
Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Alternative Press
    Del wisely keeps things simple on the audio front, lubricating many of his basic, old-school beats with the good old P-Funk bottom of his early years. [Mar 2008, p.147]
  2. 60
    His calm articulation and clean beats never waver--where once he copped to vices and joked about dirty asses, now his “naked funk” is all about a craft that won’t quit. That’s impressive. But it’s also limited.
  3. Filter
    The result is not so much a breakthrough in ease of listening, but more a feeling that one of the greats is getting back in the ring to fight after tying one of his own arms behind his back. [Winter 2008, p.99]
  4. on the whole, battle rap seems to be Del’s continuously preferred lyrical method. And though he does slice off a few zingers here and there across this album, nothing touches the 'Jaw Gymnastics' of his work on "No Need For Alarm" or "Both Sides Of The Brain."
  5. Del sways wildly between hit and miss. And Eleventh Hour, for all its boisterous and awkward handling, fails with a resounding thud.
  6. We get tiny tastes of levity, but scarcely the sort of wit we’re used to.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 5 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. OwenS.
    Apr 22, 2008
    Del never lets down. He goes places on this album he has not gone before, or has he? While not as good as Deltron 3030 it is definately worth Del never lets down. He goes places on this album he has not gone before, or has he? While not as good as Deltron 3030 it is definately worth rolling around in the car getting funkdafied to. Full Review »
  2. PaulC
    Apr 15, 2008
    Nothing special. Del is still an amusing rapper, but nothing on this album really stands out. Don't waste your time. Listen to Deltron Nothing special. Del is still an amusing rapper, but nothing on this album really stands out. Don't waste your time. Listen to Deltron or the Hieroglyphics instead. Full Review »
  3. SDK
    Mar 18, 2008
    Self produced, self fulfilling. A funky ray of hope for the hip-hop world to take notes from. Yes, DEL is back and for all y'all who Self produced, self fulfilling. A funky ray of hope for the hip-hop world to take notes from. Yes, DEL is back and for all y'all who thought hip-hop was stagnant, take a gander at 11th hour and remember the lyrical and beat minded 5th of November. Full Review »