• Record Label: Mute
  • Release Date: Sep 20, 2019

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Oct 17, 2019
    It’s an album without the excitement of the first Digital Shades without the correct tones and instruments to recall those pioneers, and in terms of quality, Junk is still a little better.
  2. Sep 20, 2019
    What remains are a few fleeting moments of quiet beauty, and they do not appear often enough, nor are they substantial for an album of this length.
  3. Sep 27, 2019
    DSVII is an undeniably florid soundscape of ‘80s pop culture touchstones. But hearing Gonzalez flesh these castoffs out into full songs through the lens of video game music feels like little more than an amusing experiment.
  4. Sep 23, 2019
    What made M83 so great was its inclination to look forward as well as backward. Unfortunately, DSVII —like Junk— looks backward without bringing anything new to the table.
  5. 60
    While these tracks aren’t necessarily bad by any definition, they certainly lack the charisma that M83 is known for.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 27
  2. Negative: 4 out of 27
  1. Sep 28, 2019
    Um álbum diferente de todos os outros trabalhos prévios, e não necessariamente no bom sentido. É um bom álbum de música ambiente, bom para seUm álbum diferente de todos os outros trabalhos prévios, e não necessariamente no bom sentido. É um bom álbum de música ambiente, bom para se ouvir e relaxar. Mas não passa disso para ser sincero. Não há algo realmente atrativo em nenhuma das faixas, e é um álbum que quando você terminar de ouvir vai se perguntar "mas já acabou?". No entanto, é agradável aos ouvidos e traz uma boa sensação de nostalgia devido ao conceito do álbum ser games antigos, o que faz o mesmo ganhar uns pontos.
    Seguimos esperando pela próxima grande gema do M83. Não foi dessa vez.
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  2. Sep 27, 2019
    C'est un album tres different des autres, mais cela reste un joli voyage a travers des sonorités epiques et contemplatives
  3. Sep 20, 2019
    Extremely different album from the previous ones in terms of style (although presenting certain sounds very similar to those glimpsed inExtremely different album from the previous ones in terms of style (although presenting certain sounds very similar to those glimpsed in "Junk", which was already quite different from the first 6 works of the artist), a total change of course that, if for certain verses can be positive as a symptom of renewal and innovation, on the other hand it can make the nose turn upside down, given the presence of tracks (most of them) that could transmit a strong sense of monotony and, in general, of unexpressed potential. And in fact, this album had initially a lot of potential, but unfortunately it seems that in the end it cannot be considered completely successful. Maybe it's something wanted, given the statements of the same Anthony regarding his intention to want to make something "simple" and "imperfect", like the old soundtracks of the 80s video games that inspired him, but, at the end of the listen, it seems as if more could be done, as if what we felt was not enough, as if something was missing, that spark that would have given the whole the same efficacy and genius that characterized the previous albums, real masterpieces of music. Despite this, however, some tracks are really evocative and transcendental ("Colonies", "Mirage") and certain pieces of piano, flute and guitar very beautiful and pleasant to hear, giving a sense of absolute peace, and in this sense recalling, in their own small way, the atmospheres of the first chapter.
    In conclusion, the album worth in my opinion the purchase, 'cause in general is very well done, although it cannot be considered, as far as I am concerned (it is good to specify it), on a par with its predecessors.
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