• Record Label: BBE
  • Release Date: Oct 16, 2012

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Nov 29, 2012
    There's also plenty of dubstep and neo-soul (note the very fine vocal cameo from Greg Blackman on "I'm Feeling U"), and unfortunately, there are also some de rigueur sketches and waste-of-time spoken word interludes, but not too many of them.
  2. Nov 29, 2012
    The mixed bag nature of Don't Be Scared that is its downfall: a lack of consistency leads to the album sounding more like a DJ set than a cohesive record.
  3. Q Magazine
    Nov 29, 2012
    Overall this is never less than an engaging listen. [Dec 2012, p.112]
  4. Nov 29, 2012
    Vadim manages to mix hip-hop, dancehall, dubstep, soul, and electronic dance music into a concoction that works.

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