
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Nov 5, 2020
    Extinction Level Event 2 is just too ambitious for its own good. Yet, for all the lazy sequels and cash-ins in a genre rife with them, it’s hard to fault Busta Rhymes for striving a bit too hard to go that extra mile.
  2. Dec 7, 2020
    Overall, Extinction Level Event 2: The Wrath of God is a welcoming addition to Busta Rhymes’ extensive catalog.
  3. ‘ELE 2’ finds Busta Rhymes reseated at hip-hop’s top table – until the world comes to an end, of course.
  4. Dec 1, 2020
    “E.L.E. 2” may be bloated and overloaded with A-list star features, but it works. Somehow managing to cater toward two generations of listener; you could have this playing on a CD in your car for weeks, skipping some tracks and then discovering new favourites down the line; yet there’s enough excellent individual moments here to populate a digital playlist too.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 15
  2. Negative: 2 out of 15
  1. Dec 22, 2020
    what a comeback. the world needed this album especially during these trying times. the Jamaican new york native comes back with bars, bars,what a comeback. the world needed this album especially during these trying times. the Jamaican new york native comes back with bars, bars, bars and more **** bars! well worth a listen. Full Review »
  2. Nov 30, 2020
    This is a 7. Busta is still Busta, no matter what, and that is great. The music production is a perfect fit for what his style is, how heThis is a 7. Busta is still Busta, no matter what, and that is great. The music production is a perfect fit for what his style is, how he likes to sound, and is at the same time a good fit to this days type of hip hop sound. When we get to talk about lyrics, of course we are not going to be disappointed, because he is one of the artists that always had something different, with his method of saying of what needs to be said. Full Review »
  3. Nov 5, 2020
    Really dope album. Busta Rhymes delivered with this one. Virtually no skips, a lot of bangers and some more retrospective cuts. Thanks!