
Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 21
  2. Negative: 2 out of 21
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  1. 33
    Frustratingly, a few of the songs on Eclipse really do hit that arena-pop bullseye, but stacked alongside so many other songs mining the same territory, they become irritating by association.
  2. Mar 25, 2015
    While not everything here is awful, the good is often streaked throughout each song like marbled fat in a rubber steak.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 34 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 34
  2. Negative: 8 out of 34
  1. Oct 26, 2015
    I picked up Twin Shadow's debut as he was playing at a festival I was going to, was highly rate, and I wanted to know his stuff before I wentI picked up Twin Shadow's debut as he was playing at a festival I was going to, was highly rate, and I wanted to know his stuff before I went to see him. Ever since, while I've not been head over heels in love with him, I've felt an urge to buy his albums when they come out. With album number 3, "Eclipse", I was more reluctant as the reviews were middling. The album failed to grab me on the first few listens - it felt like it was leaning a bit too far to the pop side and away from the indie sound of his first 2 albums. On repeated listens I've come to appreciate it more. It is definitely more of a pop album than his other albums and this especially comes across in the production of the album. It is all about bring the whole set of background sounds together and getting the right blend. The sound of the album overshadows any particular melody or lyrics. As a result there are few if any standout songs. The production is the real star of the show rather than any particular tracks. The great thing about twin shadow is how difficult it is to classify his style. There is a shift from song to song and he is trying things you will find nowhere else in music these days. It is a step down from his wonderful debut but "Eclipse" shows that Twin Shadow has an array of studio weapons to unleash and use going forward in his career. Full Review »
  2. Apr 19, 2015
    good production, b.a.a.d lyrics.

    personally i would have just reduced this album to an EP (leaving all the good stuff) and we could have
    good production, b.a.a.d lyrics.

    personally i would have just reduced this album to an EP (leaving all the good stuff) and we could have had a better project.

    (Fav. Tracks: Flatliners, Old Love, New Love & To The Top)
    Full Review »
  3. Apr 6, 2015
    For the last couple years, Twin Shadows has building the potential to make something special, all of which has lead up to Eclipse. While thisFor the last couple years, Twin Shadows has building the potential to make something special, all of which has lead up to Eclipse. While this ma not be for everyone, Eclipse is an experimental album that mixes a number of different genres, which in return creates an original sound that's like no other inde. artist out there at the moment. While some may not like this album as much as others, I still highly recommend this to fans of Inde. Rock/Pop, and artists of Prince. Can't wait to see what Twin Shadow has planned for the future. Full Review »