
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Dec 19, 2016
    Though the music lulls and comforts, you get the sense that these Lightman sisters harbor a prickly thought or two.
  2. Nov 28, 2016
    Do Easy is harmless, a little preposterous and quite beguiling--just like all good goths.
  3. Uncut
    Nov 22, 2016
    They situate their voices on a pillowy bed of experimental pop, freak folk and, best of all, the sax-enhanced exotica of the title track. [Jan 2017, p.31]
  4. Mojo
    Nov 22, 2016
    Tasseomancy's third album moves with a deceptively breezy sway. [Jan 2017, p.94]
  5. Nov 16, 2016
    Do Easy, the album, makes the magical mundane, and vice-versa.
  6. 80
    Do Easy invites you into its own rarefied world, a world where things are exotic, tranquil and seductively unique and makes you want to stay there.

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