• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Sep 25, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Oct 2, 2015
    It’s been a fascinating journey for both him and his audience, especially when taken in moderation.
  2. Sep 30, 2015
    As a whole, Fetty Wap adopts the same self-assured stance: Fetty's formula definitely ain't broke, and he doesn't seem in a hurry to fix it.
  3. Sep 29, 2015
    "Trap Queen," "My Way," "Again," and "679" are all great songs: impassioned, radically romantic, and congenial sans the PG-13 restraint of, say, Jidenna's "Classic Man.".... The present ubiquity of Fetty's singles renders Fetty's album largely redundant.
  4. Sep 25, 2015
    There is enough modern romance and melodic sense (and quirkiness, such as the mumbled hook of Time) to make a decent album-within-an-album, and to mark Fetty Wap as a winning new talent in hip-hop.
  5. Sep 25, 2015
    [A] rare, pleasingly unfiltered debut that captures an exciting upcoming artist with little refinement.
  6. Sep 25, 2015
    He shows the consistency to scatter those songs throughout Fetty Wap’s 17 tracks and to mostly stick to the limited formula that made them hit as hard as they did on the rest of the record.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 79 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 79
  2. Negative: 34 out of 79
  1. Sep 25, 2015
    This album is garbage. Pure garbage. It is straight out of the vein of the terrible 2015 trap trend and it hurts my ears that this is whatThis album is garbage. Pure garbage. It is straight out of the vein of the terrible 2015 trap trend and it hurts my ears that this is what "music" is turning into. The album drags on with 20 songs and even more so since all of the songs sound the same, and have the same lyrics. Don't waste the time or the money. Full Review »
  2. Jan 3, 2016
    Horrilble, this isn't music, all the tracks sounds the same, come on, try to be a little more original. All the tracks are really bad, iHorrilble, this isn't music, all the tracks sounds the same, come on, try to be a little more original. All the tracks are really bad, i prefer kill myself than listen this again, DO NOT BUY THIS ALBUM Full Review »
  3. Sep 25, 2015
    Not every track here is a hit, but most are. I was pleasantly surprised by how many bangers there are on here. My personal favorites areNot every track here is a hit, but most are. I was pleasantly surprised by how many bangers there are on here. My personal favorites are "Juug" "My Way" "Boomin" "R.G.F Island" "No Days Off" "Rock My Chain" and "Rewind". So yeah, quite a fews great tracks on here in my opinion. Full Review »