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Generally favorable reviews- based on 116 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 88 out of 116
  2. Negative: 10 out of 116

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  1. Steve
    Feb 11, 2008
    This is an outstanding album. I hadn't heard much Bright Eyes before I got this album, so it's not to say that I am giving it a high score just because I love the members of the band. Most people seem to tout "Four Winds" as the headlining song on this album and though it is good, it pales in comparison to "If the Brakeman Turns my Way," "Cleanse Song," or "Middleman." "Four This is an outstanding album. I hadn't heard much Bright Eyes before I got this album, so it's not to say that I am giving it a high score just because I love the members of the band. Most people seem to tout "Four Winds" as the headlining song on this album and though it is good, it pales in comparison to "If the Brakeman Turns my Way," "Cleanse Song," or "Middleman." "Four Winds" is the song that appeals to the largest group of people, which explains its long stretch of playtime on the radio. As most know, the vast majority of what is played on the radio is complete crap. Expand
  2. darrylf
    Jul 28, 2007
    best album of this year so far
  3. jw
    Jul 20, 2007
    (8.5) Coat Check Dream Song, I Must Belong Somewhere, Four Winds, and Hot Knives are the highlights. I bought the Four Winds single first, and I think in some ways that collection is stronger (overall) than what he left on the full album. Cartoon Blues and Reinvent The Wheel are especially good, I think. Take the six songs from that single, add Coat Check, Must Belong, Knives, and maybe (8.5) Coat Check Dream Song, I Must Belong Somewhere, Four Winds, and Hot Knives are the highlights. I bought the Four Winds single first, and I think in some ways that collection is stronger (overall) than what he left on the full album. Cartoon Blues and Reinvent The Wheel are especially good, I think. Take the six songs from that single, add Coat Check, Must Belong, Knives, and maybe Soul Singer... and you've got something REALLY special. With the lineup as is, Cassadaga is still a solid 8 or 9. Expand
  4. CraigR.
    Jun 24, 2007
    A good if slightly underwhelming attempt. Lacks the subtlety of "I'm Wide awake it's morning" and the bite of "Digital Ash..." - definately a step down in quality this time around.
  5. DeboA
    May 15, 2007
    This is definately one of the best albums I've heard yet (this year)! Mr. Oberst is a genius and I can only hope he conitnues to make Gr8 musick 4 us - who can appreciate good musick - to enjoy! Cassadaga Baffles!
  6. AlexandraT
    May 13, 2007
    Wonderful. Reminds me of The Verve at their best.
  7. littledutchboy
    May 13, 2007
    By far, Bright Eyes' most accessible album to date. Less emotional intensity and less freaky, it's as close to a conventional folkpop record Oberst has ever gotten. This is both good and bad. Previous records were more intense and personal, both demanded quite a lot of the listener:it was hard to let Lifted... simply play in the background. This one is more easy-listening, more By far, Bright Eyes' most accessible album to date. Less emotional intensity and less freaky, it's as close to a conventional folkpop record Oberst has ever gotten. This is both good and bad. Previous records were more intense and personal, both demanded quite a lot of the listener:it was hard to let Lifted... simply play in the background. This one is more easy-listening, more Ryan Adams-like almost. Still a great listen, but not so urgent as his previous work. Expand
  8. KathyS
    May 12, 2007
    In Cassadaga, I was a bit disappointed by how much the lyrics dictated the music, as the Stylus review points out, but that is what Bright Eyes is about. The lyrics are what haunt me at night. They are acts of pure genius, especially those of Cleanse Song and I Must Belong Somewhere.
  9. Markc.
    May 11, 2007
    yeah the sound is grea ton this album , and I ike how he sings about how things should belong where they're , I'm over the slow emotional songs on past albums and I'm sure conor is too . Hes enjoying life and what this land has to offer by traveling it .
  10. HerbJ
    May 8, 2007
    I am not an over the top fan of bright eyes but I thought this album was pretty good...a bit clean sounding and some of the songs sound the same...but some of you forget its not always how they sound on a CD but the music they are playing in real life and all the people in this band are great performers
  11. KyleV
    May 6, 2007
    It's elitists like Murles B that are almost ruining music. You clearly know nothing about it. Please never comment on anything ever again until you lose your ignorance. Thank you. Overall good album, two thumbs up.
  12. DaveH
    May 5, 2007
    Oberst's newfound singing ability seems to take away some of the edge of previous albums, but the emotion is still visible. A wonderful album all around, with new Oberst vocals but the same great Bright Eyes music.
  13. MurlesB
    Apr 30, 2007
    If you don't like this or any of his other albums for that matter, stop listening to music, you deserve to be def.
  14. voodoocookie
    Apr 22, 2007
    I think what people have to understand is you can't continue to compare any of the 'new' materials with the old ones from the Fevers and Mirrors / Lifted days... I think people have to come to realise that Bright Eyes have grown up and evovled, there has to be an obvious change in content and style. I think this albums offer some of the most poetic lyrics I have seen from I think what people have to understand is you can't continue to compare any of the 'new' materials with the old ones from the Fevers and Mirrors / Lifted days... I think people have to come to realise that Bright Eyes have grown up and evovled, there has to be an obvious change in content and style. I think this albums offer some of the most poetic lyrics I have seen from Conor and surprised me by how brilliant overall it is. I wasn't too sure with the EP but this album is awesome! Expand
  15. LarryH
    Apr 21, 2007
    This is a surprisingly good album. Probably his best singing and instrumental arrangements to date. Emotionally restrained compared to his other albums, which I think is both a positive and a negative. The album is very focused and professional, but I kind of miss the catharsis that was on Fevers and Mirrors. But I guess you can't live in angst forever. This album is right up there This is a surprisingly good album. Probably his best singing and instrumental arrangements to date. Emotionally restrained compared to his other albums, which I think is both a positive and a negative. The album is very focused and professional, but I kind of miss the catharsis that was on Fevers and Mirrors. But I guess you can't live in angst forever. This album is right up there with Fevers and Mirrors and I'm Wide Awake as my favorite. Expand
  16. stefanies
    Apr 20, 2007
    amazing. oberst & company show musical depth, maturity on this lovely album. much fuller, more produced than previous bright eyes efforts, the extra time spent making Cassadaga pays off big time.
  17. CarsonW
    Apr 19, 2007
    Same great Bright Eyes. Pitchfork is loosing its credability with its shotty review. Pitchfork doesn't know politics.
  18. PaulJ
    Apr 17, 2007
    At first I was a bit skeptical, but upon repeated listening, I've come to love this album. I still think its a little uneven, but I can overlook that easily when the songs that do work, do it so spectacularly. Classic Cars, Hot Knives, I Must Belong Somewhere, and 1 or 2 others are on par with his best work so far.
  19. AlekM
    Apr 16, 2007
    Disappointing at first (excluding Four Winds). Really hits its stride around Classic Cars, and from there on out it is nothing short of magical. A solid Bright Eyes CD. Soul Singer in a Session Band translates far better live.
  20. Laura
    Apr 16, 2007
    Bright Eyes: Always bringing something new to the table. Cassadaga is, like all of Oberst's albums before it, different to everything else he's ever done. And it's GOOD. Classic Cars, especially, is a mighty fine song. Buy it, listen to it and - if you have a heart - love it.
  21. MarcC
    Apr 16, 2007
    This one is a keeper. A top-notch poetic masterpiece. Stand out songs include "Soul Singer in a Session Band", "If the Brakeman Turns My Way", "I Must Belong Somewhere", and "Four Winds".
  22. jeremyc
    Apr 14, 2007
    been a fan for a long time and this one puts an old sound to a younger band...the words are why people listen to bright eyes...he is a genius when it comes to words..he speaks for the youth and speaks for people with out the voice to say anything
  23. drew
    Apr 13, 2007
    Not for fans of his angst driven anthems. If you like good song writing and are not scared of a little bit of cheesey orchestra arrangement- this will suit you. Classic Cars, Hot Knives, and Coat Check Dream Song sure to be classics in my book. I love this album -start to finish.
  24. ParkerT
    Apr 13, 2007
    I remember when I first heard "letting off the happiness" and I loved it! I have loved every album since... you can see the slow change of Conor going into the folk direction throughout his discography, finally going all the way with "I'm wide awake, It's morning". Cassadaga continues with the country/folk feel that the Bright Eyes tem have so easily taken a hold of, but the I remember when I first heard "letting off the happiness" and I loved it! I have loved every album since... you can see the slow change of Conor going into the folk direction throughout his discography, finally going all the way with "I'm wide awake, It's morning". Cassadaga continues with the country/folk feel that the Bright Eyes tem have so easily taken a hold of, but the instumentation brings me back to "The Story In The Soil". The sound is so full and perfect like a country music orgy. Give a listen with the headphones and you will see what I mean. Buy it in concrete form because the packaging is something else. Expand
  25. tjwells
    Apr 12, 2007
    Rating an album low because you disagree with some of the political statements he makes is really ridiculous. I don't agree with a bit of the things he says, that doesn't mean he hasn't made an absolutely beautiful album that is one of the best of the year.
  26. zackk
    Apr 11, 2007
    this album is amazing. in the last year ive become a huge bright eyes fan and fell for his raw, very emotional style of music and while this new album is change from conor's usual self deprecating style, its a musical step in the right direction. the songs sound so full and vibrant with great melodies. my favorites right now are four winds, if the brakeman turns my way, soul singer this album is amazing. in the last year ive become a huge bright eyes fan and fell for his raw, very emotional style of music and while this new album is change from conor's usual self deprecating style, its a musical step in the right direction. the songs sound so full and vibrant with great melodies. my favorites right now are four winds, if the brakeman turns my way, soul singer in a session band, middleman, cleanse song, i must belong somewhere, and lime tree. conor seems to be maturing his sound and its really shows on this album. Expand
  27. NChandler
    Apr 11, 2007
    The Stylus magazine review of this album is a perfect example of why most people should not be allowed to review and critique music. Just because an artist presents a portrait or a certain image or idea through his or her art does not mean that the artist is somehow deluding him or herself. It does not mean the artist demands that others adopt his or her point of view. All it means is The Stylus magazine review of this album is a perfect example of why most people should not be allowed to review and critique music. Just because an artist presents a portrait or a certain image or idea through his or her art does not mean that the artist is somehow deluding him or herself. It does not mean the artist demands that others adopt his or her point of view. All it means is that the artist is creating art. And when you look at this album that way, it's really quite good. Expand
  28. HenryGale
    Apr 11, 2007
    This is close to being Bright Eyes best work. Every song is well crafted, and the songs are great. The only downside, conors lyrics arent as political, or profound this time around. This however doesnt take away from the album. Cassadaga is very cohesive, and is a pleasure from beggining to end.
  29. LadyB.
    Apr 10, 2007
    Mmm ya, Bright Eyes are gooooooooood.
  30. warrens
    Apr 10, 2007
    the boy(man) is a genius. not a weak song in sight and several up with his best, notably 'No One Would Riot' 'Brakeman' 'Lime Tree' - now i try to make a list i want to include every track.
  31. JonnyV
    Apr 10, 2007
    This album is an evolution that has retained the purity of what made Bright Eyes great. It is the fullest album he has recorded and the string arrangements combined with the folk/modern rock sound gives it a unique flavor. It is much better than I expected.
  32. AaronS.
    Apr 5, 2007
    A beautiful, haunting record. If not the best album I'll listen to this year, then surely on the short list of the very great records of 2007.
  33. stans
    Apr 2, 2007
    Their best yet!
  34. AndrewB
    Apr 2, 2007
    This is another great album in what is going to wind up being one of the greatest careers that the music industry has ever seen. Conor Oberst's continuing evolution is exciting and Bright Eyes' latest album is yet another landmark in their stellar collection. A mix between Fevers & Mirrors and I'm Wide Awake It's Morning - Cassadaga provides something loud (Four This is another great album in what is going to wind up being one of the greatest careers that the music industry has ever seen. Conor Oberst's continuing evolution is exciting and Bright Eyes' latest album is yet another landmark in their stellar collection. A mix between Fevers & Mirrors and I'm Wide Awake It's Morning - Cassadaga provides something loud (Four Winds), something folksy (I Must Belong Somewhere), something majestic (No One Would Riot for Less), and many Dylanesque rock tunes. This album thrusts Oberst's Midwest roots into the forefront on many tracks and does it well. An all around terrific album from some terrific young talent. Expand
  35. NickH
    Apr 1, 2007
    To really listen to this album, you have to first accept the fact that conor has found peace with himself and with the world. Then you will see that the songs, are good, sometimes great. Not his masterpiece, but a great album.
  36. RickyT
    Mar 31, 2007
    This is certainly one of the best Bright Eyes albums. Every single song is incredible. It is a lot like I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning minus the political protest. Definitely buy this.
  37. MikeS.
    Mar 30, 2007
    Amazing album!!
  38. codyg
    Mar 29, 2007
  39. JoshB.
    Mar 28, 2007
    I didn't think he could top I'm Wide Awake It's Morning, but he sure did. This album is absolutely amazing!
  40. TJWells
    Mar 28, 2007
    Beautiful. Probably his best work to date.
  41. JeashC
    Mar 28, 2007
    one of the most amazing albums i've heard in a long time.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 35
  2. Negative: 0 out of 35
  1. Paste Magazine
    As ambitious as this album is, there's a surprising lack of anguish on display. [Apr 2007, p.54]
  2. Spin
    Oberst's countryish genre studies have deepened with a very adult loneliness. [Apr 2007, p.89]
  3. The music doesn't always live up to the demands of the journey, but Oberst's trembling, vulnerable voice carries through to a rewarding conclusion.