
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Eisley's mix of old and new, and accessible and unexpected, makes their music utterly charming, and Combinations is a blend of bewitching contradictions.
  2. The band retains a certain backwoods spookiness, meaning songs like 'Many Funerals' and sci-fi lead single 'Invasion' keep their edge amidst a clutch of tunes ('Come Clean,' 'Ten Cent Blues') that resemble nothing so much as mid-period Fleetwood Mac.
  3. Thanks to Sherri, even Eisley's far-out moments seem intimate.
  4. It's still eclectic enough that it sounds like a set of singles beamed in from different universes. Unfortunately, this quality also keeps Combinations from gelling.
  5. Most songs, including the single-worthy 'Come Clean,' are still built on soaring vocal interplay and a childlike sense of wonder.
  6. For a sophomore effort, Combinations makes for yet another strong debut.
  7. Combinations takes on topics you’d expect from kids whose ages range from 15 to 23: heartache, rebellion, love. It is, almost literally, a sophomore effort. The DuPrees have become better musicians since their debut, and they want to show it off.
  8. The term "abstract grace" seems to describe Combinations perfectly. The album proves Eisley to be masters of melody, strong lyricists, and capable of evoking a whole combination of emotions that are unable to be described using words.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 21 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 21
  2. Negative: 1 out of 21
  1. MattD.
    Aug 28, 2007
    Combines their whimsical qualities with a new edge. The new sound works magic!
  2. Chris
    Aug 27, 2007
    My first experience with this group was in 2003 when I saw them open for Coldplay. They blew me away then, and they still do today. I believe My first experience with this group was in 2003 when I saw them open for Coldplay. They blew me away then, and they still do today. I believe this group is going to be successful as they gain more exposure. Very solid album. Full Review »
  3. EvaS.
    Aug 25, 2007
    They are one of my favorite bands. I love Chauntelle's voice on "I could be there for you." I love the how the girls have started They are one of my favorite bands. I love Chauntelle's voice on "I could be there for you." I love the how the girls have started writing about love. Excellent cd. I recommend buying it. One of my all time favorites. Full Review »