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Universal acclaim- based on 813 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 53 out of 813
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  1. Nov 7, 2015
    Only phenomenal production alone makes it a 5 star worthy! Quantum mechanics was applied to reach such particle-level perfection, I think! Catchy as super hell.
  2. Sep 1, 2019
    Only phenomenal production alone makes it a 5 star worthy! Quantum mechanics was applied to reach such particle-level perfection, I think! Catchy as super hell.
  3. Aug 26, 2015
    Carly Rae Jepsen has managed to accomplish something Taylor could not with "1989" - fantastic and consistent production.

    Pop album of the year, no questions asked.
  4. Aug 27, 2016
    EMOTION is easily (along with Florence's How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful) the best album of 2015. Carly Rae Jepsen really worked so hard on this record, and the result of this hard work is apparent in each and every track. Not one song feels out-of-place; not one song is a filler track. Jepsen sings about different subjects, in different perspectives, with lyrics that flow through, and aEMOTION is easily (along with Florence's How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful) the best album of 2015. Carly Rae Jepsen really worked so hard on this record, and the result of this hard work is apparent in each and every track. Not one song feels out-of-place; not one song is a filler track. Jepsen sings about different subjects, in different perspectives, with lyrics that flow through, and a production so slick, it actually hurts. "Run Away With Me" is easily my song- my anthem- of summer 2015.
    Hands down, Carly Rae, your sophomore album was very-much anticipated, and it really was worth it.
  5. Dec 1, 2015
    The best pop album of 2015. Amazing. Deserves a 100. it's amazing how great this is. Pop music done good. It's a shame it hasn't gotten an actual hit because it's amazing.
  6. Dec 4, 2015
    What an incredible album. With many influences including 80s pop, Carly Rae makes a huge leap into the right direction. It's extremely well written, produced, and contrived to leave the listener wanting more and more. There is no bad song on this record, and is in my opinion, a strong contender for Album of The Year. Although not commercially successful, the album is completely genius.What an incredible album. With many influences including 80s pop, Carly Rae makes a huge leap into the right direction. It's extremely well written, produced, and contrived to leave the listener wanting more and more. There is no bad song on this record, and is in my opinion, a strong contender for Album of The Year. Although not commercially successful, the album is completely genius. "Run Away With Me" is by far the best pop record this decade.

    BEST: Run Away With Me, LA Hallucinations, Warm Blood, Making The Most Of The Night, and Your Type.

  7. Aug 21, 2015
    Carly Rae Jepsen proved herself in every single way with this record. Been a fan since she released 'Kiss', but now with 'E•MO•TION' I see how she had room for improvement as an artist. I could not be more proud of her work! "Run Away With Me" is truly amazing and a huge opener to a full set of colors and emotions that she brought to us. The album won't really do well commercially but I'mCarly Rae Jepsen proved herself in every single way with this record. Been a fan since she released 'Kiss', but now with 'E•MO•TION' I see how she had room for improvement as an artist. I could not be more proud of her work! "Run Away With Me" is truly amazing and a huge opener to a full set of colors and emotions that she brought to us. The album won't really do well commercially but I'm so satisfied critics recognized it. Expand
  8. Aug 22, 2015
    Best pop album so far in the year and third best album overall behind Bjork's Vulnicura and Kendrick's To Pimp a Butterfly. This is truly the best work by Carly Rae Jepsen ever, and it'll be hard to best this one.
  9. Aug 26, 2015
    The second best pop album of the year. If it wasn't for LA Hallucinations, the album would be flawless.
    Best songs: Warm Blood, Run Away With Me, Emotion, All That, Gimmie Love.
    Worst and only bad song: LA Hallucinations.
  10. Aug 21, 2015
    this is a MASTERPIECE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Oct 17, 2015
    E-MO-TION é um álbum incrível. Como uma sonoridade oitentista maravilhosa, canções meigas e um conceito fielmente seguido (desde o inicio do álbum até o fim). É um dos melhores lançamentos de 2015 e merecedor de um Grammy. A Carly está de parabéns
  12. Aug 23, 2015
    This emotion (i feel it). That's the only way to describe this album. Carly Rae Jepsen is an underrated pop genius. Never Get To Hold You, Gimmie Love, Warm Blood, +the rest of the album are the best ones. This one, and 1989 are the best pop albums from the last 3/4 years.
  13. Jan 27, 2016
    Oh wow this one snatched me from the root!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Nov 21, 2015
    Este álbum esta incrível, a naturalidade dele é um ponto a ser observado, todas as musicas parecem continuas e mantem o mesmo clima, surpreendendo ao longo das faixas, realmente é um álbum pra se ouvir varias vezes.
  15. Jun 13, 2016
    Vicious poderia ser o titulo do álbum, por ser viciante e que evolução ela teve do Kiss meio chatinho pra essa maravilha feita.

    Perfect Singles: Run Away With Me, All That, Emotion, LA Hallucinations e Your Tipe.
  16. Aug 21, 2015
    We all knew that miss Carly Rae Jepsen would give us another pop masterpiece, but this, this is just something out of this world. From the second I heard I Really Like You, I knew she was coming for blood, and blood she came for. Every pre released track was flawless, and so is the rest of the album. It's no surprise critics are raving about this album because it really is a flawlessWe all knew that miss Carly Rae Jepsen would give us another pop masterpiece, but this, this is just something out of this world. From the second I heard I Really Like You, I knew she was coming for blood, and blood she came for. Every pre released track was flawless, and so is the rest of the album. It's no surprise critics are raving about this album because it really is a flawless album. Carly Rae Jepsen is back, and here to stay, despite if it reaches the top fo the charts or not. The album is a solid 10/10 and I wouldn't be surprised if she wins a Grammy for it. Job well done. Expand
  17. Aug 22, 2015
    Best album of the year soooooo far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Aug 21, 2015
    E•MO•TION é simplesmente perfeito do começo ao fim, Carly conseguiu trazer tudo o que qualquer admirador de musica pop espera: vocais bons, composições boas e produções simplesmente fantásticas. Desde a primeira faixa ''Run Away with Me'' ate a ultima ''Love Again'' podemos enxergar a evolução musical e o amadurecimento da cantora em comparação ao ultimo album ''Kiss''. Ela conseguiuE•MO•TION é simplesmente perfeito do começo ao fim, Carly conseguiu trazer tudo o que qualquer admirador de musica pop espera: vocais bons, composições boas e produções simplesmente fantásticas. Desde a primeira faixa ''Run Away with Me'' ate a ultima ''Love Again'' podemos enxergar a evolução musical e o amadurecimento da cantora em comparação ao ultimo album ''Kiss''. Ela conseguiu construir um álbum pop maduro e com referencias oitentistas que superou qualquer álbum pop lançado nessa década. A Carly não é uma superstar mundialmente famosa, ou uma hitmarker com inúmeros hits ou uma grande diva do pop mas ela conseguiu sem duvidas trazer um álbum tão bom que qualquer artista pop gostaria de ter em sua carreira. Carly Rae Jepsen lançar um álbum pop tão bom como o E•MO•TION não é surpresa nenhuma, a Carly apenas de Call Me Maybe como é conhecida por muitos lançar um álbum como o E•MO•TION é uma grande surpresa, talvez um dia ela possa ser reconhecida pelo seu trabalho com um excelente álbum como é o E•MO•TION, e não por uma musica pop chiclete como Call Me Maybe, talvez assim eu ainda tenha esperança na humanidade.

    Melhores musicas do álbum: Run Away With Me, All That, E•MO•TION, Gimmie Love e Favourite Colour.
  19. Aug 21, 2015
    Best songs: Run Away With Me, E•MO•TION, I Really Like You, Gimmie Love, All That, Your Type, Let's Get Lost & When I Needed You.

    Worst song: LA Hallucinations
  20. Aug 24, 2015
    By far the best pop album released in 2015 and also in recent years. Carly really proved herself with this album, transitioning from the generic pop of Kiss (while still enjoyable,) she moves on to a range of pop styles; from 80's inspired synthpop and disco with some modern pop. An all around strong album, hope she continues on this cycle of focusing more on quality than success!
  21. Sep 30, 2015
  22. Oct 13, 2015
    Amazing album. She really impressed me a lot... and that's to say the least. "All that" is for me one of the very best songs of the year... How come she's been so low profile with an album this good? I don't get it...
  23. Aug 25, 2015
    She don't need no masks. She don't need no pretension. That's exactly what she does: bubblegum pop music, and she's doing it BIG! She's really exposing some emotion in this album, I can perfectly feel her girl feelings about life, love and stuff. Congrants on Carly Rae Jepsen for making Teen Pop alive!
  24. Aug 21, 2015
    Honestly I was debating whether or not to listen to this album based on her previous work and lead single but she then released Run Away With Me and I instantly was full of excitement for this album.. I was counting down until 12 am to purchase it and when it finally came, IT WAS WORTH THE WAIT, Ladies and gentlemen this is one of the best pop albums of all time, it has the perfect mix ofHonestly I was debating whether or not to listen to this album based on her previous work and lead single but she then released Run Away With Me and I instantly was full of excitement for this album.. I was counting down until 12 am to purchase it and when it finally came, IT WAS WORTH THE WAIT, Ladies and gentlemen this is one of the best pop albums of all time, it has the perfect mix of everything.. There is not one single bad song, Though I didn't care for the lead single I understand why it was released because of its catchiness but its not a bad song. Expand
  25. Aug 21, 2015
    Carly Rae Jepsen's E•MO•TION is a LEAP forward for, not only Carly herself but also, pop music. Kiss was a GREAT underrated cleverly written and well produced pop record that didn't do well due to the general public losing interest, but E•MO•TION is past trying to chart and please the general public. E•MO•TION is a 17 track collection, handpicked out of over 200 tracks produced for thisCarly Rae Jepsen's E•MO•TION is a LEAP forward for, not only Carly herself but also, pop music. Kiss was a GREAT underrated cleverly written and well produced pop record that didn't do well due to the general public losing interest, but E•MO•TION is past trying to chart and please the general public. E•MO•TION is a 17 track collection, handpicked out of over 200 tracks produced for this record. E•MO•TION is 80's pop GOLD, the production is filled with glittering and gleaming synths and beats, the writing is clever and matured, and (unlike with Kiss) it hits the point it was trying to reach perfectly. Highlights on the album include 'Run Away With Me', 'All That', 'Your Type', 'Let's Get Lost', 'Black Heart', and 'Love Again'. Well done Carly, you have a classic pop album under your belt! I'm very excited to see where you will go from here. Expand
  26. Feb 10, 2018
    omg this album is fantastic it's pure pop fire so many fantastic tracks are in here in my opinion with fantastic production , the album perfectly mixes the 80s sugar pop style with a little modern take with great song lyrics in my opinion and fantastic vocals by carly i mean this has to be one of the best things i've heard this entire decade omg a must listen (and the side b ep is just as good)
  27. Aug 22, 2015
    Best album of the year so far! Really good pop music.
    Best songs: Run Away with Me, Making The Most Of The Night, E•MO•TION, All That, Your Type.
  28. Aug 21, 2015
    The album is light, fun, coesco, above all, intelligent, perfectly recreates the 80s, but not to say that the sound is presented barada and forgettable copy. All tracks are good to the bonus fiaxas !!
  29. Aug 21, 2015
    Best songs: Your Type, Run Away With Me, Gimmie Love, All That, Making The Most Of The Night & Let's Get Lost.

    There are no bad songs on this album. 10/10
  30. Aug 21, 2015
    I love all of the songs on this album especially Let's Get Lost and When I Needed You! Those two are my favorite songs from this great album. There are no bad songs on this album. Definitely best Pop Album of the Year!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Apr 24, 2017
    She doesn’t do anything to stamp her identity on the songs: good as they are, you’re struck by the sense you could be listening to anyone. It’s one problem that all the expensive names in the credits can’t solve, a single glaring imperfection in an album of otherwise perfect pop.
  2. Jun 1, 2016
    E MO TION is no fluke. It doesn’t grip you by the heels but instead lures you into a full-bodied embrace that is iron-clad, it’s simply up to you to give it the chance to do so.
  3. Sep 25, 2015
    Emotion succeeds on its own terms, arguably remaining truer to the spirit of the era, not to mention Jepsen’s stated aim of taking the time to craft an album rather than rushing to cash in on a YouTube sensation.