• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Jun 23, 2023
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 86 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 64 out of 86
  2. Negative: 15 out of 86
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  1. Jun 23, 2023
    I was about to write this off as a forgettable pastiche of eurobeat background music, but then "Minute" came on and elevated it into the green zone. I will be listening to that song often.
  2. Jun 23, 2023
    Certainly it is far away from her most innovative and experimental works (impossible to forget her iconic "Slut Pop" or "Turn the Light Off"), but "Feed the Beast" remains an enjoyable record, with some crazy dance bops.
  3. Jun 23, 2023
    Nothing just kim mother petras finally serving her debut and also album of the year.
  4. Jun 23, 2023
    With tracks like "uh oh", "King of Hearts" and "Alone", this album shines through as one of- if not- the best album of the year so far. The German house and R&B influences shine through extremely well on this album.
  5. Jun 23, 2023
    "Feed The Beast" is typical album in Kim Petras’s vibe. In my opinion, it could be better, but actually it’s not that bad. Melody and lyrics of this album is the form which Petras uses in her music. Nothing new, that’s why I guess it’s not going to be high in charts.
    On the other hand, it has strong songs like title song, "King of Hearts", "uhoh" or "Sex Talk". "Minute" is interesting and
    "Feed The Beast" is typical album in Kim Petras’s vibe. In my opinion, it could be better, but actually it’s not that bad. Melody and lyrics of this album is the form which Petras uses in her music. Nothing new, that’s why I guess it’s not going to be high in charts.
    On the other hand, it has strong songs like title song, "King of Hearts", "uhoh" or "Sex Talk". "Minute" is interesting and I enjoy it, but I think it’s one-day song.
    I expected something else, but final version of "Feed The Beast" it’s okay. Better than worse. One thing is, that my opinion people will forgot about this album soon.
  6. Jun 23, 2023
    The album doesn’t reinvent the wheel, it’s just fun pop music and it makes me feel good. I love u kim!
  7. Jun 24, 2023
    This is definitely the album of the summer. Unapologetic, entertaining and bold. 'King of Hearts', 'uhoh', & 'Hit it From the Back' are pop gems meant to dance and sing your heart off. Kim doesn't deserve the targeting and hate she is getting.
  8. Jun 23, 2023
    I went in expecting a terrible album after I had heard how awesome Problematique unreleased album was but this is a solid album, there are two songs I don’t like and that’s rare these days.
  9. Jun 23, 2023
    Creo que el álbum es muy bueno, las canciones que ha sacado, han demostrado el talento que tiene Kim Petras en la industria musical. Además, es un disco de perfección pop el cual era muy necesario en estos tiempos donde el pop está en decadencia. Solo kim puede darnos una obra de arte, llena de cocales asombrosos y ritmos que nos hacen bailar, sean coherentes a la hora de criticar el álbumCreo que el álbum es muy bueno, las canciones que ha sacado, han demostrado el talento que tiene Kim Petras en la industria musical. Además, es un disco de perfección pop el cual era muy necesario en estos tiempos donde el pop está en decadencia. Solo kim puede darnos una obra de arte, llena de cocales asombrosos y ritmos que nos hacen bailar, sean coherentes a la hora de criticar el álbum y no se vayan por el lado del odio, ya que eso no funciona y deja mucho que desear de ustedes como personas con una opinión propia. Expand
  10. Jun 26, 2023
    Kim Petras has entered an era where critics allow their personal biases and celebrity controversies to affect their reviews. A process that almost all successful popstars have had to undergo before reaching peak success.

    Kim has released an album with banging singles, and album tracks that could have easily been lead singles too. In a time where pure pop music as such is declining, Kim
    Kim Petras has entered an era where critics allow their personal biases and celebrity controversies to affect their reviews. A process that almost all successful popstars have had to undergo before reaching peak success.

    Kim has released an album with banging singles, and album tracks that could have easily been lead singles too. In a time where pure pop music as such is declining, Kim has executed the job very well and brought back the excitement. Album standouts are definitely Alone, Uhoh and King of Hearts, but then again most of the other tracks will still be in generous rotation.
  11. Jun 23, 2023
    Kim Petra’s new album “Feed the Beast” is a nod to 90s and early aughts dance. It’s a great pop debut, nothing groundbreaking but a fun ride all the way through.
  12. Jun 23, 2023
    pop perfection specially with some songs like minute king of hearts and bait (peak f dark pop) some people might critisize because the album might have song that are not very coherent with the concept but its great
  13. Jun 23, 2023
    I really love her voice and production in every song she releases. However I don't feel the album as good as others such as Turn off the light, therefore I'd give it a 8. There are so many bops like uhoh and King of Hearts.
  14. Jun 23, 2023
    Ngl this album is so fun and the production is so good. No skip album just like Clarity was. Even tho personally i dont like Coconuts being on this album, doesnt fit the vibe. the rest is amazing.
  15. Jun 23, 2023
    A very solid album which shows a different artist’s side while still holding into her dance-pop roots.

    “Coconuts” and “Unholy feel oddly added to the album adding a bit of disconnection. As a debut album she did very good, providing the “bangers”, the “sad songs” and whatever it’s in between. Definitely Feed the Beast will be a memorable Kim Petras Album wether it lived up to people’s
    A very solid album which shows a different artist’s side while still holding into her dance-pop roots.

    “Coconuts” and “Unholy feel oddly added to the album adding a bit of disconnection.

    As a debut album she did very good, providing the “bangers”, the “sad songs” and whatever it’s in between. Definitely Feed the Beast will be a memorable Kim Petras Album wether it lived up to people’s expectations or not.
  16. Jul 2, 2023
    IGNORE ALL THE LOW RATINGS, DR LUKE PRODUCED SOME SONGS, GET OVER IT. This is an absolute banger of an album, this is POP music at its best. I just wish Kim had more promotion and exposure, she needs to get booked onto more things, she needs so much more exposure, this album has everything to be a major success but nobody will know it exists unless she gets exposure, promo and radio play,IGNORE ALL THE LOW RATINGS, DR LUKE PRODUCED SOME SONGS, GET OVER IT. This is an absolute banger of an album, this is POP music at its best. I just wish Kim had more promotion and exposure, she needs to get booked onto more things, she needs so much more exposure, this album has everything to be a major success but nobody will know it exists unless she gets exposure, promo and radio play, its almost like Republic want her to flop, yet they will sit there and scratch their head when it tanks. Its so frustrating. This album contains some absolute gems, definitely the best pop music album I've listened to in the past decade, look at the producer list and you'll know why it slaps. Keep up the good work Kim! 10/10! Expand
  17. Jul 18, 2023
    It may not be the most coherent album, but each song is a banger, the write is amazing and luckily we have ''Revelations'' and'' Hit it From the back'' out there! It would be amazing have ''Your Time to Cry'', ''Left my Body'' or even ''Somber''
  18. Jun 28, 2023
    really underrated album by ppl with using odd grudges to review against Kim.
  19. Jun 25, 2023
    One of the best albums I've heard this year. Kim really showed herself as a force to be reckoned with. Most people complaining about this record are mad about Dr. Luke's production credits, but he's only on a few tracks, and SO many other artists have and continue to work with him and don't get any hate so it's really not a valid point. The most important part of the record is the music,One of the best albums I've heard this year. Kim really showed herself as a force to be reckoned with. Most people complaining about this record are mad about Dr. Luke's production credits, but he's only on a few tracks, and SO many other artists have and continue to work with him and don't get any hate so it's really not a valid point. The most important part of the record is the music, not the controversy, and in that aspect, she delivers greatly with tight production and great vocals. Definitely the strongest pop record this year. Expand
  20. Jun 23, 2023
    This album is a summer gift and it feels like one, honestly i can just vibe through the whole album love it!
  21. Jun 23, 2023
    eu amo pop bem farofa com Feed the beast! Kim, o mundo é seu!!! álbum muito, muito bom! e olha que nem criei tanta expectativa assim... me surpreendeu!
  22. Jul 3, 2023
    I loved this album, it reminds me of Clarify, and it's great for me because it's my favorite. Revelations, BAIT, and Sex Talk are my favorites, a really good pop to listen to.
  23. Jun 26, 2023
    Kim slayed! Especially Thousand Pieces, Claws and Minute. The visuals are stunning and her voice is out of this world!
  24. Jun 23, 2023
    Skipless album. It’s true some of the songs like coconuts or sex talk don’t match the concept of the album but apart from this every song in it is amazing
  25. Jun 23, 2023
    It's simply music for the girlies and the gays! Loved how Kim's voice sounds clean and powerful. It's fair to say that some tracks don't have a big highlight in the whole tracklist and seems that they are lost (Sex Talk, Coconuts, Unholy). But, OMG! Claws, uhoh, King of Hearts, Minute and Castle in The Sky are just BOPs, that's nothing more to add.
  26. Jun 24, 2023
    I just listened to this album, I really liked the sounds that are so electronic and so dark, like "Alone", this album is made to be enjoyed and danced to
  27. Jun 23, 2023
    An impressionant album. Songs like "King of Hearts", "Claws", "Alone", "uhoh", "Castle In The Sky" makes your entrance in a dance pop/euro pop world. With the majority of songs being danceable and very listenable on repeat, "Feed The Beast" met my expectations and, for me, it will be on repeat for a couple of months.
  28. Jun 23, 2023
    For me it's a pretty solid album, it has a lot of sounds we've heard before, but it feels UNIQUE, Kim's voice sounds incredible. In my opinion it's a very enjoyable album. YOU GOT IT KIM, WE LOVE YOU.
  29. Jun 23, 2023
    The perfect summer album!

    Non Single Highlights: King of Hearts, Uh Oh, Claws, Hit It From The Back & Castle In The Sky

    Not sure if 'Minute' is a good fit for the album but she did not disappoint!
  30. Jun 23, 2023
    It's not a perfect album, but it's not bad, it just doesn't have a good order, I like that it has these electrifying and danceable vibes, because it's the goal of this album, to be fun and danceable.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Jul 14, 2023
    Also rife with a bubbly, '70s funk groove is "Coconuts," whose cheeky, double entendre lyrics not only celebrate Petras' Queer identity, but speak to the playfully flirty, tongue-in-cheek atmosphere she achieves throughout Feed the Beast.
  2. Jun 26, 2023
    With Feed The Beast she has neither progressed past that nor become a lost cause.
  3. Jun 23, 2023
    Of course, even the weaker songs have their dance-floor potential. Petras is, above all else, a pure fan of pop music and the feeling it exudes. But in chasing her new status as the type of pop star who has Top 40 potential, she abandoned the freakishly forward-thinking personality that built her a base to begin with. Here, the beast has been tamed.