
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Rye rips it up on this disc, recalling equal parts vintage AC/DC and Led Zeppelin, with a little KISS thrown in to keep things playful.
  2. Alternative Press
    Curses is all jutting hips, attitudinal riffs and massive kick drums that demand fists be pumped in the air. [Jun 2006, p.186]
  3. Not as promising as 1999’s Lipstick Gamemight have indicated, but an aggressive, hard-rock effort nonetheless.
  4. Blender
    Luckily, all the ironic distance doesn't blunt the band's attack. [May 2006, p.109]
  5. The Dave Grohl production is the best the band has ever had, and the disc absolutely catches fire in a few places, but there’s still a nagging doubt about Rye Coalition.
  6. Cash grab? Perhaps. Phoning it in? Maybe. Or maybe it’s their attempt to open up to a new crowd - but whatever it is it’s better left as an experiment.
  7. Paste Magazine
    If you don't mind a little old-fashioned leering misogyny and plenty of lobotomized choruses, the power chords and snarling vocals will shake you all night long. [Sep 2006, p.81]
  8. It's the songs they've neglected: They plod forward with generic piston-like rhythms, focusing solely on the one-dimensional vocals and limp songwriting.
  9. Curses is full of songs ready to fill in the spaces of WB teen soap dramas or extreme sports reality shows.
  10. If the members of Rye Coalition had at least done a masterful job of impersonating their muses, we could call Curses a tribute album. Sadly, they fail even in that.
  11. Urb
    This balls-out, hard stoner rock will get you to pump your fist in glory. [Apr 2006, p.97]

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