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Universal acclaim- based on 813 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 53 out of 813
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  1. Sep 1, 2023
    This album is the definition of "pop perfection" it's been 8 years since the release of the album and up to this day no one can compare to this masterpiece, Carly capture the essence of 80s, 90s synth pop into a modern day album pop. It is a experience listening to this album
  2. Dec 24, 2022
    Who saying this is Pop Bible. You need to check yourself or something. Isn't this album not memorable or longevity. It's FLOP ok.
  3. Dec 9, 2022
    While the album has songs with a very good vibe, there are also some songs that are boring, but it's a good album.
  4. Nov 8, 2022
    It simply DID IT, addicting pop melodies, greatly produced -enough to get you relistening to everything for basically forever- Dont even get me started, its just THAT album.
  5. Mar 28, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. THE BEST POP ALBUM OF 2010'S
    Hands down
  6. Jul 17, 2022
    She made THE pop album, she made a masterpiece, every single song is amazing.
  7. Jul 16, 2022
    E•MO•TION de Carly Rae Jepsen é um salto para frente, não apenas para a própria Carly, mas também para a música pop, é OURO pop dos anos 80, a produção é repleta de sintetizadores e batidas brilhantes e reluzentes, a escrita é inteligente e amadurecida, e atinge o ponto que estava tentando alcançar perfeitamente.
  8. Jan 8, 2022
    One of THE best albums of this decade! It is incomparable to any other record, including Carly Rae Jepsen's first album. The beats, lyrics and vocals are on point. This is a good, good, GOOD album that you should buy.
    The best songs are La Hallucinations, Run Away With Me, Let's Get Lost, When I Needed You and Making the Most Of The Night.
  9. Dec 20, 2021
    I cannot overstate the rush of pure great pop other than to say Carly has mastered it. This right here takes immediacy, quality and consistency and serves them up as if anyone one could do it(although no one could at this level). Underappreciated gem, this album is the benchmark for any pop starlet or breakout pop artists ambition, taking the familiar 80's revival pop most notable inI cannot overstate the rush of pure great pop other than to say Carly has mastered it. This right here takes immediacy, quality and consistency and serves them up as if anyone one could do it(although no one could at this level). Underappreciated gem, this album is the benchmark for any pop starlet or breakout pop artists ambition, taking the familiar 80's revival pop most notable in Taylor Swift's 1989 to higher more satisfying highs. Where ever Carly had previously lacked here she compensates with masterful writing, raspy vocals and a collaboration of enviable producer's. Monumental in the pop canon . Expand
  10. Oct 16, 2021
    I call this, Pop Bible. Changed the pop industry forever. This album is just incredible.
  11. Sep 17, 2021
    Pop at its peak. Every song is great, encapsulates stuff most music doesn't or if it is a common subject it is done in a perfect way. Run Away With Me is a top 10 2010's Pop Song, and there isn't a single skip on this album
  12. Jul 22, 2021
    One word: underrated. This is no doubt one of the best pop albums in the 2010s, if you want to listen to pop perfection then a listen to this album will make you dance all the time. All the songs slap and are total bops. It contains arguably one of the best pop songs of the decade 'Run Away With Me' and as for the others, they're all fantastic too. Extraordinary album that has everyOne word: underrated. This is no doubt one of the best pop albums in the 2010s, if you want to listen to pop perfection then a listen to this album will make you dance all the time. All the songs slap and are total bops. It contains arguably one of the best pop songs of the decade 'Run Away With Me' and as for the others, they're all fantastic too. Extraordinary album that has every element that makes it what it really is. Expand
  13. Jan 22, 2021
    We are talking about one of the best pop albums of the past decade, this album is incredibly fantastic, all the songs are a masterpiece, without a doubt one of the best albums of his career, highlighting the masterpiece of "All That" is impressive what Jepsen can do!
  14. Nov 26, 2020
    I'm not usually a fan of pop, but holy crap is this good. The production and instrumentation is familiar but innovative enough to remain interesting. The use of saxophone and slap bass works surprisingly well with the 80s inspired 2000s pop sound. The songwriting is also immaculate. Pretty much every song has this fantastic build up to their choruses (which are amazing and anthemic)
  15. Nov 20, 2020
    E•MO•TION is one of the best pop albums that I have had the opportunity to listen to. There are no bad songs on this album.
  16. Nov 20, 2020
    Carly Rae Jepsen perfects pop on E•MO•TION, arguably the greatest pure pop album of the 2010's.
  17. Aug 29, 2020
    Art pop
    the 80's is comeback , this is music , Disco and Pop , Carly is the great singer and E.MO.TION IS PERFECT
  18. Aug 21, 2020
    Uno de los mejores trabajos musicales de la década del 2010 y a su vez, el más infravalorado de todos.
  19. Aug 7, 2020
    EMOTION de Carly Rae Jepsen es el álbum perfecto para personas que aman y disfrutan de la música pop, canciones muy distintas pero a la vez unificadas con la letra que te lleva de viaje a vivir una aventura amorosa y las letras si bien son algo superficiales en algunas canciones cumplen la función de hablarnos del amor.
  20. Jul 24, 2020
    Probably one of the best pop albums of the past decade. Rich stories told with sounds pulled from different decades past and mixed it looking to the future.
  21. Jul 21, 2020
    Carly Rae Jepsen's EMOTION is one of the best pop albums of the last decade. Absolutely love the 80s sound in her album, lots of bops. This album is beautiful, lovely, fun, fresh, young and full of emotions and I understand why it's called EMOTION.

    Fav tracks : Run Away With Me, Emotion, Your Type, Warm Blood... basically 90% of the album.
  22. May 21, 2020
    the true meaning of pop perfection, this is album is just everything. I’ve been obsessed with it forever, it’s timeless
  23. May 9, 2020
    «E•MO•TION» is as solid and spotless a pop album as you're likely to hear this year (2015), the result of several years working alongside a storied list of contributors... but «E•MO•TION» fails to tell us who Jepsen is or wants to be. The result is a nearly anonymous album of stellar pop music, one where it seems all the attention was placed not on positioning Carly Rae as a cultural«E•MO•TION» is as solid and spotless a pop album as you're likely to hear this year (2015), the result of several years working alongside a storied list of contributors... but «E•MO•TION» fails to tell us who Jepsen is or wants to be. The result is a nearly anonymous album of stellar pop music, one where it seems all the attention was placed not on positioning Carly Rae as a cultural force, but on making sure «E•MO•TION» makes you smile. Expand
  24. Apr 30, 2020
    emotion is THE pop album. the production is so beautiful and the songs on the album are all masterpieces. not a single song is bad. i can barely form words to express how i feel about this album, thank you for this album crj. my top 3 songs include run away with me, emotion, and i didnt just come here to dance.
  25. Mar 28, 2020
    Can you say... legendary? Goddamn miss Jepsen, you deserved grammy of the history, well no, phuck u ascammys
  26. Jan 10, 2020
    This is the definition of pop perfection! Simply one of my favorite pop albums of the decade.
  27. Oct 21, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Nunca en mi vida había escuchado un álbum tan perfecto. Que pecado tan grande que no haya tenido el éxito que merece. Expand
  28. Oct 4, 2019
    Esta cm, el concepto, la voz, las letras podrá sonar un poco genérico después de las primeras 5 canciones pero si les pones atenció pop puro
  29. Sep 14, 2019
    This album was clearly a standout from 2015. It was so strong and likely Carly's most cohesive work to this date. It may not have had a huge social impact, but it remains a cult favorite, especially in LGBTQ+ circles. Carly is a great songwriter and composer and it shows on this album.
  30. Sep 13, 2019
    Carly Rae Jepsen came back to prove she was not a one trick pony and you know what? She did it. Carly Rae has managed to produce an amazing pop album that is both strong and surprising. Certainly one of the best pop albums of 2015!

    Emotion is terrific, like seriously. Not only is Emotion an ensemble of sterling pop, it’s a creative breakthrough on par with Robyn and Speak Now. Forgive
    Carly Rae Jepsen came back to prove she was not a one trick pony and you know what? She did it. Carly Rae has managed to produce an amazing pop album that is both strong and surprising. Certainly one of the best pop albums of 2015!

    Emotion is terrific, like seriously. Not only is Emotion an ensemble of sterling pop, it’s a creative breakthrough on par with Robyn and Speak Now. Forgive my unbridled enthusiasm, which resembles a teenager’s lack of composure. Blame this artist’s impeccable taste and canny vision, realized on Emotion with blinding Technicolor. This is a strong album and there are no weak tracks here. In fact, I enjoyed every track on the album, obviously some more than others. The album feels a lot more focused than Kiss, it is totally energetic with a great retro 80s feel. Her voice is getting stronger and the production is not just cookie cutter pop, it is slick, polished and first class but what’s truly fascinating about the album is how naturally and authentic the music comes across here. Many singers pipe out love songs but it's obvious that the songs were entirely written by someone else.

    Where Emotion stumbles, it merely wobbles, never falling completely out of line. The albums tracks all speak to the message of Emotion and while there were moments on Carly's previous album Kiss where some songs lowkey felt like a Call Me Maybe rehash, Emotion moves out of that song's shadow and each new song offers something new and exciting. This album was destined to become a pop classic and it already is!

    - i really, really really, really, really, really like you track/s: Run Away With Me, Favorite Color, Warm Blood
    - issa skip ma’am track/s: *crickets*

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Apr 24, 2017
    She doesn’t do anything to stamp her identity on the songs: good as they are, you’re struck by the sense you could be listening to anyone. It’s one problem that all the expensive names in the credits can’t solve, a single glaring imperfection in an album of otherwise perfect pop.
  2. Jun 1, 2016
    E MO TION is no fluke. It doesn’t grip you by the heels but instead lures you into a full-bodied embrace that is iron-clad, it’s simply up to you to give it the chance to do so.
  3. Sep 25, 2015
    Emotion succeeds on its own terms, arguably remaining truer to the spirit of the era, not to mention Jepsen’s stated aim of taking the time to craft an album rather than rushing to cash in on a YouTube sensation.