
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Mar 19, 2013
    While operating inside their own little corner of the musical world, Clutch made a reputation for themselves based on solid songwriting, lyrical weirdness, and quality--all of which are present on Earth Rocker, which is still unmistakably a Clutch album.
  2. Mar 19, 2013
    Drummer Jean-Paul Gaster keeps things going at a crisp clip while managing subtle shadings. The drummer’s tight control and bassist Dan Maines’s aggressive low-end let guitarist Tim Sult go nuts.
  3. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jun 25, 2013
    Clutch are getting better with age. [Jun 2013, p.88]
  4. Mar 19, 2013
    Unique and dynamic, this is what Clutch do--and do best.
  5. Kerrang!
    Apr 12, 2013
    For all the whiskey-soaked swagger on offer here, there's little to distinguish these tracks from one another. [16 Mar 2013, p.53]
  6. May 14, 2013
    Clutch’s aim here was to try something different, and in stripping Earth Rocker of its fat, the band has revealed even more imaginative and powerful artistic muscle.
  7. 80
    It's certainly Clutch's most enjoyable album in a good number of years, and any fan of the group's post-Pure Rock Fury era would do well to give Earth Rocker a spin.
  8. Q Magazine
    Mar 19, 2013
    Although this is a little more concise than their usual output, everything else about their blues-rock bruisers is business as usual. [Apr 2013, p.100]
  9. Aug 6, 2013
    With a fan-pleasing alteration in style and 'no-filler, all-killer' logic, the outfit have churned out one of the their most widely appealing efforts thus far, not to mention a staple release for stoner rock in 2013.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 18 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. Jan 7, 2016
    Earth Rocker's the second Clutch album I've listened to, with Psychic Warfare being the other. It isn't as good as Psychic Warfare. ThereEarth Rocker's the second Clutch album I've listened to, with Psychic Warfare being the other. It isn't as good as Psychic Warfare. There isn't quite as much variety, and there are a couple of songs which are slightly one note. However, it's a great rock album with aggression and a unique tone; and some songs on there are fantastic, like Crucial Velocity. Though there are some songs better than others, it isn't one of the best albums I've heard in the last few months, but it's a good one.

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  2. Feb 14, 2014
    The only reason I bothered to find this album was that it was the Number 1 Metal Album of the Year from Metal Hammer. Except for that - I hadThe only reason I bothered to find this album was that it was the Number 1 Metal Album of the Year from Metal Hammer. Except for that - I had never heard of "Clutch" in my entire life. I got to listen some of their older stuff on YouTube and I still stand by that I had no reason to know them up until now.
    I've found only but a few perfect albums in my life. Perfect - all the songs from beggining to end are strong, no fillers, and powerful. "Earth Rocker" is one of those albums.
    I went in expecting to hear something very metal. Obviously, to anyone with any trail of thought - this isn't no metal. I don't know what Metal Hammer are on this year, but it seems it's strong, because the closest Clutch comes to metal is "rock", but the thing is that Clutch are doing their own thing and that's how they make a mark.
    Now that I've gotten out of the way - the album is indeed very strong. The polish and mastering is high, unlike most of their previous work, from what I've heard that is. The album starts really strong with seemingly song after song with absolute hit potential, towards the middle things slow down a bit, but never get boring or bad. At the end, the album tends to loose some hype, but by then I didn't really care, to be honest - everything else was awesome.
    Though Clutch's writing is interesting, I don't' find it to be my type. Some of the lyrics I like, in other songs - I like the overall theme, but I don't regard this as good lyricswriting. This is the only grudge I can have with this album - it's fun to listen, addicting, fun to play and is just a perfect album.
    I really recommend to anyone who listens to rock and metal, especially if they are into more retro stuff.
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  3. Sep 30, 2013
    The best part of Clutch (other than being hometown heroes) is the fact that they change and evolve with every album. Even if it's a slightThe best part of Clutch (other than being hometown heroes) is the fact that they change and evolve with every album. Even if it's a slight change, there is evidence of it. Excellent offering from one of, if not THE, Best Band in Heavy Music. Full Review »