
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Magnet
    Jun 1, 2016
    The Dandys haven’t sounded this simultaneously energized and devil-may-care since the Duran Duran-polished synthpop of 2003’s Welcome To The Monkey House. [No. 131, p.52]
  2. Apr 13, 2016
    Overall, Distortland represents the kind of mix and match bag of tricks we've come to expect from The Dandy Warhols and while not quite attaining classic status, is a welcome return for a band who've never been afraid to stick two fingers in the face of adversity.
  3. Apr 8, 2016
    The most versatile tracks are not always the most immediately successful, but they’re gratifying nonetheless.
  4. Apr 7, 2016
    Although it isn't their strongest work, Distortland is an enjoyable late-era addition to their catalog that breathes as much as it pleases.
  5. Apr 7, 2016
    The Dandy Warhols aren’t doing anything new on Distortland, and they still sound as dispensable and indispensable as ever.
  6. Apr 6, 2016
    This LP is pure Dandy Warhols, saturated with Courtney Taylor-Taylor's moody, drawled vocals, wailing guitars and introspective, oddball lyricism.
  7. Apr 5, 2016
    There are a handful of potential hits on Distortland, still they needed some structuring or at least a more powerful instrumental to be compelling.

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