
Generally favorable reviews - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 35
  2. Negative: 0 out of 35
  1. 'Cassadaga' is much less of a draining emotional journey for both chief player and listener alike than Bright Eyes previous work.
  2. The political lyrics are the most troublesome.
  3. Billboard
    It's a pleasant enough, if uneven work. [14 Apr 2007]
  4. Oberst's political criticism is most effective when he's humble and straightforward, yet his overwrought poetics seem laughable, childish and blinkered when applied to world affairs.
  5. Cassadaga falters in the same way I’m Wide Awake did: by trying to present his views as universal, it just exposes how Conor Oberst can’t handle the Truth.
  6. On Cassadaga Bright Eyes sounds like John Mayer.
  7. He is clearly searching for a more mature style. But the musical and rhetorical convolutions of “Cassadaga” are no substitute, yet, for the way he used to blurt things out. [9 Apr 2007]
  8. "Cassadaga" is an insular, self-referential album that strives for depth and profundity and sounds instead like a high-school poetry reading, full of rhyming-dictionary couplets and banal pronouncements about life.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 116 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 88 out of 116
  2. Negative: 10 out of 116
  1. Jan 28, 2021
    The Masterful Psychological Narrative of "Cassadaga" by Bright Eyes
    12/12 Masterpiece of an Album
    I discovered this album after watching
    The Masterful Psychological Narrative of "Cassadaga" by Bright Eyes
    12/12 Masterpiece of an Album
    I discovered this album after watching Phoebe Bridgers' "What's in the Bag" video and hearing her talk about this album. I also previously discovered Bright Eyes through her. After hearing "Down in the Weeds" many times and listening to various live performances, I decided to listen to this album. My initial listen was similar to that of "Punisher" or "Down in the Weeds", where I felt kind of indifferent but the more I listened, the more I exponentially adored the album. As of now, I think I've listened to this album 10–15 times.
    It is a fantastic album that strangely blends different styles, which is why I think I adore it so much. It's mostly alternative rock/indie rock, but seems to blend alternative country and folks and incorporates symphonic and experimental elements.
    Bangers: "Clairaudients", "Four Winds", "If the Brakeman Turns My Way", "Hot Knives", "Make a Plan to Love Me", "Soul Singer in a Session Band", "Classic Cars", "Middleman", "Cleanse Song", "No One Would Riot For Less", "Coat Check Dream Song", "I Must Belong Somewhere"
    Yes. Every track is a banger.
    Full Review »
  2. Steve
    Feb 11, 2008
    This is an outstanding album. I hadn't heard much Bright Eyes before I got this album, so it's not to say that I am giving it a This is an outstanding album. I hadn't heard much Bright Eyes before I got this album, so it's not to say that I am giving it a high score just because I love the members of the band. Most people seem to tout "Four Winds" as the headlining song on this album and though it is good, it pales in comparison to "If the Brakeman Turns my Way," "Cleanse Song," or "Middleman." "Four Winds" is the song that appeals to the largest group of people, which explains its long stretch of playtime on the radio. As most know, the vast majority of what is played on the radio is complete crap. Full Review »
  3. darrylf
    Jul 28, 2007
    best album of this year so far