankfully, these moments are outnumbered by others where Kaytranada is well and truly back on form.
  2. Dec 17, 2019
    Bubba is another set of coherent, well-sequenced set of tracks without any major drop-offs, all the more impressive as the album runs more than 50 minutes. It’s flexible, ever-moving, a dance record that could have come from no one else.
  3. Dec 16, 2019
    The new LP is a touch less bombastic than its predecessor, but its freedom and euphoria arrive via beats not all that different from Kay’s past tunes. Given both the emotional growth that often accompanies coming out—and the three-plus-year wait for something new from Kay—this minor amount of perceptible change feels a bit underwhelming. But the similar shuffle delineating the majority of these tracks is never anything less than catchy.
  4. 80
    Bubba has a subtle confidence that beds in after each listen. Welcome back mate, we missed you.
  5. Dec 16, 2019
    While 99% provided the initial space for Kaytranada to make his mark, BUBBA is where it matures.
  6. Dec 16, 2019
    [Midsection] is a rare bum note in a record that’s packed with goodies and effortlessly cool.
  7. 80
    Bubba may be lacking the type of big bangers that thrive in festival sets like ‘99.9%’, but is no worse for it. Instead it’s a dizzying hour that is more interested in enthralling the already-fans that have made it into the club and to give them a helluva night. Job done.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 38 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 38
  2. Negative: 1 out of 38
  1. Dec 21, 2019
    Loving this, elegant, class. So varied and enjoyable, great production. One of the last surprises of 2019. To my top.
  2. Dec 18, 2019
    This album is guaranteed to get your head bobbin and your body movin, so avoid in offices of dentistry and acupuncture.
  3. May 21, 2021
    I totally agree with Eero Holi from "Clash Music" who considers "BUBBA" more like a mixtape than an album. For me, after a few listens, II totally agree with Eero Holi from "Clash Music" who considers "BUBBA" more like a mixtape than an album. For me, after a few listens, I thought it was all about the vibe and the atmosphere oozing from it. While some of the rhythms and arrangements shine honestly and clearly carry the record throughout, there are also a few moments where a boring repetitiveness may take over. If you listen to "BUBBA" several times, it is possible that you find that Kaytranada's rhythms are too similar from one song to another.

    However I have to admit he has made a masterful choice in hiring all these great singers to accompany its rhythmic tracks. It is a real pleasure to be lulled by this wonderful chain of songs. 'Need It' (with Masego), '10%' (featuring Kali Uchis) and '2 the Music' (in collaboration with Iman Omari) are the highlights of the project according to me. To listen to it as a whole is to experience the gift of Kaytranada's ability to move us smoothly from one mood to another. Some may not find the intrinsic beauty of this incredible work, but I can't help but recommend it as a must-listen to anyway, especially for the disco-era nostalgic people.
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