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  1. Feb 16, 2013
    Featuring the best album POP 2008, Taylor makes a nice set of lyrics, arrangements, voice, and beautiful golden curls. This album makes you feel like a real fairytale.
  2. May 18, 2011
    Affecting lyrics, beautiful rhythm. And I can see that this album made of her heart, her true feellings, without affectation. Listening this whole album make me feel fresh and happy.
  3. Jul 26, 2011
    Taylor obviously has used inspiration from her life, which means her songs can be related to. She provides some emotional, passionate vocals, having the talent to create some amazing upbeat tunes as well.
  4. Apr 9, 2012
    Taylor Swift being a great singer sang a beautiful song "Fearless!" It has a nice rhythm while at the same time nice flowing lyrics. Can't help but sing it every time I hear it on the radio. One of my all time favorite songs by Taylor Swift! :)
  5. Nov 28, 2012
    Taylor Swift and Liz Rose made a good group together. Lyrics are awesome because you can see how Taylor is growing along the album, you hear her little voice and feelings in "Fifteen" and then you listen to a poweful song like "You're not sorry", but without missing her "teen moments" like "You belong with me". This record is the best of her carrer yet.
  6. May 17, 2014
    great album, I love Taylor's voice, whatever i feel, i can found similar thing in her song ,love it.and i love all the songs in this album ,the emotion i feel in her songs can makes me happy and cry
  7. Jun 16, 2017
    Excelente. Fearless es una decisiva y tenue colección de temas muy rimbombantes y especiales si se quiere decir. Cada uno conforma el especial fuselaje de las aristas emocionales de Swift, aristas que se irían destejiendo con cada gota propulsada por el carácter vivencial del álbum. Cumple con temáticas del contenido desamoroso; amor furtivo, eterno, pasajero; mella desilusionadora;Excelente. Fearless es una decisiva y tenue colección de temas muy rimbombantes y especiales si se quiere decir. Cada uno conforma el especial fuselaje de las aristas emocionales de Swift, aristas que se irían destejiendo con cada gota propulsada por el carácter vivencial del álbum. Cumple con temáticas del contenido desamoroso; amor furtivo, eterno, pasajero; mella desilusionadora; experiencias de corta edad, familiares, catárticas…etc, etc. ¿No es la gran cosa?: “un llanto de sirenas”, como escuché decir a un conocido… ojalá no estuviera hablando del análogo y estructurado relato odiseíco. Expand
  8. Jun 16, 2017
    Gran álbum. Fearless es una decisiva y tenue colección de temas muy rimbombantes y especiales si se quiere decir. Cada uno conforma el especial fuselaje de las aristas emocionales de Swift, aristas que se irían destejiendo con cada gota propulsada por el carácter vivencial del álbum. Cumple con temáticas del contenido desamoroso; amor furtivo, eterno, pasajero; mella desilusionadora;Gran álbum. Fearless es una decisiva y tenue colección de temas muy rimbombantes y especiales si se quiere decir. Cada uno conforma el especial fuselaje de las aristas emocionales de Swift, aristas que se irían destejiendo con cada gota propulsada por el carácter vivencial del álbum. Cumple con temáticas del contenido desamoroso; amor furtivo, eterno, pasajero; mella desilusionadora; experiencias de corta edad, familiares, catárticas…etc, etc. ¿No es la gran cosa?: “un llanto de sirenas”, como escuché decir a un conocido… ojalá no estuviera hablando del análogo y estructurado relato odiseíco. Expand
  9. Nov 22, 2017
    Featuring the best album POP 2008, Taylor makes a nice set of lyrics, arrangements, voice, and beautiful golden curls. This album makes you feel like a real fairytale.
  10. Aug 31, 2019
  11. Aug 28, 2020
    Si hay un álbum que pudiera definir la excelencia del country, este es ese álbum. No me extraña su éxito.
  12. Dec 6, 2019
    Taylor Swift é uma das melhores compositoras da nossa geração, não me surpreendi que ela tenha feito um álbum incrível novamente.
  13. Aug 28, 2020
    Un maravilloso álbum, que muestran a una Swift muy madura a su edad. Love Story y You belong with me se convirtieron en unos clásicos
  14. RobynS
    Jan 1, 2009
    I never get tired of listening to Taylor's music. She is so inspiring and her songs are very relatable. It is as though you have someone to help you through heartbreak by recalling their experiences in a strong confident way.
  15. amandaW
    Mar 9, 2009
    She is an amazing writer and singer. For her to be able to write her feelings and say them outloud takes a lot of courage. I have both her albums and found all the secret messages in all her songs. A lot of people, including me, can relate to her music and im only 18 years old. She is awesome and thats it.
  16. Kyra
    Dec 7, 2008
    Excellent album. Taylor Swift has more talent in her pinkie than most "starlets" these days. "Fearless" is definitely a triumphant sophomore effort.
  17. AAAA
    Jul 22, 2009
    I admire how she can write, but I still prefer her 1st album. Im a teenage boy and I can relate, but seriously, at least 3-quarters are about boys.
  18. KayceJ
    Dec 12, 2008
    Lots of repetative lovey dovey lyrics, most of the songs are about the same thing, but she's cute and I like her, and a few of the songs just blew me away.
  19. Apr 24, 2015
    Beyfãs podem morrer de inveja, ''Fearless'' além de ter Grammy de Album of the Year, é o álbum Country mais premiado da história da música. ''Fearless'' marca o estouro de uma estrela que nos dias de hoje é uma das maiores artistas da atualidade! Os destaques do disco ficam por conta de ''You Belong With Me'', que o clipe foi o primeiro country da história a vencer uma categoria no VMA eBeyfãs podem morrer de inveja, ''Fearless'' além de ter Grammy de Album of the Year, é o álbum Country mais premiado da história da música. ''Fearless'' marca o estouro de uma estrela que nos dias de hoje é uma das maiores artistas da atualidade! Os destaques do disco ficam por conta de ''You Belong With Me'', que o clipe foi o primeiro country da história a vencer uma categoria no VMA e ganhou ainda mais repercussão após Kanye West subir no palco interromper o discurso de Taylor Swift. ''Love Story'' que é uma canção romântica e sincera, um verdadeiro hit crossover. Canções como ''You're Not Sorry'' e ''Forever & Always'' trazem o melhor de Swift, e o melhor que ela tira de seus relacionamentos. Temos a ótima ''White Horse'', duplamente vitoriosa no Grammy. ''Fearless'' traz sinceridade e os dilemas de uma garota de 15 anos (''Fifteen''), apenas o início de carreira de uma poderosa e nata compositora. Expand
  20. Feb 24, 2014
    An okay album. The songs are more diverse than her previous album. I liked how catchy the songs are and how they are written with indelible melody, but what really bothers me in this album is the mediocre production and Taylor Swift's poor singing. The production's flaws are clearly heard in the songs "Forever & Always" and "Change".
  21. Dec 24, 2017
    one of the best country albums ever made, I really enjoy listening to it every time
  22. Nov 12, 2017
    Fearless is the most iconic cowntry album ever! Taylor show to us how talent she is! "You belong with me" was a smash hit that noboby can forget. She was so young, but so amazing!
  23. Jul 23, 2019
    One of the best country albums of all time. The production is great, the lyrics are really perfect, the musics are just so great.
  24. Aug 28, 2020
    I love it, this is the best thing ever, i dont care what people say about this album
  25. Sep 6, 2020
    她写了这张专辑,每个少年(甚至像我这样的同性恋者)都可以与每首歌相关。 浪漫而戏剧性。 她年轻时写了这张专辑,真是太神奇了。 歌词很棒,音质也不是最好的,但是显然节拍和泰勒的创造力使这张专辑成为了杰作。 这张专辑中的歌曲具有广泛的吸引力,其中蕴藏着她第二次努力的天才和可及性。 从购买之日起,我无话可说 她写了这张专辑,每个少年(甚至像我这样的同性恋者)都可以与每首歌相关。 浪漫而戏剧性。 她年轻时写了这张专辑,真是太神奇了。 歌词很棒,音质也不是最好的,但是显然节拍和泰勒的创造力使这张专辑成为了杰作。 这张专辑中的歌曲具有广泛的吸引力,其中蕴藏着她第二次努力的天才和可及性。 从购买之日起,我无话可说
  26. Nov 14, 2011
    Beautiful album; she definitely is a gifted artist. The songs are sung brilliantly. Most songs were perfect, but some songs sounded too similar to others. Songs that stood out to me the most were 'Love Story', 'You're Not Sorry' and 'Forever and Always'. Great job, keep it up.
  27. May 30, 2014
    Beautiful lyrics and sound, you can tell that Taylor Swift wrote this album with true emotion and it's just delightful to listen. "Fearless" will definitely be one of Swift's finest work to date.
  28. Aug 31, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. fearless is Grammy album of the year!!such a freaking awesome country music album!!!!wish Taylor could Record them before 2020. AND the title track is so good Expand
  29. Oct 31, 2012
    One of the best albums ever. Taylor proves herself in this album that she's no nobody and her songs are sweet and relatable. Every one of the songs she's written became an instant favorite of mine. The album's really really good and you should try and listen to it.
  30. Nov 10, 2017
    Soooooooo beautiful!!! Deserved every bit of its success. The queen o songwriting. Always leaves a mark on you. I loved it. Amazing. Totally worth buying.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Swift's gentle touch is as enduring as her songcraft, and this musical maturity may not quite jibe with her age but it does help make Fearless one of the best mainstream pop albums of 2008.
  2. Though they're written by a teenager, Swift's songs have broad appeal, and therein lies the genius and accessibility of her second effort.
  3. She's 18--wide-eyed, naive, hopeful--and that's how she sounds on Fearless, her superb new album.