• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Apr 8, 2022
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Universal acclaim- based on 736 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 71 out of 736
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  1. Apr 8, 2022
    [ ek-suh-luhnt ]

    possessing outstanding quality or superior merit; remarkably good.
  2. Apr 8, 2022
    I just love this album sooo much. There are songs for every kind of mood, you can shake your *ss if you want, you can feel sexy, and you can have a good cry as well. She is such an amazing artist, and I love her mature lyrics and voice. ❤️❤️
  3. Apr 8, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. this album is incredible and both its visuals and lyrics are amazing,OMG is so good Expand
  4. Apr 8, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Wow, everything wow
    This is art from heart and I love and repeat everyday
    Maybe Camila make me move when I hear her music
  5. Apr 8, 2022
    A great album, perfect in every way. She delivers vocals, production, and lyrics with deep meaning. I haven't stopped listening since it came out
  6. Apr 8, 2022
    as always Camila never disappoints with her art this album is my favorite album this year
  7. Apr 8, 2022
    Love everything about this album. Vulnerable, creative, fun. I love that she is completely in her own lane here. This album doesn't sound like anyone or anything else out right now!
  8. Apr 8, 2022
    I'm not much a fan, as in I don't tune in to the stuff that she does religiously.. but she's a talent for sure, and this is definitely her best work to date!! Wasn't sure I would like the sound or feel of this album after the first single came out but this is a work of art. some songs are latin influenced of course, but there's songs in there with an R & B feel to it, and then they'veI'm not much a fan, as in I don't tune in to the stuff that she does religiously.. but she's a talent for sure, and this is definitely her best work to date!! Wasn't sure I would like the sound or feel of this album after the first single came out but this is a work of art. some songs are latin influenced of course, but there's songs in there with an R & B feel to it, and then they've mixed just the right amount of modern pop to make this album for everyone, not only spanish speakers or Latinos. standout songs; "Quiet, "No doubt," "hasta los dientes, " "psychofreak," and "Bam bam." Definitely an A+ album.. hope if gets all the awards and accolades it deserves! Expand
  9. Apr 8, 2022
    Genuinely great album! Love the Latin vibes and genius production. A one-of-a-kind album from a once-in-a-generation artist, Can't wait to watch her musical evolution.
  10. May 21, 2022
    This album is her best yet. She sounds much better in her mother language. Ps : hasta los dientes, la buena vida and boys don't cry are the best songs in my opinion.
  11. Apr 14, 2022
    Probably her best work thus far, Familia captures the essence of Camila Cabello, opposed to her radio-focused debut studio effort, and her slightly clunky follow-up 'Romance'. Familia showcases Camila's greatest strengths - her honing in on her heritage, making up for bright colorful, energetic latin-pop tunes such as 'Don't Go Yet', 'La Buena Vida', or 'Hasta Los Dientes', the third mightProbably her best work thus far, Familia captures the essence of Camila Cabello, opposed to her radio-focused debut studio effort, and her slightly clunky follow-up 'Romance'. Familia showcases Camila's greatest strengths - her honing in on her heritage, making up for bright colorful, energetic latin-pop tunes such as 'Don't Go Yet', 'La Buena Vida', or 'Hasta Los Dientes', the third might ending up becoming one of her greatest songs in her extending discography. Other highlights, such as 'psychofreak', despite it's clunky lyrics, showcases the inner mind of Cabello and the constant pressures and battles she has to deal with consistently on a daily basis. Or the pop-record 'Quiet', which honestly, encapsulates the feeling of her anxiety very well, the tension arising and her mind going quiet once she receives the craving attention of her lover. Overall, if she continues going down this route with her singing career, I can definitely see her thriving off the quality of her music alone. Expand
  12. Apr 12, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Your best album yet. Vulnerable and sincere. The melodies are the best part, managing to unite excellent pop with his Cuban roots. The highlights are Celia, who opens the album very well accompanied by the interlude Familia; No Doubt and the Maria Becerra's feat. in Hasta Los Dientes. Certainly one of the best of the year. Expand
  13. Oct 5, 2022
    Another step on the right direction, more latin flavored with some great disco/ rock experiments that happen to be the best on the album. A great artistic development but worse than her debut.
  14. Apr 14, 2022
    A produção desse álbum me surpreendeu bastante, eu já esperava que seria muito boa por todo o planejamento conceitual em cima dele, mas o resultado ainda assim foi impressionante. FAMILIA traz uma riqueza de instrumentos e ritmos em sua produção, e Camila entrega letras pessoais e sensíveis sobre o que tem acontecido em sua vida durante esses tempos. O álbum é bastante coeso, todas asA produção desse álbum me surpreendeu bastante, eu já esperava que seria muito boa por todo o planejamento conceitual em cima dele, mas o resultado ainda assim foi impressionante. FAMILIA traz uma riqueza de instrumentos e ritmos em sua produção, e Camila entrega letras pessoais e sensíveis sobre o que tem acontecido em sua vida durante esses tempos. O álbum é bastante coeso, todas as músicas estão bastante interligadas umas a outras e se completam de formas diferentes. Karla realmente entregou o digno sucessor da coroa de CAMILA! Expand
  15. Apr 12, 2022
    Her best work to date. You can hear her growth through her lyricism and her roots in Latin music. Beautiful album.
  16. Apr 16, 2022
    Cabello's attempts at genre-bending aren't always successful, and her chosen guest artists tend to either sound poorly matched to her style or outshine her own contributions to a given song, but the irrepressible joy felt by the singer from her pride in her culture and her love and thankfulness for her loved ones remains infectious throughout "Familia" thanks to her impeccable vocals andCabello's attempts at genre-bending aren't always successful, and her chosen guest artists tend to either sound poorly matched to her style or outshine her own contributions to a given song, but the irrepressible joy felt by the singer from her pride in her culture and her love and thankfulness for her loved ones remains infectious throughout "Familia" thanks to her impeccable vocals and bright, peppy Latin rhythms whose flirtations with indie rock, R&B and bedroom pop add some welcome sonic variety.

    Choice Cuts: "Bam Bam (feat. Ed Sheeran)," "Boys Don't Cry," "Don't Go Yet," "Lola (feat. Yotuel)"
  17. Apr 14, 2022
    album is so beautiful and amazing Camila is incredible person i love her so much
  18. Apr 16, 2022
    This album is a masterpiece. This is the most solid and cohesive body of work miss cabello has ever produced. Love this album is multilingual and the instrumentals are an eargasm. This is album of the year material
  19. Apr 11, 2022
    Absolutely in love with this album, her best. Latin influences song a couple in Spanish, she went to her roots hard and made the best album.
  20. Aug 21, 2022
    one of my favorite albums, love all the songs, camila is an amazing songwriter, my favorites are psychofreak, quiet and bam bam
  21. Apr 13, 2022
    This is one of Camila's most mature and coherent albums. The way she expresses herself through her lyrics, going back to her Latin origins is charming. It's also important to talk about the way she demonstrates her vulnerability when talking about her mental health. Camila has been surpassing herself with each job that passes and I see this as a recovery. This album definitely deserves allThis is one of Camila's most mature and coherent albums. The way she expresses herself through her lyrics, going back to her Latin origins is charming. It's also important to talk about the way she demonstrates her vulnerability when talking about her mental health. Camila has been surpassing herself with each job that passes and I see this as a recovery. This album definitely deserves all the awards and praise possible. Congratulations Camilla Cabello! Expand
  22. Jul 26, 2022
    Cabello's best work to date with honest lyrics, fun melodies, and appealing vocals.
  23. Apr 8, 2022
    This album is another 10/10 project in Camila’s discography. We witness the star dive into the sound of her latin roots with pop infusion. What’s really astounding about this album is how vulnerable and relatable Camila is as she exposes her insecurities and anxiety which resonates with a lot of us. You must listen to it!
  24. Apr 19, 2022
    FAMILIA probablemente es el album que le de claridad al sonido particular de camila, en verdad eso estaba esperando de ella. el album es una joya, las letras son claras, sencillas, pero te atrapan.
  25. Jun 13, 2022
    Familia consegue transmitir tudo o que Camila quis: união, bons momentos com aqueles que amamos e diversão. Um album na sua maior parte das vezes super feliz que nos mostra um pouco mais das raízes de Camila e que nos faz, sem dúvida, ficar ainda mais fãs do seu trabalho. O seu melhor e mais autêntico projeto até à data.
  26. Apr 14, 2022
    I love how she is so open with her emotions in every song. I felt so connected with her experiences. Really a beautifully written album that I can listen to continuously!
  27. Apr 11, 2022
    Definitely my favorite album of Camilas. Most versatile and vibrant she’s ever been with her music.
  28. Apr 8, 2022
    Despite there being some duds, Familia features some great Latin pop with personal songwriting from Cabello.
  29. Apr 26, 2022
    I prefer Romance but this is cute too. Psychofreak stands out to me, it's catchy as hell.
  30. May 18, 2022
    I already find it more interesting than Romance that i hated. I'm happy to find some sounds from the first album, it suits him perfectly. The problem is the title, I don't really understand this choice.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Apr 12, 2022
    A capable vocalist with a lightly nasal tone and a dramatic streak, Cabello rarely misses an opportunity to riff or sail into her wispy head voice. But her spoken delivery can be just as captivating.
  2. Apr 12, 2022
    Though moments fall into realms of safety, churning out easy radio-hits, we’re hoping she continues on this venture into more diverse sounds - as those more exciting, genre-fusing tracks are pretty fabulous.
  3. Apr 11, 2022
    Cabello possesses the talent to transcend it all. It’s just a shame when she succumbs to phoning it in.