• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: May 26, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Jun 24, 2015
    Far more often, though, in spite of its breadth or maybe because of it, the album sounds like the Vaccines’ most natural yet. They just might be elder statesmen in the making.
  2. Mojo
    Jun 10, 2015
    A forward-looking treat. [Jul 2015, p.87]
  3. May 29, 2015
    For the most part, it settles somewhere unusual, if not original.
  4. May 26, 2015
    All this jumping around on English Graffiti doesn’t make it disjointed. Rather, it stops the album from becoming monotonous with a new, unexpected experience on each track.
  5. May 26, 2015
    These are candied sonic fantasias, passionate re-creations of the past with no reverence for history, and that divine, stubborn nostalgia fuels English Graffiti, turning it into the Vaccines' best record.
  6. May 26, 2015
    The Vaccines still know how to write a direct hit--‘Handsome’, with it’s opening “oh God oh God oh God” panic attack, is still an indie-tastic thrash--but they’ve got other gears too.
  7. 70
    English Graffiti is a record full of ideas that has much to commend it, neither a triumphant or disastrous third album, just not a great one.
  8. May 21, 2015
    English Graffiti may win some new fans and lose some old ones, but it shows that the Vaccines are certainly no one-trick ponies.
  9. 80
    Even when English Graffiti sounds like The Vaccines, it’s a kitschier, more colourful, hyper-stylised version.
  10. Q Magazine
    May 21, 2015
    By avoiding a quick fix, The Vaccines have made their most complete album yet. [Jun 2015, p.113]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 46 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 46
  2. Negative: 1 out of 46
  1. May 27, 2015
    The Vaccines return with a real coming of age album that shows their past, hints at the future, and sounds really good now. Even when theyThe Vaccines return with a real coming of age album that shows their past, hints at the future, and sounds really good now. Even when they tone down a bit, they are sonically seductive. 'Minimal Affection' is one of the stand out tracks that just show how complete they have become, and the rest of the album (together with the 'Deluxe' version edits) reminds of 'AM' in terms of easy listening and sounding diverse, but complete. Here's hoping the boys will be with us for years & years to come, earning critical acclaim and stardom alike while growing musically. Full Review »
  2. May 12, 2017
    I liked The Vaccines debut up to a point. It was catchy and had a few good singles but ultimately it didn't hold up well to close inspection.I liked The Vaccines debut up to a point. It was catchy and had a few good singles but ultimately it didn't hold up well to close inspection. Album number 3, "English Graffiti" is a far more ambitious and confident record with a more expansive sound. They've still got their roots in Indie rock but it's as much psychedelic rock as indie rock with The Vaccines now resulting in a higher liklihood of the band enduring longevity than I would have thought possible after their debut. Full Review »
  3. Aug 4, 2015
    A mixed bag that switches between semi exciting ("Handsome", "20/20", "Radio Bikiki") and awfully boring ("Minimal Affection", "Denial", "WantA mixed bag that switches between semi exciting ("Handsome", "20/20", "Radio Bikiki") and awfully boring ("Minimal Affection", "Denial", "Want you so bad", "Maybe I Could Hold You"...). Makes you want to give their previous records another spin, which is never a bad thing. Full Review »